Remote setting 0 to 32 points (0 to 4 bytes) Increase and decrease by 8 points. d) Valve manifold 32 points/ 4 bytes Available output size e) Wireless communication Active/Idle Active Available If it is set to "Idle", the wireless communication is disconnected. f) AD refresh time 0.1/0.2/0.5/1/2/5/ 10/30/60s 1s Available Set the sampling frequency of the analogue input equipment.
Remote setting 0 to 32 points (0 to 4 bytes) Increase and decrease by 8 points. d) Valve manifold 32 points/ 4 bytes Available output size e) Wireless communication Active/Idle Active Available If it is set to "Idle", the wireless communication is disconnected. f) AD refresh time 0.1/0.2/0.5/1/2/5/10/30/60s 1s Available Set the sampling frequency of the analogue input equipment.
MSQ Angle adjustment Range Figure 5 MSZ MSZ CRQ2X MSQX ad a ge ju Cl lt MRQ an st bo oc t r m nd en g k en tm wi in e us 10 10 se t r st on dj a ju an r on ti ot ad iti ta os ge at p ro er y nt io e b C e b n y is e ge n ad w d k an c ju lo t r C st in en g m bo st lt ju b ad M 0 ax 19 im e u ng m ra ro n ta tio Center position adjustment Table 2 R: Clockwise adjustment L: Counterclockwise
ad t ju ju en st st m m m st en en ju t r t r ad an an gle ge ge An 5 5 B port A port B port A port 90 A 5 ng ge le an ad t r ju en st m 180 Note) The drawings show the rotation range for the shaft's single flat.
1 Drain Port 3/4 3/4, 1 D I M E N S I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT
Rear plate N C D T A 2 x P (Rc, NPT, G) Q B E W S U M K L R I AP AB J AA A V Y + Stroke X Z + Stroke 8 x AF AC AD AE WH (Max.)
Time [s] ta td tc Acceleration time: ta = Vc / Aa [s] Deceleration time: td = Vc / Ad [s] Acceleration distance: Sa = 0.5 x Aa x ta2 [mm] Deceleration distance: Sd = 0.5 x Ad x ta2 [mm] Distance with constant velocity: Sc = S Sa Sd [mm] Time with constant velocity: tc = Sc / Vc [s] Positioning time: tp = ta + tc + td [s] tp 0 3.5 7.0 10.6 14.1 17.6 oz 70,000 Maximum acceleration/deceleration
The table will move to the Target Ad Position according to a trapezoidal movement profile as shown in the diagram on the right, based td ta tc Time [s] on the set speed Vc [mm/s], acceleration Aa [mm/s2] tp and deceleration Ad [mm/s2]. In relative positioning mode the travel distance S [mm] is equal to the Target Position.
The table will move to the Target Ad Position according to a trapezoidal movement profile as shown in the diagram on the right, based td ta tc Time [s] on the set speed Vc [mm/s], acceleration Aa [mm/s2] tp and deceleration Ad [mm/s2]. Refer to the equations below for the acceleration time, constant velocity time and travel distance.
W hen a current of 30m AD C or m ore i s appl i ed, t he over current ci rcui t i s archi ved, Er. 5 i s di spl ayed and t he operat i on st ops.
ad t ju ju en st st m m m st en en ju t r t r ad an an gle ge ge An 5 5 B port A port B port A port 90 A 5 ng ge le an ad t r ju en st m 180 Note) The drawings show the rotation range for the shaft's single flat.
M N C D 4-O T Q 2-P E B S K L U W AA A I AP R X AB Y + Stroke J V Z + Stroke AC AD 8-AF AE For standard stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) AC E D AF G AE AD AB AA N M F L K B J AP C H I A 20 25 32 40 50 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 M5 x 0.8 depth 10 16.5 92 60 9.5 depth 6 30 75 11 12 45 25 5.5 80 60 55 108 M8 x 1.25 depth 14 25 24 30 99 M6 x 1 depth 12 16.5 113 65 11 depth 8 30 85 13
W hen a current of 30m AD C or m ore i s appl i ed, t he over current ci rcui t i s archi ved, Er. 5 i s di spl ayed and t he operat i on st ops.
W hen a current of 30m AD C or m ore i s appl i ed, t he over current ci rcui t i s archi ved, Er. 5 i s di spl ayed and t he operat i on st ops.
an an ju t r t r st en m en en stm m t r st ju ju an ad ad ge le e Ang 5 gl n A B port A port B port A port 90 A 5 n gl ge e an ad t r ju en st m 180 Note) The drawings show the rotation range for the shaft's single flat.
an an ju t r t r st en m en en stm m t r st ju ju an ad ad ge le e Ang 5 gl n A B port A port B port A port 90 A 5 n gl ge e an ad t r ju en st m 180 Note) The drawings show the rotation range for the shaft's single flat.
AD refresh time Define the address assignment direction of the EX600 I/O units connected to the Wireless Rmote unit. The address assignment direction is changed by mode 1/mode 2. Be careful about the I/O map. (Refer to the Unit address order of Wireless Base/Remote Module of the Operation Manual for details) Unit address order Mode 1: Assignment to the right from the end plate.
Fo.srorr cycL9 d.6 ad iitomitbntdutyontull True mulli-pu.pose valves. Any porl may be pressurized, back-pressured, or plugged wilhout affecling the spool action. Nomially used as a single inlet 4-way lo conlrol double acting rylindErs.
M E N S I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS
Port 3/4 3/4, 1 D I M E N S I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT FOR FURTHER