Select cable type and len gth surely. e xamp le S2S2Standard c able 2m+ d river LEC SS2 S2 Standard c able2m Nil Witho ut cab le and driver 100 to 120 LECSB1S B1 200 to 230 LECSB2S B2 100 to 120 LECSC1-S C1 *5 Mo tor cable and enc o der cable are included as a ccessories.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et cl eanl i ness: 100 or l ess /f t 3 of 0. 3 m or m ore of part i cl e ( 35 or l ess / 10L ( AN R) ) Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage. B roken pi eces i nj uri ng i f broken.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et cl eanl i ness: 100 or l ess / f t 3 of 0. 3 m or m ore of part i cl e ( 35 or l ess / 10L ( AN R) ) To get t he best perf orm ance f rom your purchase, be sure t o read t hi s m anual caref ul l y bef ore use.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et oi l m i st concent rat i on: 0. 08 ppm ( Fi l t er i nl et : 24ppm ) Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa** and 0. 05M Pa* or l ess Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Jun T TT UT VT . ZT AT BT . Keep the facility water temperature between 10 and 35C. (No dew Jul U TU UU VU . ZU AU BU . condensation). Note that the cooling and heating capacity is changed depending on facility water temperature. Also, if lower-temperature facility water is supplied, dew may condense in the product and the equipment could be damaged.
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 3 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et oi l m i st concent rat i on: 0. 8 ppm ( Fi l t er i nl et : 24ppm ) M I ST SEPARATO R Seri es AM Chem i cal s Corrosi ve gas + At m osphere Cont ai ni ng organi c sol vent *N . C. aut o drai n: M i n. 0. 15 M Pa *N .
Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et oi l m i st concent rat i on: 0. 08 ppm ( Fi l t er i nl et : 24ppm ) Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa** and 0. 05M Pa* or l ess Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Likewise, if a tube is bent or multiple elbow fittings are used, the piping Output shut off alarm function Jun T TT UT VT . ZT AT BT . resistance will increase and the flow rate will decrease. If the flow rate falls, the temperature stability will decrease.
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Pad Diameter: 25 (Flat+Flat with Ribs+Deep+Bellows), Pad Styles: B (Bellows), Material: S (Silicon Rubber), Rotation: K (Non-rotating), Stroke: 10mm, Vacuum Entry: 06 (One-touch Fitting Ø6), Mounting Thread: A10 (M10X1, Not Available for Mounting CT, UT)
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Port Size: 5 (M5X0.8), Model: UT (Universal Tee)
Port Size: 3 (M3X0.5), Model: UT (Universal Tee)
Pad Diameter: 10 (ø10), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: GN (Conductive NBR), Vacuum Entry: A5 (Male Thread M5X0.8)
Pad Diameter: 10 (ø10), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: GN (Conductive NBR), Vacuum Entry: A6 (Male Thread M6X1)
Pad Diameter: 10 (ø10), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: GS (Conductive Silicon Rubber), Vacuum Entry: A5 (Male Thread M5X0.8)
Pad Diameter: 10 (ø10), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: GS (Conductive Silicon Rubber), Vacuum Entry: B5 (Female Thread M5X0.8)
Pad Diameter: 13 (ø13), Pad Styles: UT (Compact), Material: GS (Conductive Silicon Rubber), Vacuum Entry: A5 (Male Thread M5X0.8)