Model no. of NPT thread is AN101-N01 and AN110-N01. It can operate in temperatures between 10 to 150C if there is no risk of the moisture in the air freezing.
-06S 74 17 12.8 48.3 25.2 20.3 8 ASD530F-03-08S 93 18.5 15.2 51.3 28.2 41.9 46.9 46.5 41.5 19.8 23 14 R 3/8 19 40 35 10 ASD530F-03-10S 98 21 54.1 32.6 18.5 23.1 12 ASD530F-03-12S 101 22 55.9 34.4 20.9 10 ASD630F-04-10S 177 21 64.3 32.6 18.5 57.3 64.8 57.6 50.1 18.6 R 1/2 49.6 42.1 26.5 28.6 25.9 24 12 ASD630F-04-12S 179 22 66.1 34.4 20.9 Reference dimensions of M5 x 0.8, R threads after
AS Weight (g) d T H D1 D2 D3 L1 L2 L3 Model 1/8" ASN ASD230F-U10/32-01 8.4 12 10-32 UNF 12.9 8 25.5 28.6 22.2 25.8 29.4 9.6 10 11.7 7.8 28.3 17.5 25 5/32" ASD230F-U10/32-03 9.3 13 3/16" AQ ASD330F-N01-05S 16.5 11.6 34.6 39.5 14 39.6 23.9 30 1/4" NPT1/8 ASD330F-N01-07S 17 13.2 42.2 25.6 12.7 36.1 27 31.1 14.2 11.8 10.6 32 33.9 38.9 15.8 31 5/16" ASV ASD330F-N01-09S 18.5 15.2 44.8 28.2 1/4"
L 310.5 23 298 22 335.5 25 323 24 360.5 27 348 26 385.5 29 373 28 410.5 31 398 30 435.5 33 423 32 460.5 35 448 34 485.5 37 473 36 39 498 38 40 510.5 EXH port silencer 63 Silencer is installed in the EXH port. 38 22 13 Silencer P/N Model VQZ100 VQZ200 VQZ300 NAN110-N01 NAN110-N01 NAN200-N02 NAN200-N02 NAN110-N01 24 Q Q Q Technical Reference 35 19.4 Q Q Series VQZ100200300 Q 5 5
Metric size Inch size Pilot port Model Port size 6 8 10 12 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" ASP330F-01 ASP430F-02 ASP530F-03 ASP630F-04 ASP430F-F02 ASP530F-F03 ASP630F-F04 ASP330F-N01 ASP430F-N02 ASP530F-N03 ASP630F-N04 M5 x 0.8 R 1/8 Rc 1/8 R 1/4 Rc 1/8 R 3/8 Rc 1/4 R 1/2 G 1/8 R 1/4 G 1/8 R 3/8 G 1/4 R 1/2 10-32 UNF NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/8 NPT 3/8 NPT 1/4 NPT 1/2 Note) Brass parts are all
Metric size Inch size Model Port size Pilot port 6 8 10 12 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" ASP330F-01 ASP430F-02 ASP530F-03 ASP630F-04 ASP430F-F02 ASP530F-F03 ASP630F-F04 ASP330F-N01 ASP430F-N02 ASP530F-N03 ASP630F-N04 R 1/8 M5 x 0.8 R 1/4 Rc 1/8 R 3/8 Rc 1/8 R 1/2 Rc 1/4 R 1/4 G 1/8 R 3/8 G 1/8 R 1/2 G 1/4 NPT 1/8 10-32 UNF NPT 1/4 NPT 1/8 NPT 3/8 NPT 1/8 AS NPT 1/2 NPT 1/4 Note
Fax: 03-3508-2480 URL 2005 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing JO printing JO 120DN Printed in Japan.
T01 P. 72 P. 73 ZP (20, 25, 32) U ZP (20, 25, 32) C ZP (20, 25, 32) B ZP25D ZP2-B25J ZP2-B30J ZP2-25UCL ZP2-32UCL ZPT3-A6, A8 ZPT3-B5, B6, B8 B01, N01 T01 P. 72 P. 73 ZP (40, 50) U ZP (40, 50) C ZP (40, 50) B ZP40D ZPT4-A6, A8 ZPT4-B6, B8 B01, N01 T01 ZP2-40UCL ZP2-50UCL P. 72 P. 73 Adapter Assembly Part No.
Note 3) Not available for piping specifications of 01 and N01.
N01 Connection NPT 1/8 N02 Connection NPT 1/4 Port size N03 Connection NPT 3/8 Option specifications Application Size Symbol N04 Connection NPT 1/2 IRV3000 IRV2000 IRV1000 F01 Connection G 1/8 01 02 03 04 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 F02 Connection G 1/4 F03 Connection G 3/8 F04 Connection G 1/2 Accessory (Option) Part No. Part no.
I '-1 'N . ,." " H1 H2 01 02 03 l1 M odel ~ T1 T2 ' ~ f . 9 4 ' 3 ~9 . 2~q .. ~ " 6 8" 41,-'1; " W }?'.." 48.7' 42.6, 10.9 46.4 2B,2 " . . '118:'7 ~7 .3 .70~ .2M .. Ii' .. , . t ~ .230 42.2 25.8 38.9 ' 39.5 33.9 44.7 28.2 35. 1 10.5 17 ~ 35 A SP330F-N01-07S 1/4" NPT1 /8 10-32UNF ASP330F-N01 -09$ 5/16" ~ 14.2 118 15.8 15 .2 :.g 1/2' 8 NP'W~ " ~ NE?'T, lta ".,I:SP'43oFi!
Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: 03-5207-8249 Fax: 03-5298-5362 URL 2010 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing LY printing OZ 7150SZ Printed in Japan. D-DN
Rc1/4 2571 Body O.D.;52 03 Rc3/8 1239 Body O.D.:84 04. Rc1/2 1719.
Bonnet Common IN Individual IN Common IN Individual IN Polyacetal 2 Regulator Regulator ARM2500-A-02 ARM2500-B-02 ARM3000-A-03 ARM3000-B-03 9 1 Replacement Parts End plate R 10 1 Description Material Part no. End plate L 11 1 No.
Port size ASV Model M3 x 0.5 ASV120F-M3 0.3 0.3 AK M5 x 0.8 ASV220F-M5 1.3 1.3 R 1/8 ASV310F-01 8 7 ASS R 1/4 ASV310F-02 8 7 R 1/8 ASV410F-01 14 13.5 ASR R 1/4 ASV410F-02 14 13.5 R 3/8 ASV410F-03 14 13.5 ASF R 1/4 ASV510F-02 27 23 R 3/8 ASV510F-03 29 27 R 1/2 ASV510F-04 29 27 10-32 UNF 1.3 1.3 ASV220F-U10/32 NPT 1/8 ASV310F-N01 8 7 NPT 1/4 ASV310F-N02 8 7 NPT 1/8 ASV410F-N01 14 13.5 NPT 1
How to Order 30 M BE 02 03 K AR D Common supply Symbol Description Body size 20 30 40 Nil With backflow function Without backflow function With backflow function Nil c Thread type 01 Port size (IN) 02 03 04 01 Port size (OUT) 02 Note 1) 03 Nil Without mounting option B With bracket a Mounting H With set nut (for panel mount) Nil Without pressure gauge Note 2) Note 2) Square embedded type
Cylinder port size C8 C10 C12 02 03 B CM With 8 One-touch fitting With 10 One-touch fitting With 12 One-touch fitting 1/4 3/8 Bottom ported 1/4 Mixed sizes Thread type SI Unit common Nil Rc G NPT/NPTF N Nil Positive common Negative common F T Note) Without SI Unit, the symbol is nil.
Conditions: Supply pressure 0.7MPa Set pressure 0.2MPa Flow rate 0 l/min (ANR) IR3000-03 IR3000-03 IR3000-03 Conditions: Supply pressure 0.5MPa Conditions: Back pressure 0.5MPa 0.204 0.5 0.2 Set pressure P2 MPa Set pressure MPa Set pressure MPa 0.202 0.4 Setting point 0.15 0.200 0.3 0.1 0.198 0.2 0.196 0.05 0.1 0.194 0 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Model no. of NPT thread is AN101N01 and AN110-N01. Note 2) It indicates the inlet pressure for solenoid valve. Note 3) It can operate in temperatures between 10 to 150C if there is no risk of the moisture in the air freezing. VEX Refer to page 5-10-13 for Precautions on these products.
Supply pressure: 0.3 to 1.0 MPa Set pressure: 0.2 MPa Flow rate: 0 L/min (ANR) IR3000-03 IR3000-03 IR3000-03 Supply pressure: 0.5 MPa Back pressure: 0.5 MPa 0.204 0.5 0.2 Set pressure P2 (MPa) Set pressure (MPa) Set pressure (MPa) Set pressure (MPa) 0.202 0.4 Set point 0.15 0.200 0.3 0.1 0.198 0.2 0.196 0.05 0.1 0.194 0 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000