x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 Rc (PT) 18 Rc (PT) 18 Fluid Air Action Double Acting Op.
Metric size Inch size With One-touch fitting 04 06 08 10 12 01 03 05 07 09 11 4 6 8 10 12 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" Thread type Nil Metric thread (M5) Unified thread (10-32 UNF) R NPT AS N ASP Bore size ASN M5 U10/32 01 02 03 04 M5 x 0.8 10-32 UNF 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 AQ ASV AK ASS Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics (Inlet Pressure: 0.5 MPa) ASR ASD230F ASD330F ASD430F ASF 100 200 400 1.5
) (M5) Effective area mm Model L D M TPH TPS A Connection threads R D Applicable tubing Applicable tubing O.D. mm H (width across flats) Weight g KPGH04-M5 KPGH04-01 KPGH04-02 KPGH06-M5 KPGH06-01 KPGH06-02 KPGH08-01 KPGH08-02 KPGH10-02 KPGH10-03 KPGH12-03 KPGH12-04 KPQH04-M5 KPQH04-01 KPQH04-02 KPQH06-M5 KPQH06-01 KPQH06-02 KPQH08-01 KPQH08-02 KPQH10-02 KPQH10-03 KPQH12-03 KPQH12-04 25.4
) (M5) Effective area mm Model L D M TPH TPS A Connection threads R D Applicable tubing Applicable tubing O.D. mm H (width across flats) Weight g KPGH04-M5 KPGH04-01 KPGH04-02 KPGH06-M5 KPGH06-01 KPGH06-02 KPGH08-01 KPGH08-02 KPGH10-02 KPGH10-03 KPGH12-03 KPGH12-04 KPQH04-M5 KPQH04-01 KPQH04-02 KPQH06-M5 KPQH06-01 KPQH06-02 KPQH08-01 KPQH08-02 KPQH10-02 KPQH10-03 KPQH12-03 KPQH12-04 25.4
) (M5) Effective area mm Model L D M TPH TPS A Connection threads R Applicable tubing O.D. mm H (width across flats) D Applicable tubing Weight g KPGH04-M5 KPGH04-01 KPGH04-02 KPGH06-M5 KPGH06-01 KPGH06-02 KPGH08-01 KPGH08-02 KPGH10-02 KPGH10-03 KPGH12-03 KPGH12-04 KPQH04-M5 KPQH04-01 KPQH04-02 KPQH06-M5 KPQH06-01 KPQH06-02 KPQH08-01 KPQH08-02 KPQH10-02 KPQH10-03 KPQH12-03 KPQH12-04 25.4
-U10-32/23 AS131FSG1-M5-04 4 8.2 11.5 19.8 AS131FSG1-U10/32-04 AS131FSG1-M5-06 6 10.4 20.9 20.4 36.6 8 AS131FSG1-U10/32-06 7.2 ASN M5 x 0.8 10/32UNF 8 9.6 9.4 AQ ASV Inch Size [mm] AK Model d T H D1 D2 D3 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 A M W1 Y Weight [g] Unlocked Locked Unlocked Locked AS131FSG1-M5-01 1/8 VCHC 9.4 9.4 11.6 19.4 17.5 33.8 39 36.5 35 33.5 13.3 13.6 9.6 7 AS131FSG1-U10/32-01 AS131FSG1-M5-03
Port size Symbol Size 01 1/8" 05 3/16" 07 1/4" 09 5/16" 11 3/8" 13 1/2" Symbol Size M5 M5 x 0.8 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 00*1 Same diameter tubing 1 Only for Bulkhead union. Spare Parts Use the part number below to order the gasket for M5 thread.
-X214 AS3001F-08-X214 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 63 AS1201F-M5-04-X214 AS1301F-M5-04-X214 RS Q G AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 2.
-02 03 3-port valve for residual pressure release Note 7) VHS40-06 01 E200-02 03 02 E300-03 04 E600-06 10 E500-06 Piping adapter Note 7) E100-M5 02 IS1000E-3003 04 01 IS1000E-2002 03 Pressure switch with piping adapter Note 7) Y54-03 04 Y24-01 02 Y34-01 02 Cross spacer Note 7) Y14-M5 Note 1) in part numbers for a round pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread.
) (M5) Effective area mm Model L D M TPH TPS A Connection threads R D Applicable tubing Applicable tubing O.D. mm H (width across flats) Weight g KPGH04-M5 KPGH04-01 KPGH04-02 KPGH06-M5 KPGH06-01 KPGH06-02 KPGH08-01 KPGH08-02 KPGH10-02 KPGH10-03 KPGH12-03 KPGH12-04 KPQH04-M5 KPQH04-01 KPQH04-02 KPQH06-M5 KPQH06-01 KPQH06-02 KPQH08-01 KPQH08-02 KPQH10-02 KPQH10-03 KPQH12-03 KPQH12-04 25.4
Description VEX312-01 02 VEX322-01 02 VEX33202 03 04 VEX34202 03 04 VEX35004 06 10 VEX370-10 12 VEX390-14 20 Air operated Bracket (With bolt and washer) Foot (With bolt and washer) B VEX1-18-1A VEX5-32A VEX7-32A VEX9-32A F VEX1-18-2A VEX3-32-2A Pilot exhaust port P2 silencer Note) N AN120-M5 AN210-02 Note) Only with solenoid.
(mm) Vacuum entry (One-touch fitting) Lateral Vacuum entry direction Mounting female thread 6 tube 4 tube 8 tube Mounting Vacuum entry port Connection M5 x 0.8 19 18 Female thread One-touch fitting 10 to 16 M5 x 0.8 22 23 4 tube 10 to 16 20 to 32 M5 x 0.8 M8 x 1.25 21 22 6 tube M5 x 0.8 58 60 6 tube 40, 50 M5 x 0.8 Pad dia.
AS121FG-M5-23 AS121FG-U10/32-01 9.6 25.8 12.3 28.6 8 7 12.7 17.3 22.1 8.4 8.4 3.2 M5 0.8 25 1/8" 22.2 12.3 17.3 22.1 12.7 AS221FG-01-23 AS121FG-U10/32-03 14.2 31.1 14.3 36.1 12 16 12.7 20.4 27.5 9.3 9.3 3.2 32.1 5/32" 27.1 R 1/8 8 10-32 UNF 28.6 25.8 25 22.2 7 9.6 AS121FG-M5-04 AS121FG-U10/32-05 21.3 26.1 12.3 12.7 17.3 22.1 9.3 11.4 4 3/16" 16.5 M5 0.8 11.7 9.6 25.8 28.6 8 7 25 22.2 AS121FG-M5
-04 AS121F-M5-03 5/32" M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 8 17.3 22.2 7 9.3 22.1 9.6 4 25 25.8 22.1 28.6 9.3 17.3 AS121F-U10/32-04 AS121F-U10/32-03 5/32" 10-32UNF 10-32UNF AS121F-M5-06 AS121F-M5-05 3/16" M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 11.4 21.3 26.1 7 16.5 13.5 11.7 22.9 11.6 18.1 6 AS121F-U10/32-06 AS121F-U10/32-05 3/16" 10-32UNF 10-32UNF 8 11.7 28.6 25.8 22.2 25 9.6 AS221F-01-23 AS2 1F-M5-07 20.4 16 9.3 27.5 3.2 1/4
The load ratio is obtained by the following formula: ((Load mass x 9.8)/Theoretical output) x 100% Conditions MB, CA2 series CS1, CS2 series Series Condition 10A x 1 m SGP (Steel pipe) dia. x Length VQ4100--03 VQ4101--03 AS420-03 Speed controller AN30-03 Silencer 10A x 1 m SGP (Steel pipe) dia. x Length VQ5100--04 VQ5101--04 AS420-04 Speed controller AN40-04 Silencer 448 INDEX Page 446 Base
-04 AS121F-M5-04 1/4 M5 AQ ASV Easy identification of product type AK Release button color VCHC Meter-in Meter-out Series Inch Metric ASR ASQ Orange Light gray Gray Light blue AS-FS AS-FS-U White White Gray Light blue AS-FSG 585 Speed Controller with Indicator AS-FS Series Series Variations Applicable tubing O.D.
Type 3 Universal Applicable tube outside diameter Metric size Inch size With One-touch fitting 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 01 03 05 07 09 11 4 6 8 10 12 04 06 08 10 12 Stainless steel specification (SUS303) Thread type Nil Metric threads (M5) Unified threads (10-32UNF) R(PT) NPT Port size M5 x 0.8 10-32UNF 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 M5 U10/32 01 02 03 04 N Needle Valve/Flow Rate Characteristics
Type 32SA (4 port/Base mounted) How to Order 10 SS5YJ3 32SA 04 M5 A, B port M5 x 0.8, C4 SI unit Clean series CE-compliant Nil Nil NPN output (+ COM.) P, R port thread type Q CE-compliant N PNP output ( COM.)
) 1/8 12(PA) port (Mounting groove for M5 thread) (5.4) 12 (45) 46 31.5 4 45 40 22.5 (50) 39.6 23.5 (60) (31.5) 1/4, 3/8 1(P), 3(R) port (Distance between ports) 1P 3R 32 3 NO 7 M5 x 0.8 (Breathing hole) 25.6 30.7 76.8 28 Series VPA300/500/700 Series VPA700/Body Ported/Dimensions Standard/VPA742-1l (-F) 03 04 A B 3/8, 1/2 2(A) port 51.5 2 x 5.2 (For mounting) 1/8 12(PA) port NC 33 12 4.5
AS120-M5 M5 U10/32 01 02 03 04 M5 x 0.8 10-32 UNF 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 AS120-U10/32 AS220-01 AS220-02 AS320-03 AS420-04 522 Series AS Speed Controller: Standard Type Elbow Type (Metal Body) Note) The flow characteristics are representative values.