-A B310L B410L Y30 Y40 189 Y30L Y40L 133 Y40T For ITV10, use a modular adapter (Refer to page 585 for details). eL-bracket Accessories (Option)/Part No. 178 [Bracket] qAF30-A wAFM30-A Part No.
When a load, such as a relay or solenoid, which generates surge is directly driven, use a type of switch with a built-in surge absorbing element. 8.
(0.01 s increment), 0.1 to 1.0 s (0.1 s increment), 1 to 10 s (1 s increment) Select from 20 s, 30 s, 40 s, 50 s, 60 s Hysteresis 8 Variable Protection Short circuit protection Output type Voltage output: 1 to 5 V (0 to 10 V can be selected, only when the power supply voltage is 24 VDC) 10, Analogue outpour 9 Current output 4 to 20 mA Impedance Voltage output Output impedance approx.1 k Current
Baud Rate B a u d R a t e M O D E < 1 2 0 0 b / s Setting range : 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200b/s Indicated content : Baud rate (Ex. : 1200b/s) Function : Sets baud rate for communication. 3.
' view RE A B Breathing hole REC A-A' view CX CY MQQ M RHC Manual button MK(2) RS Q G RS H A RZQ MI W S Non-lube type Long stroke type CEP1 CE1 Component Parts CE2 Note Material Material No.
D-J79W D-F79F, D-F7NTL D-F7BAL 32 to 50 D-A79W D-F7WV D-F7V D-F7BAVL D-A73C D-A80C D-J79C RS H A D-A7 D-A8 RZQ MI W S CEP1 U U U U CE1 A B CE2 32 to 50 ML2B D-A9V D-M9V D-F9WV D-F9BAL D-A9 D-M9 D-F9W C J G5-S U U B CV MVGQ CC A RB Proper Auto Switch Mounting Position Auto Switch Mounting Height (mm) J D-A7H D-A80H D-A73C D-A80C D-F7 D-J79 D-F7V D-J79C D-F7BAVL D-F7BAL D-F7W D-J79W
An appl i cat i on w hi ch has t he possi bi l i t y of havi ng negat i ve ef f ect s on peopl e, propert y, or ani m al s requi ri ng speci al saf et y anal ysi s. 2 H andl i ng precaut i ons CAU TI O N I f pow er t o t hi s product i s cut of f due t o a pow er f ai l ure, et c. w hen i t i s i n a cont rol l ed st at e, resi dual pressure w i l l be ret ai ned t em porari l y.
Construction (Individual Supply Type Regulator Block) P U S H OUT IN L O C K A A A-A Component Parts Replacement Parts Part no. Material Material Description No. Description No. Qty. A Fitting assembly 1 Body (for individual supply) Refer to page 704. PBT 2 B Port plug 2 Bonnet PBT, HNBR Refer to page 705.
-C D-T791C D-T792C -21No.D-S-OMB0023-C D-S991/D-S9P1/D-T991 D-S992/D-S9P2/D-T992 -22No.D-S-OMB0023-C D-S99V1/D-S9PV1/D-T99V1 D-S99V2/D-S9PV2/D-T99V2 -23No.D-S-OMB0023-C Pre-wired connector D-#APC/D-#BPC D-#DPC -24No.D-S-OMB0023-C Revision history A: Limited warranty and Disclaimer are added.
0.04 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Time (s) Time (s) 303 Series LX Table Deflection Table Deflection Table displacement by yaw moment load Table displacement by pitch moment load Table displacement by roll moment load Displacement at "A" when a load is applied to "F" with the slide table retracted.
1-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 2-B 2-B 1-A 1-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 1-A 1-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B CE2 6 1/8, 1/4 1.5 500 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 ML2B Max. speed Vmax (mm/s) 6 1/4, 3/8 3 1000 Graph 3:25 ML1C 10 1/4, 3/8 20 (1/4) 4.5 1500 20 10 1/4, 3/8 REA Composed effective area So (mm2) Composed effective area
B5 9 6 S-1 6 S-16 Auto switch (Finger closing direction) IN0006 General-purpose input 6 A5 34 7 S-1 7 S-17 Cable in robot IN0007 General-purpose input 7 B6 10 8 S-1 8 S-18 cabin IN0008 General-purpose input 8 A6 35 9 S-2 1 +24V +24VU B18 15 10 S-2 2 S-1(S) connector +24V +24VU A18 22 11 S-2 3 +24V +24VU B19 25 12 S-2 4 +24V +24VU A19 40 13 S-2 5 +24V +24VU 47 14 S-2 6 OT0001 General-purpose
"#$ S Q J K E B ! "#$ A !
E x t e r n a l S e n s o r S a m p l i n g C y c l e M O D E < 1 8 0 s e c 5. Offset Value Setting range : -9.99 to 9.99 C Min. increment : 0.01 C Indicated content : Offset value(Ex. : -0.15 C) Function : It allows the change of the difference between the controller reference value and set value by offset.
1 Escapements Series MIW/MIS 8, 12, 20, 25, 32 RE A B REC CX CY MQQ M RHC MK(2) RS Q G RS H A RZQ MI W S CEP1 CE1 CE2 ML2B C J G5-S CV MVGQ CC RB J Ideal for separating and feeding individual parts from vibratory feeders, magazines, and hoppers.
S D MIW Double finger type 32 50 1 A S D M9B MIS Single finger type Scraper Cylinder bore 8 12 20 25 32 Nil S No Yes 8 mm 12 mm 10 mm 25 mm 32 mm Number of auto switches Nil S 2 pcs. 1 pc.
Baud Rate B a u d R a t e M O D E < 1 2 0 0 b / s Setting range : 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200b/s Indicated content : Baud rate (Ex. : 1200b/s) Function : Sets baud rate for communication. 3.
Female lhread length {"1') is shonerfor the lollowing . 2o0 (2') 1/g & 1A st. 1/s & 1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. l=o.44 25O (2112')' I/s st. r/s st. '/s stl=0.44 300 (3") ]/s & 1/a st. 1/e &r/l st. 1/e & 1A st. 400 (4) 1/s &1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. 1/e &14 st. Series NCQT Dimensions Spring Extend NCQTBO-OT T Type Bore,, 9t4,F' I 60re ,b,:!