D-P74 auto switch is Dolarized when DC24V is used: white lead wire is positive and black lead wire is negative. lf connected in reverse the LED will not light 14 7a9{C Conversion Chart English to Metric (lvlultiply _ by _ To Obtain ) Metric to English (l\ilultiply _ by To Obtain ) Torque m m f t . l b m m f t . l b cm m Pressure in(H2O) 2.5357 x 1o-3kdcm2 in(Hg) 0.03518 kglcm2 mm2 psi 6.897
For B and C method, the cap end auto switch would ertend slightly pastthe cap end. OAlways connect switch to load before turning on povver. eAvoid impact, dropping or striking the auto switch. OAuto switch can not be used in magnetically contaminated areas. (Dlf auto switch cylinders are used in parallel keep the distance between cvlinders in accordance with the chart below.
UJ I 2-Forled \bBion DIMENSIONS A B c o E F G H J K M P R s T 1.57 (40) 2.52 (64) 2.20 (56) 1.77 (45) 4.80 (1221 1.97 {50} 0.98 (25) 1 . 1 0 (28) 0.51 (13) 4.45 (113) ?
View A PFA3-B DIN rail type Sensor Blue Brown Black Analog output 1 2 3 4 3 x 7.2 (= 21.6) 8-M3 36 15 6.4 2 3.4 5 6 7 8 OUT1 N.C. Load Load 2 1 3 4 6.5 12 to 24VDC + 26 SMC FLOW SWITCH PFA312-(-M) 35.5 30 15.2 56 (4.5) 44 UNIT RESET SET Sensor Blue Brown Black Analog output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 29 OUT1 N.C.
INSTALLATION B D Installation Transmission Din & Feed-back lever Fig. SINGLE-ACTING ACTUATOR SIGNAL PRE-Y%i-rpur SIGNAL RANGE INSTALLATION STYLE IREF. FIG. 1) OUT 1 OUT2 Direct ? OPEBATION ACTUATOR 315 DSi used pruggeo 1/2 Solit D c pruggeo used 1/2 Solit B 3-15 osi c USEO plugged '1l2 Solit B 3-15 nsi pruggeo used '112 Solit D Fig. Reverse = ) Y INSTALLATION STYLE (REF.
Bore size 6 10 6 mm 10 mm Auto switch type Nil Without auto switch (built-in magnet cylinder) Cylinder stroke (mm) Refer to the following table a and b. Select the applicable auto switch from the table below. Auto switch is shipped together (not assembled).
How to Order With bracket (standard) Air suction filter In-line type with One-touch fitting 100 04 B ZFC IN/OUT applicable tube O.D.
Nil 1 3 5 8 A B C Without cable 1.5 3 5 8 Without cable Standard cable 2 Robotic cable (Flexible cable) 1 The standard cable should be used on fixed parts.
Note 2) JIS B 8370: General Rules for Pneumatic Equipment Warning 1. The compatibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of the person who designs the pneumatic system or decides its specifications.
4/2 5/3 (A/B R1/R2)Standard(0.4 W)Quick response(0.95 W) C [dm3/(s?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .88184 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .68587 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .58790 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .67924 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .95993 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, 1.05821 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, 1.14872 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, 1.32277 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .97488 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?
6)2 to 10 stations: W = 22n + 11811 to 20 stations: W = 22n + 140, .68343 lb, ModelApplicable valveManifold typeP(SUP), R(EXH)Valve stations Note)A, B port specificationsPort sizeManifold base weight W (g) n: StationsLocationDirectionP, R portA, B portSS5X3-45SX3 40Stacking type/DIN rail mountedCommon SUP/Common EXH2 to 20 stationsBaseSideC8 (One-touch fitting for ?