ring Antifriction material Piston seal NBR Rod seal NBR Cylinder tube gasket NBR Cushioning valve seal NBR Piston/rod gasket NBR Magnet ring Stroke L2 L1 FB1 = WS (1+ ) FB allowable L1 L2 FB1 allowable 32 62.5 34.5 + st 80 N 40 74.0 39.0 + st 125 N 50 76.0 44.5 + st 195 N 63 91.0 44.5 + st 310 N 80 93.0 53.0 + st 500 N 100 104.0 57.5 + st 785 N e.g. 63mm bore, 100mm stroke, Ws = 20N
+8 L2=20n+26 L n 2 48 66 87.5 98 19 388 406 437.5 448 20 408 426 450 460.5 10 208 226 250 260.5 11 228 246 275 285.5 12 248 266 287.5 298 13 268 286 312.5 323 14 288 306 337.5 348 15 308 326 350 360.5 16 328 346 375 385.5 17 348 366 387.5 398 18 368 386 412.5 423 3 68 86 112.5 123 4 88 106 137.5 148 5 108 126 150 160.5 6 128 146 175 185.5 7 148 166 187.5 198 8 168 186 212.5 223 9 188 206
Solenoid: No.3 Solenoid, Body Option: 9 (50A), Style: 0 (Energized Open/N.C.), Option: Brass, Copper or BC6 Body & Shading Coil, NBR Seal, Class B Coil, Port Size: 20 [2 (50A)], Thread: N (NPT), Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: C (Conduit)
Solenoid: No.3 Solenoid, Body Option: 50A, Style: Energized Open/N.C., Option: Brass, Copper or BC6 Body & Shading Coil, NBR Seal, Class B Coil, Port Size: 20 [2 (50A)], Thread: NPT, Voltage: 12VDC, Lead Wire: Conduit, Surge Suppressor: -, Bracket: -
AD27-6-A With bowl guard AD27-6C-A AD37-6-A AD47-6-A Normally open (N.O.)
With bowl guard AD38-A AD48-A Automatic *1 With drain cock C2SF-6-A With bowl guard C2SF-6C-A C3SF-6-A C4SF-6-A Manual Drain cock with barb fitting With bowl guard C3SF-6W-A C4SF-6W-A With drain guide (without valve function) C2SF-6J-A With bowl guard C2SF-6CJ-A C3SF-6J-A C4SF-6J-A Nylon (Auto drain) Normally closed (N.C.)
With bowl guard AD38m-D AD48m-D With drain cock C2SF-6-A With bowl guard C2SF-6C-A C3SF-6-A C4SF-6-A Drain cock with barb fitting With bowl guard C3SF-6W-A C4SF-6W-A Manual With drain guide (without valve function) C2SFm-6J-A With bowl guard C2SFm-6CJ-A C3SFm-6J-A C4SFm-6J-A Nylon Normally closed (N.C.)
C2SF-C C4SF-J C4SF-W C4SF-6 AD47-6 AD48-6 C4SF-6J C4SF-6W C4SF-2 AD47-2 AD48-2 C4SF-2J C4LF-8 AD47-8 AD48-8 C4LF-8J C2SF-C Drain AD27-C AD27-C C2SF-J C3SF-J C4SF-J Polycarbonate C2SF-J C3SF-J AF50, AF60 C3SF-W C4SF-W C3SF-W C2SF-CJ C2SF-CJ C3SF-6 C4SF-6 C2SF-6 C1SF-6 AD17-6 C1SF-2 AD17-2 C3SF-6 C2SF-6 C1SF-6 OUT IN C2SF-6C C2SF-6C AD37-6 AD47-6 AD27-6 AD37-6 AD17-6 AD27-6 AD38-6
C2SF-C C4SF-J C4SF-W C4SF-6 AD47-6 AD48-6 C4SF-6J C4SF-6W C4SF-2 AD47-2 AD48-2 C4SF-2J C4LF-8 AD47-8 AD48-8 C4LF-8J C2SF-C Drain AD27-C AD27-C C2SF-J C3SF-J C4SF-J Polycarbonate C2SF-J C3SF-J AF50, AF60 C3SF-W C4SF-W C3SF-W C2SF-CJ C2SF-CJ C3SF-6 C4SF-6 C2SF-6 C1SF-6 AD17-6 C1SF-2 AD17-2 C3SF-6 C2SF-6 C1SF-6 OUT IN C2SF-6C C2SF-6C AD37-6 AD47-6 AD27-6 AD37-6 AD17-6 AD27-6 AD38-6
Semi-standard: 6 Semi-standard: 6C Piping port Piping port (9) Part No. (9) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc AD27-6-A AD27-6C-A G G NPT AD27-6(Z)-A NPT AD27-6C(Z)-A C Note 1) Option symbol 2 Semi-standard symbol Semi-standard: 2 Piping port thread ty pe (9) Part No. Rc AD27-2-A G Appearance and NPT AD27-2(Z)-A part No. Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa.
Semi-standard: 6 Semi-standard: 6C Piping port Piping port (4) Part No. (4) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc AD27-6-A AD27-6C-A G G NPT AD27-6(Z)-A NPT AD27-6C(Z)-A C Note 1) Option symbol 2 Semi-standard symbol Semi-standard: 2 Piping port (4) Part No. thread ty pe Rc AD27-2-A G Appearance and NPT AD27-2(Z)-A part No. Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa.
Port thread Rc Rc AD27-C-A AD27-A G G External NPT AD27(-Z)-A NPT AD27-C(Z)-A appearance B B drawing and Semi-standard 6 Semi-standard 6C part no. Port thread Part no. Part no. Port thread Rc Rc AD27-6-A AD27-6C-A G G NPT AD27-6(Z)-A NPT AD27-6C(Z)-A M50.8 M50.8 12 Option Note2 Semi-standard Semi-standard 2 Part no.
C2SF-C C4SF-J C4SF-W C4SF-6 AD47-6 AD48-6 C4SF-6J C4SF-6W C4SF-2 AD47-2 AD48-2 C4SF-2J C4LF-8 AD47-8 AD48-8 C4LF-8J Drain AD27-C Polycarbonate C2SF-J C3SF-J AF50, AF60 C3SF-W C2SF-CJ C2SF-6 C1SF-6 AD17-6 C1SF-2 AD17-2 C3SF-6 OUT IN C2SF-6C AD27-6 AD37-6 AD38-6 Nylon AD27-6C C2SF-6J C3SF-6J w C3SF-6W C2SF-6CJ r C2SF-2 C3SF-2 AD27-2 AD37-2 e Metal AD38-2 t C3SF-2J C2SF-2J C3LF-
Port thread Rc Rc AD27-C-A AD27-A G G External NPT AD27(-Z)-A NPT AD27-C(Z)-A appearance B B drawing and Semi-standard 6 Semi-standard 6C part no. Port thread Part no. Part no. Port thread Rc Rc AD27-6-A AD27-6C-A G G NPT AD27-6(Z)-A NPT AD27-6C(Z)-A M50.8 M50.8 12 Option Note2 Semi-standard Semi-standard 2 Part no.
Semi-standard: 6 Semi-standard: 6C Piping port Piping port thread ty pe (5) Part No. thread ty pe (5) Part No. Rc Rc C2SF-6-A C2SF-6C-A G G NPT C2SF-6(Z)-A NPT C2SF-6C(Z)-A Option symbol Semi-standard symbol J 6J CJ 6CJ Semi-standard: J Semi-standard: CJ Piping port Piping port thread ty pe (5) Part No. thread ty pe (5) Part No.
Semi-standard: "6C" Standard Port thread Part No. type Rc AD27-6C-A G Rc AD27-6-A G NPT AD27N-6C(Z)-A NPT AD27N-6(Z)-A Option symbol C Note 1) Semi-standard symbol 2 Semi-standard: "2" Standard Port thread type Part No. Rc AD27-2-A G Appearance and part No. NPT AD27-2(Z)-A Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa. Note 2) Part No. includes Bowl seal . Refer to [11.
Semi-standard: "6C" Standard Port thread Part No. type Rc AD27-6C-A G Rc AD27-6-A G NPT AD27N-6C(Z)-A NPT AD27N-6(Z)-A Option symbol C Note 1) Semi-standard symbol 2 Semi-standard: "2" Standard Port thread type Part No. Rc AD27-2-A G Appearance and part No. NPT AD27-2(Z)-A Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa. Note 2) Part No. includes Bowl seal . Refer to [11.
Semi-standard: "6C" Standard Port thread Part No. type Rc AD27-6C-A G Rc AD27-6-A G NPT AD27N-6C(Z)-A NPT AD27N-6(Z)-A Option symbol C Note 1) Semi-standard symbol 2 Semi-standard: "2" Standard Port thread type Part No. Rc AD27-2-A G Appearance and part No. NPT AD27-2(Z)-A Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa. Note 2) Part No. includes Bowl seal . Refer to [11.
Semi-standard: 6C Semi-standard: 6 Piping port Piping port (4) Part No. (4) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc AD27-6C-A AD27-6-A G G NPT AD27-6C(Z)-A NPT AD27-6(Z)-A C Note 1) Option symbol 2 Semi-standard symbol Semi-standard: 2 Piping port (4) Part No. thread ty pe Rc AD27-2-A Appearance and G part No. NPT AD27-2(Z)-A Note 1) Minimum operating pressure is 0.1 MPa.
Semi-standard: 6 Semi-standard: 6C Piping port thread ty pe Piping port thread ty pe (9) Part No. (9) Part No. Rc G Rc G C2SF-6-A C2SF-6C-A NPT C2SF-6(Z)-A NPT C2SF-6C(Z)-A Option symbol Semi-standard symbol J 6J CJ 6CJ Semi-standard: CJ Semi-standard: J Piping port thread ty pe (9) Part No. Piping port thread ty pe (9) Part No.