Symbol 20 25 30 40 50 60 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Name plate and pressure gauge in imperial units (PSI, F) When more than one specification is required, indicate in ascending alphanumeric order.
8 13.2 10.2 16.4 30.1 21.5 40 14.2 16 AS231FSG1-02-04 (S) 4 7.2 9.6 12 1/8 13 (12.7) ASN AQ 24 AS231FSG1-02-06 (S) 6 11.2 19 33.8 21.4 43.9 14.2 26 AS231FSG1-02-08 (S) 8 13.2 34.9 23.5 46 15.6 27 AS231FSG1-02-10 (S) 10 15.9 20.9 38.1 24.7 47.3 17 28 AS331FSG1-02-06 (S) 6 8.2 16.5 29.9 17.5 40.1 13.3 1/4 17 (17.5) 12.9 13 49.7 48.3 44.2 42.8 24.5 19.2 ASV 49 AS331FSG1-02-08 (S) 8 13.2 37.1
O L D 1 10 Stations Common supply and exhaust M a i n t e n a n c e a n d a d j u s t m e n t i s p o s s i b l e w i t h o u t d i s a s s e m b l y o f the manifold H O W T O O R D E R NZM V A C U U M E J E C T O R M A N I F O L D (N)ZZM B NUMBER OF STATIONS 01 ... 1 Station 02 ... 2 Stations to 10 ... 10 Stations EXHAUST PORT 04 ... 1/2 06 ... 3/4 PORT THREAD Nil ...PT* Remove (N) when
-02-A Y410-03-A Y510-03-A VHS40-02A VHS40-03A VHS20-01A VHS30-02A Pressure relief 3 port valve Note5) VHS40-06A Attachment VHS20-02A VHS30-03A VHS40-04A E300-04-A E300-03-A E300-02-A E400-02-A E200-01-A E400-04-A E400-03-A Piping adapter Note5) E100-M5-A E200-02-A E500-06-A E200-03-A E400-06-A IS10E-4002-A IS10E-3002-A IS10E-2001-A IS10E-4003-A Pressure switch with Note5) IS10E-2002-A IS10E
Note5) Note6) Y110-M5-A Y210-01-A Y310-(01)-A Y410-(02)-A Y510-(02)-A Y610-03-A Y610-(03)-A VHS40-02A VHS20-01A VHS30-02A VHS50-06A Pressure relief 3 port valve Note6) VHS40-03A VHS40-06A Attachment VHS20-02A VHS30-03A VHS50-10A VHS40-04A E400-02-A E200-01-A E300-02-A E400-03-A E600-06-A Piping adapter Note6) E100-M5-A E200-02-A E300-03-A E500-06-A E400-04-A E600-10-A E200-03-A E300-04
,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,3,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D AC40B,C,D -(F,N)02~(F,N)04(C,D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D AC40(A)-(F,N)06(C,D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,3,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D AC40B,C,D-(F,N)06(C,D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D AC50(A)-(F,N)06(F,N)10(C,D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,3,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,ZA)-D AC50B-(F,N)06(F,N)10 (C,D,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)-(1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z,
AN120-M5 T0604 x 1m AS3001F-06 INA-25-46 T1075 x 1m AS4001F-10 AN101-01 T0604 x 1 m AS3001F-06 AN110-01 T0604 x 1 m AS3001F-06 VQZ1151-01 VQZ1121-C6 T0806 x 1 m AS3001F-08 VQZ2151-02 VQZ2121-C6 AN200-02 T1075 x 1 m AS4001F-10 AN300-03 T0604 x 1 m AS3001F-06 T1209 x 1 m AS4001F-12 VQZ3121-C6 VQZ3151-03 909 Series VQZ Model Selection Sonic conductance C [dm3/(sbar)] Type of actuation Voltage
AS2301F-02, AS2311F-02 AS2201F-02, AS2211F-02 AS3201F, AS3211F AS4301F, AS4311F AS4201F, AS4211F AS3301F, AS3311F Supply pressure: 0.5MPa Supply pressure: 0.5MPa Supply pressure: 0.5MPa 16 25 6 400 1000 14 10, 12 1500 12 80, 10 20 12 Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) 08 06 Effective area (mm2) 300 10 Flow (l/min(ANR)) Flow (l/min(ANR)) Flow (l/min(ANR)) 06 10 1000 4 15 500 8 04 200
-10 AS221FG-N01-07 23.9 31 21 21 32.1 14.1 39.2 10 18.5 1/4" 13.2 17 19 AS221FG-02-04 AS221FG-N01-09 14.1 25.3 32.4 16 25.2 34.4 4 10.4 5/16" 15.2 18.5 21 32 AS221FG-02-06 AS221FG-N02-03 25.2 34.4 17 25.2 17.7 34.4 6 12.8 5/32" 10.4 16 18.5 29.4 34.9 39.9 17 34.4 R 1/4 32 AS221FG-02-08 AS221FG-N02-05 17.7 24.9 34.2 34 18.5 27.2 36.4 8 15.2 3/16" 11.4 16.5 NPT 1/4 AS221FG-02-10 AS221FG-N02
Place an order for the cable assembly separately. kit (D-sub connector) 15 pins F kit (Flat ribbon cable) 10/16/20 pins P How to Order Manifold How to Order Manifold 06 C6 F SA VV5Q11 06 VV5Q11 C6 P SC Option Option Stations Stations Cylinder port Cylinder port How to Order How to Order D-sub connector, 15 pins Connector locationSide Without cable Flat ribbon cable, 20 pins Connector locationSide
Parts name VEX312-01 02 VEX33202 03 04 VEX34202 03 04 VEX35004 06 10 VEX322-01 02 VEX370-10 12 VEX390-14 20 Bracket (With bolt and washer) VEX1-18-1A VEX5-32A VEX7-32A VEX9-32A B Foot (With bolt and washer) VEX1-18-2A VEX3-32-2A F Pilot exhaust (P2) port silencer N AN120-M5 AN103-01 AN210-02 Internal pilot solenoid/External pilot solenoid Symbol Weight (kg) VEX33202 03 04 0.3 0.4 VEX34202
Load factor: ((Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% Conditions Series CJ2 Series CM2 6 x 1 m AS3301F-06 12 x 1 m AS4001F-12 AN200-02 AS2301F-06 AN110-01 Series MB/CA2 Series CJ2 Series CM2 Series MB/CA2 Body ported Tubing bore x Length Speed controller Silencer Base mounted Tubing bore x Length Speed controller Silencer AN200-02 AN3301F-06 AS1301F-06 6 x 1 m AS3001F-06 SYJ7120-01
Blanking plug (For one-touch fittings) L KJP-02 Dimensions 23 04 06 KQ2P(mm) A Applicable fitting size d 2 3.2 4 6 A L D Model Weight: g KJP-02 KQ2P-23 KQ2P-04 KQ2P-06 8.2 16 16 18 17 31.5 32 35 3 3.2 6 8 0.1 1 1 1 It is inserted into an unused cylinder port and SUP/EXH ports.
8 stations 4 stations 02 2 stations 02 2 stations 02 2 stations (2) (2) (2) Applicable up to 20 solenoids.
06 Model 04 06 04 06 04 06 04 06 ZP2-T4020WK ZP2-T5020WK ZP2-T6020WK ZP2-T8020WK ZP2-T3507WK ZP2-T4010WK ZP2-T5010WK ZP2-T6010WK 2 x 1.5 0.5 0.5 10 11 2.5 0.8 04 06 ZP2-T 30 WK H Width across flat J (Hexagon) (G) (F) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) M5 x 0.8 Width across flat 14 (Hexagon) E 13 3 3 M10 x 1 D M5 x 0.8 6 8 Y A a Dimensions common for all three drawings Dimensions (per buffer stroke
06 Model 04 06 04 06 04 06 04 06 ZP2-T4020WK ZP2-T5020WK ZP2-T6020WK ZP2-T8020WK ZP2-T3507WK ZP2-T4010WK ZP2-T5010WK ZP2-T6010WK 2 x 1.5 0.5 0.5 10 11 2.5 0.8 04 06 ZP2-T 30 WK H Width across flat J (Hexagon) (G) (F) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) M5 x 0.8 Width across flat 14 (Hexagon) E 13 3 3 M10 x 1 D M5 x 0.8 6 8 Y A a Dimensions common for all three drawings Dimensions (per buffer stroke
06 Model 04 06 04 06 04 06 04 06 ZP2-T4020WK ZP2-T5020WK ZP2-T6020WK ZP2-T8020WK ZP2-T3507WK ZP2-T4010WK ZP2-T5010WK ZP2-T6010WK 2 x 1.5 0.5 0.5 10 11 2.5 0.8 04 06 ZP2-T 30 WK H Width across flat J (Hexagon) (G) (F) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) M5 x 0.8 Width across flat 14 (Hexagon) E 13 3 3 M10 x 1 D M5 x 0.8 6 8 Y A a Dimensions common for all three drawings Dimensions (per buffer stroke
06 Model 04 06 04 06 04 06 04 06 ZP2-T4020WK ZP2-T5020WK ZP2-T6020WK ZP2-T8020WK ZP2-T3507WK ZP2-T4010WK ZP2-T5010WK ZP2-T6010WK 2 x 1.5 0.5 0.5 10 11 2.5 0.8 04 06 ZP2-T 30 WK H Width across flat J (Hexagon) (G) (F) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) M5 x 0.8 Width across flat 14 (Hexagon) E 13 3 3 M10 x 1 D M5 x 0.8 6 8 Y A a Dimensions common for all three drawings Dimensions (per buffer stroke
Double acting Body Applicable option Actuator section End plate PPS Diaphragm Port size Symbol Note 1 2 3 4 Port size 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 Symbol 01 02 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 06 10 Body class LQ3 Stainless steel PTFE A 1 Note) Refer to Variations in the table below for valve type combinations.