H MM NN MQ10-M MQ16-M MQ20-M MQ25-M MQ28-M 10 M5 x 0.8 M3 x 0.5 10.5 16 M6 x 1.0 M4 x 0.7 11.5 20 M8 x 1.25 M5 x 0.8 13.5 25 M10 x 1.25 M6 x 1.0 16.5 30, 40 M14 x 1.5 M8 x 1.25 22.5 Clevis pin d Dd9 m m l t L t Applicable bore size (mm) Applicable snap ring Part no.
Example) Bolt M5 x 50l 4 pcs.
x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 Rc (PT) 18 Rc (PT) 18 Fluid Air Action Double Acting Op.
With Air Cushion/Basic: CLG1BA Bore (mm) Stroke range A B1 BC BN BZ C D E GA GB GC GD GK GL GQ GR I J K KA MM NA AL 20 25 32 40 to 200 to 300 to 300 to 300 15.5 19.5 19.5 27 18 22 22 30 13 17 17 19 57.5 69 69 76 8 10 12 16 M4 X 0.7 depth 7 M5 X 0.8 depth 5 M5 X 0.8 depth 8 M6 X 1 depth 12 5 5.5 5.5 6 10 14 24 29 35.5 44 12 14 18 25 14 16.5 20 26 38 45 45 52 M8 X 1.25 M10 X 1.25 M10 X 1.25
5 5.5 5.5 6 10 14 M8 M10 X 1.25 M10 X 1.25 M14 X 1.5 24 29 35.5 44 8 10 12 16 6 8 ZZ With rod boot W Without rod boot ZZ e f h l Bore (mm) Stroke range H1 P PG PH PL PW S TA TB TC WA WW WB WH H 20 25 32 40 M5 M5 Rc(PT)1/8 Rc(PT)1/8 30 30 25 20 141 151 10 10 20 24 24 24 38 41 41 41 154 169 5 6 6 8 33 38 39 44 19.5 24 24 24 11 11 M5 M6 X 0.75 M8 M10 X 1.25 86 96 97 5.5 7 7 9 15 15 15 15 23
ZZ S LS ZZ ZZ LS S ZZ LS S ZZ LS S 20 25 32 40 20 25 32 40 21 8 20 M20 x 1.5 206 177 137 181 152 112 156 127 87 RB 25 8 20 M26 x 1.5 210 177 137 185 152 112 160 127 87 25 8 20 M26 x 1.5 212 164 204 237 179 139 187 154 114 162 129 89 J 27 10 23 M32 x 2 246 188 234 271 213 259 296 209 163 221 184 138 196 159 113 D-X 20Data 10-15-37 Series CVM3 Rod Side Flange Style (F) Single acting,
Mounting bolt Example) Bolt M5 x 50L 4 pcs.
AS-FS 7.2 5 AS12l1FG-U10/32-01A AS12l1FG-M5-03A 5/32" 8.2 AS12l1FG-U10/32-03A AS12l1FG-M5-07A 1/4" 11.2 18.6 23.1 16.5 6 AS12l1FG-U10/32-07A 17.2 21.7 16.9 M5 x 0.8 10/32UNF 8 9.4 26.5 25.4 23.5 22.4 13.3 Note 1) Reference dimensions Note 2) Reference dimensions of threads after installation INDEX 478 Series AS-FG For M5, 10-32UNF Dimensions/ Universal type Seal method: Gasket seal For M5
VM-33A Push button (Flush) VM130-01-33 VM132-M5-33 VM-34AR Red VM130-01-34R VM130-01-34B VM130-01-34G VM130-01-34Y VM132-M5-34R VM132-M5-34B VM132-M5-34G VM132-M5-34Y Selector (2 position) VM-34AB Black VM-34AG Green VM-34AY Yellow VM-36A Key selector (2 position) VM130-01-36 VM132-M5-36 Red VM151-01-35R VM151-01-35B VM151-01-35G VM151-01-35Y VM153-M5-35R VM153-M5-35B VM153-M5-35G VM153-M5
16 N-LS open for reverse drive suppression P-LS 17 P-OT Normal drive suppression P-LS open for normal drive suppression 3Ry 18 ALM RST Alarm reset 3Ry ON for alarm release 30VDC 50mA or less 5Ry +12 to 24V 1ALM ALM-SG 34 35 5Ry OFF with servo alarm Servo alarm 8Ry 0V COIN SG-COM 8 10 8Ry ON with positioning complete Positioning complete 4Ry 7 BK 4Ry OFF with holding brake actuated Brake interlock
WA WB View E NN F GB GC GA Mounting nut Mounting nut Relief port M5 x 0.8 Rod end nut MM NN F Piping port 2 x M5 x 0.8 Cover surface D LY LB LH LT LZ LX LT S + Stroke H NA A NB Y X Y X 4 x LC Mounting hole LS + Stroke Z + Stroke WW C B 0 0.3 B 0 0.3 Drawing of view E (mm) Z S WW WB WA NB NA NN MM H GB GA F D C B A Y X 91.5 92.5 LS LZ 42 42 25 25 LY LX 33 33 2.3 2.3 LT 14 14 LH 5.5 5.5 LC
WA WB View E NN F GB GC GA Mounting nut Mounting nut Relief port M5 x 0.8 Rod end nut MM NN F Piping port 2 x M5 x 0.8 Cover surface D LY LB LH LT LZ LX LT S + Stroke H NA A NB Y X Y X 4 x LC Mounting hole LS + Stroke Z + Stroke WW C B 0 0.3 B 0 0.3 Drawing of view (E) (mm) Z S WW WB WA NB NA NN MM H GB GA F D C B A Y X 91.5 92.5 LS LZ 42 42 25 25 LY LX 33 33 2.3 2.3 LT 14 14 LH 5.5 5.5 LC
16 N-LS open for reverse drive suppression P-LS 17 P-OT Normal drive suppression P-LS open for normal drive suppression 3Ry 18 ALM RST Alarm reset 3Ry ON for alarm release 30V DC 50mA or less 5Ry +12 to 24V 1ALM ALM-SG 34 35 5Ry OFF with servo alarm Servo alarm 8Ry 0V COIN SG-COM 8 10 8Ry ON with positioning complete Positioning complete 4Ry 7 BK 4Ry OFF with holding brake actuated Brake
Example) Bolt M5 x 50l 4pcs.
Z L H LZ HZ Nil W L H 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 L, H -X 1 X416 20LH, HL 1 1 1 2 1 1 Data L, H, LS, SL, HS, SH L, H X417 LH, HL Note 1) For LS, SL, HS and SH, the stroke adjusting unit is mounted on one side only.
16 N-LS open for reverse drive suppression P-LS 17 P-OT Normal drive suppression P-LS open for normal drive suppression 3Ry 18 ALM RST Alarm reset 3Ry ON for alarm release 30V DC 50mA or less 5Ry +12 to 24V 1ALM ALM-SG 34 35 5Ry OFF with servo alarm Servo alarm 8Ry 0V COIN SG-COM 8 10 8Ry ON with positioning complete Positioning complete 4Ry 7 BK 4Ry OFF with holding brake actuated Brake