N-04 N-06 L-04 L-06 S-04 S-06 LL-04 LL-06 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
valves there is no S option.
3.2 13.3 24 17.5 36 43.9 42.4 40.8 39.3 13.3 20 15 14 AS231FS1-01-04 (S) 4 8.2 13.9 25.1 AS231FS1-01-06 (S) 6 10.4 26.2 20.4 38.8 15 AS231FS1-01-08 (S) 8 13.2 10.2 16.4 30.1 21.5 40 14.2 16 AS231FS1-02-04 (S) 4 7.2 9.6 12 1/8 13 (12.7) 24 AS231FS1-02-06 (S) 6 11.2 19 33.8 21.4 43.9 14.2 26 AS231FS1-02-08 (S) 8 13.2 34.9 23.5 46 15.6 27 AS231FS1-02-10 (S) 10 15.9 20.9 38.1 24.7 47.3 17 28
Nut Insert bushing LQ1E11-S 1 1-04 LQ1-1N04 LQ1-1B04 LQ1E12-S 1 1-03 LQ1-1N03 LQ1-1B03 LQ1E21-S 2 2-06 LQ1-2N06 LQ1-2B06 LQ1E22-S 2 2-04 LQ1-2N04 LQ1-2B04 LQ1E31-S 3 3-10 LQ1-3N10 LQ1-3B10 LQ1E32-S 3 3-08 LQ1-3N08 LQ1-3B08 LQ1E33-S 3 3-06 LQ1-3N06 LQ1-3B06 LQ1E41-S 4 4-12 LQ1-4N12 LQ1-4B12 LQ1E42-S 4 4-10 LQ1-4N10 LQ1-4B10 LQ1E51-S 5 5-19 LQ1-5N19 LQ1-5B19 LQ1E52-S 5 5-12 LQ1-5N12 LQ1-5B12
) Y610(03) 04 (03) 04 Y610Note 5) Note 6) VHS201 02 02 03 02 03 VHS3000VHS3000VHS402 03 04 E600Note 6) E30002 03 04 E30002 03 04 E40002 03 04 06 E500-06 E20001 02 03 Note 6) E60006 10 E60006 10 06 10 E100-M5 02 03 04 06 IS1000E-30 IS1000E-30 02 03 04 IS1000E-20 01 02 03 Note 6) Pressure switch with piping adapter 02 03 04 IS1000E-40 Note 6) Y24-01 02 Y34-01 02 Y34-01 02 Y44-02 03 Y54-03 04
L2 L3 M1 Weight AQ240F-04-00 4 9.5 8.9 10 39.3 5 14.1 13 4.2 B O D Y S I Z E AQ240F-06-00 6 11.5 11 10 43.9 6 15.2 14 5.2 AQ340F-06-00 6 11.5 11 11.8 45.2 6.3 20 14 10.4 2 M5 3 18 T U B E C O N N E C T I O N F Built-in One Touch Tube Connection OD S I Z E D I M E N S I O N S S E R I E S AQ240F/340F W I T H E X H A U S T TA K E O F F Metric 04 4mm 06 6mm Imperial 07 1/4 E X H A U S T P O
ID AMG Accessory (Option) HAA7 HAA7 HAA15 HAA22 HAA37 Auto-drain Applicable model AFF Working Principle HAA7-F HAA7-S HAA15-F AD402-03 HAA15-S HAA22-F HAA22-S HAA37-F AD402-04 Dust-protecting filter Mounting bench AM HAA37-S Inlet side air (HOT AIR) Push button switch Pilot light The accessories should be mounted by user. Misc.
Load factor: ((Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% Solenoid valve System Silencer Speed controller SGP (Steel pipe) Port size x Length AS420-03 (S = 73 mm2) AN300-03 (S = 60 mm2) 10A x 1 Series VFS4000 Rc A 3 8 AS420-04 (S = 97 mm2) 15A x 1 AN400-04 (S = 90 mm2) Series VFS4000 Rc B 1 2 Double Check Spacer/Specifications Can hold an intermediate cylinder position for an extended time
For AC2030 For AC2530 For AC3030 For AC4030 For AC4030-06 Model Description 02 03 04 06 E50-06 E2001 02 03 E3002 03 04 E3002 03 04 E40Piping adapter 02 03 04 4 4 4 06 4 IS1000EY 01 02 03 2 2 2 Y IS1000E02 03 04 3 3 3 Y IS1000E02 03 04 3 3 3 Y IS1000EY54-03 04 Attachment Accessory Pressure switch with piping adapter IS1000M-2Y IS1000M-3Y IS1000M-3Y IS1000M-4Y IS1000M-5Y Y21-01 (02) Y31-02
00 Straight type AKH 04 A 01 S Male connector type With seal (Standard) M5 and 10-32 UNF types are not required.
Nil None AC20: 1/8 AC25: 1/4 AC30: 1/4 AC40: 3/8 AF + AR + [K] + AL AC20 to 40 K Check valve AW + [K] + AL AC20A to 40A AF + AR + [S] + AL AC20 to 60 Port size AW + [S] + AL AC20A to 40A S Body size Port size Pressure switch AF + [S] + AR AC20B to 60B Symbol 10 20 25 30 40 50 55 60 AF + AFM + [S] + AR AC20C to 40C M5 01 02 03 04 06 10 M5 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 AW + [S] + AFM AC20D to 40D
) 06 (10) Y610(03) 04 (03) 04 Y610(5) (6) VHS40-06 02 03 04 E600(6) VHS2001 02 02 03 02 03 VHS30VHS30VHS40VHS50E30002 03 04 E30002 03 04 E40002 03 04 06 E500-06 E20001 02 03 (6) 06 10 06 10 E60006 10 E600E100-M5 (6) 02 03 04 06 IS1000E-30 IS1000E-30 02 03 04 IS1000E-20 01 02 03 Pressure switch with piping adapter 02 03 04 IS1000E-40 (6) Y24-01 02 Y34-01 02 Y34-01 02 Y44-02 03 Y54-03 04 Y14
12 12 16 16 15.8 35.5 50 17 10 15.8 35.5 50 10 17.2 38.5 54.3 12 17.2 38.5 54.3 12 17 21.7 21.7 Screw-in connection S type: White color L type: Black color (Mounting hole) B C D E F G H Model A 3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 ZH18DS-03-03-03 ZH18DL-03-03-03 ZH20DS-03-04-04 ZH20DL-03-04-04 Rc 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 20.95 20.95 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 151.1 60.95 47.7 19 3.5 24 26.75 151.1 60.95 47.7
Load factor: ((Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% System Components Solenoid valve System Silencer Speed controller SPG (Steel pipe) dia. x Length 10A x 1 m Series VFR4000 Rc Series VFR4000 Rc AS4000-03 (S = 21mm2) AS420-03 (S = 73mm2) AN300-03 (S = 60mm2) AN300-03 (S = 60mm2) A 3 8 B 10A x 1 m 3 8 Series VFR4000 Rc AN400-04 (S = 90mm2) AS420-04 (S = 97mm2) 1 2 C 15A x 1 m How to
ES20-150 B Stainless Steel Cylinder Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S 10, 16 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80,100 For use in environments with water spray such as food processing machines Stainless Steel Cylinder Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S 10, 16 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 Uses grease for food processing machines that meets FDA (U.S.
ES20-150 B Stainless Steel Cylinder Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S 10, 16 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 For use in environments with water spray such as food processing machines Stainless Steel Cylinder Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S Series CJ5-S/Series CG5-S 10, 16 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 Uses grease for food processing machines that meets FDA (U.S.
Dimensions: Without Buffer ZP2-R W-A5 04 06 ZP2-R 20 W-A5 04 06 ZP2-R 30 W-A5 04 06 Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Q Q Q Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) 4 4 4 4 4 4 21 21 21 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 P P P (60) (60) (60) S S 31 8 31 S 31 14.9 A 14.9 14.9 R R R 6 6 6 M5
E R I E S ADH 4000 H E A V Y A U T O D R A I N S Y M B O L S ADH4 00 04 T H R E A D .Rc(PT) N .NPT M A X.
Type M10/M11 manifold At 300 mm/s 4, 6, 8 fittings are connectable. 32 At 300 mm/s Existing 6, 8, 10, 12 fittings are connectable. Valve size Valve size 50 50 DOWN DOWN Existing At 300 mm/s Possible to drive cylinders Up to 50 Valve size Valve size 63 63 DOWN DOWN (80 at 100 mm/s) Existing Possible to drive cylinders Up to 63 80 Page 30 (125 at 100 mm/s) Sub-plate newly added!
Dimensions: Without Buffer ZP2-R W-A5 04 06 ZP2-R 20 W-A5 04 06 ZP2-R 30 W-A5 04 06 Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 8 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Q Q Q Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) 4 4 4 4 4 4 21 21 21 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 P P P (60) (60) (60) S S 31 8 31 S 31 14.9 A 14.9 14.9 R R R 6 6 6 M5