One-touch fitting ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread is cut inside the pipe.
Piping 01/N01 A B D ZS-24-A ZS-24-B ZS-24-D ZS-35-C ZS-35-D ZS-35-F ZS-35-G Bracket A Bracket B Bracket D E E Panel mount adapter Panel mount adapter + Front protective cover F W1/WF1/M5/C4/C6 Output specifications R T S V X Y NPN open collector 2 outputs + Analog voltage/Auto-shift switching PNP open collector 2 outputs + Analog voltage/Auto-shift switching NPN open collector 2 outputs +
-01SD 1/8" 8.4 4 9.3 27.5 20.4 5/32" 9.3 20.4 27.5 12.7 14.3 AS221F-01-06SD AS221F-N01-03SD 6 11.6 13.5 35.6 R 1/8 14.2 7.2 1.2 31.6 12 3/16" 11.4 23.1 30.2 14.3 16.5 AS221F-01-08SD AS221F-N01-05SD NPT 1/8 12.7 14.2 7.2 35.6 1.2 31.6 8 15.2 18.5 32.4 25.3 AS221F-01-10SD AS221F-N01-07SD 1/4" 13.2 23.9 31 18.5 10 18.5 21 40.2 33.1 15 AS221F-02-04SD AS221F-N01-09SD 5/16" 15.2 25.3 32.4 21 15
ASS AS1001FG AS2001FG AS2051FG Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa ASR ASQ Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS3001FG AS4001FG Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle
ISE20B : 0x02440x1450 ZSE20B P_2(n_2) (5805200) 0x03FE (1022) 0 R/W (Setting of switch U16 ZSE20B : 0x02580x1450 (6005200) ZSE20BF : 0x03840x13EC (9005100) 0x0BB8 (3000) point of OUT2) ZSE20BF 0x0FA0 (4000) ISE20B 0x04B0 (1200) Setting of OUT2 hysteresis.
X 5.5 L3=50+R+V L4=50+T+X 50 SMC H H L L S S O O U U C C P P K K R 8 S U 57 (at handle locked) DIN rail part no.
300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) ARP Pressure Characteristics (Representative Values) IR-A IR Conditions: Inlet pressure 0.7 MPa Outlet pressure 0.2 MPa Flow rate Q = 20 L/min (ANR) 0.30 IRV Outlet pressure (MPa) 0.25 Set point VEX 0.20 SRH SRP 0.15 SRF 0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Part name specification type AW20-D AW30-D AW40-D AW40-06-D AW60-D (1) Bracket assembly AR43P-270AS Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR54P-270AS Note 4) (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 G46-10-01 Rc G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Note 2) Pressure gauge NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 G46-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi (3) G36-10-01 G46-10-01 G G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Rc
AWM20-D AWM30-D AWM40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 Rc G46-10-01 Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
AWD20-D AWD30-D AWD40-D (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S Rc G46-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Pressure gauge Note 2) NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G46-P10-N01-X30 (3) G36-10-01 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Rc G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) G36-10-N01-L NPT G46-10-N01-L (Round type
m3/year 15 s 150 L/min (ANR) ON/OFF operation can be set freely within the set value range.
07 One-touch One-touch One-touch 07 N01 07 One-touch Screw-in One-touch N01 N01 N01 Screw-in Screw-in Screw-in ZH10DA06 06 08 One-touch One-touch One-touch 06 01 08 One-touch Screw-in One-touch 01 01 01 Screw-in Screw-in Screw-in ZH10DA07 07 09 One-touch One-touch One-touch 07 N01 09 One-touch Screw-in One-touch N01 N01 N01 Screw-in Screw-in Screw-in ZH13DA08 10 10 One-touch
SMC 50 35 5 SMC 6 28 (R) P P K U K C S U O C H L S O H L 38 AV AU Panel cut Panel thickness: Max. 4 Panel cut Panel thickness: Max. 3 34 AF 40 15.4 x 5.4 AR Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) IR 8 x 6.5 79 13 45.5 VEX Atmosphere 106 G SET SET Pad side
min 1 25 0.525(12.5)L/min (11) 50 150(25)L/min 11 2100(50)L/min 1( )CO2 A 2 2 S () N 3 M SI4 3 (SI) 4L/min,L A NPN(2) B PNP(2) C NPN(1)+(15V) D NPN(1)+(420mA) E PNP(1)+(15V) F PNP(1)+(420mA) G NPN(1)+5 H PNP(1)+5 5 L 6INOUT () 10 25 50 11 01 Rc1/8 02 Rc1/4 N01 NPT1/8 N02 NPT1/4 F01 G1/8 F02 G1/4 C4 4(5/32") C6 6 C8 8(5/16") N7 1/4 -10No.PF-OMJ0005CN-I 1 W Z (2 m) (2 m) + () 2 R S
Piping Variations With one-touch fittings (C4, C6, C8, N7) Female thread (01, 02, N01, N02, F01, F02) Straight (Nil) Bottom (L) Straight (Nil) Bottom (L) Without flow adjustment valve (Nil) S 1 2 S 1 2 S S 1 1 2 2 IN 1 IN 1 IN IN With flow adjustment valve (S) S S 1 2 1 2 S S 1 1 2 2 IN IN 1 IN 1 IN 906 2-Color Display Digital Flow Switch Series PFM7 Option 1 Nil With lead wire with connector
P1 P1 within 0.5 s P2 Output Output stops if either of the inputs are applied or neither are applied.
Ii' .. , . t ~ .230 42.2 25.8 38.9 ' 39.5 33.9 44.7 28.2 35. 1 10.5 17 ~ 35 A SP330F-N01-07S 1/4" NPT1 /8 10-32UNF ASP330F-N01 -09$ 5/16" ~ 14.2 118 15.8 15 .2 :.g 1/2' 8 NP'W~ " ~ NE?'T, lta ".,I:SP'43oFi!
Vacuum Pad: Ball Joint Type ZPT/ZPR Series Pad Diameter: 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 on n io on n a io a pt pt s s or la or la ds nt ds nt ed ed a a or or w w l f l f or or ea ea k k id su id su pe rfa pe rfa ty ty ce ce nt nt s s oi oi ac ac l j l j ac ac al al e e B B s s ZP3 ZP3E ZP2 ZP2V ZP ZPT ZPR ZPT ZPR XT661 ZPT Series: Vertical Vacuum Entry Type ZPR Series: Lateral Vacuum Entry
Note 3) The handle of the selector (2 position) cannot be removed or replaced alone. 5-6-26 3 Port Mechanical Valve Series VM400 How to Order S 01 01 01 3 0 VM4 Suffix for actuator Actuator type R S G B Red Hard steel roller Port size Basic 00 Color of push button selector Rc 01 1 8 Roller lever 01 Black 1 8 NPT N01 One way roller lever 02 Green SA 1 8 G F01 Straight plunger 05 Roller plunger
AV Regulating pressure range AU Ambient and operating temperature range Weight AF Model AR Port size Model IR IN OUT ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 VEX NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8 4 One-touch fitting AMR R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 6 One-touch fitting NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 5/32" One-touch fitting ITV 1/4" One-touch fitting JIS Symbol