Controller temperature exceeded set range. (1-146) RESET and SVON is ON D
(d) The BUSY output will turn ON.
Protrusion of Auto Switch from Edge of Body (L) MHT (mm) Air gripper model Auto switch model D-Y59 D-Y7P D-Y69 D-Y7PV MHY MHC2-10 MHC2-16 MHC2-20 MHC2-25 6 6 5 3 8 7 6 4 MHW MRHQ Auto Switch Hysteresis Misc. Auto switches have hysteresis similar to micro switches. Use the table below as a guide when adjusting auto switch positions, etc.
Protrusion of Auto Switch from Edge of Body (L) MHT (mm) Air gripper model Auto switch model D-Y59 D-Y7P D-Y69 D-Y7PV MHY MHC2-10 MHC2-16 MHC2-20 MHC2-25 6 6 5 3 8 7 6 4 MHW MRHQ Auto Switch Hysteresis Misc. Auto switches have hysteresis similar to micro switches. Use the table below as a guide when adjusting auto switch positions, etc.
Printed in Japan. 1st printing May, 2000 D-SMC.L.A. P-80 (D)
1 1 DO DlN terminal, without connector 1 4 11 4 70 G Grommet, 300mm lead wire 1 H 50 Grommet, 600mm lead wire 11 4 2 90 70 E Grommet terminal 2 T Conduit terminal 90 D DlN connector Body ported VEX3 12 0 01 5 D B Base mounted VEX3 22 0 01 5 D B B Bracket (Except VEX332) Option 0 Air operated Operation F Foot (Only VEX312, VEX332) 1 External pilot solenoid N Silencer for pilot exhaust (P2)
atci resstance 5CMO or more ur'leitheleslvotage or 50oVDC Mega ibelw@lcase 6nd cab e) .wfisland volag. lcoovac ior l m n roFrnF ' d e ro.abdi . ndicalor igft LgftaloN .Ambienttemperalure 10-60:c D-Y7NW.Y7NWV/3wire Auto Switch Dimensions D-Y7NW ' D-Y7PW . D-Y7BW Operating range Mosl sensll ve position D-Y7PW.Y7PWV/3wire D-Y7NWV . D.YTPWV .
VC VDW Option Symbol and Composition Fluid Name and Option Body, Shading coil material Option symbol Seal material Coil insulation type VQ Fluid (Application) Option symbol Standard A D NBR FKM FKM Heated water (up to 80C) D B VX2 H BC6, Copper Fuel oil (up to 60C) A Fuel oil (up to 80C) D VX If using for other fluids, please contact SMC. VX3 VXA VN Normally Open (N.C.)
D-DN This catalog is printed on recycled paper with concern for the global environment.
SFOD-OMT0009) d) e) 33 No.SFOD-OMT0011CN-A (1-2) a) View(V) 4.1 (1-1-2) View (V) b) Step No Edit OK c) d) OK (No. SFOD-OMT0009) 4.5 (0,0) (No.
Repl ace t he sol enoi d val ve. For t he repl acem ent procedure cont act SM C. Sol enoi d val ve f ai l ure. Ref er t o t he SM C w ebsi t e ( U RL ht t p: //w w w . sm cw orl d. com ) f or m ore i nf orm at i on about t roubl eshoot i ng.
WF1 ) M35L M45L A D A D M8(3),M8(3).
Information Solid-state Auto Switches for Direct Mounting Series D-M9N(V)/D-M9P(V)/D-M9B(V) Auto Switch Specifications Grommet PLC: Programmable Logic Controller D-M9/D-M9V (with Indicator light) Reduced load currents for two-wire model (2.5 to 40 mA) Compliance with lead-free requirements Use of UL-approved lead wires (style 2844) Three-wire D-M9N In-line Perpendicular D-M9P In-line
AS-T A (1) (2) L4 (1) (2) Weight (g) Model M1 D1 D2 L1 L2 L3 d T H Min.
Parts list * is different from standard type (C(D)S2) No.
CEU5B-D PNP () CEU5P (5m ) OUT CEU5PB (DC30V ) COM CEU5P-D CEU5PB-D 6-5 RS-232C :EIA RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C S D R D S G LT1181 F G LT1181 R S C S D R E R 11 - 6-6 , (1)CEU5 ,CE1-R** (2),,,5m (3), (4), (5)CEU5 (6), (7)CEU5 ,10cm (8)EMC (2004/108/EC),DC24V (CEU5**-D)(CE1 ) (CEP1 ) 12 - 7 7-1 CEU5 3 ,8 7-1-1 ,,() (ON ) (131 31 ,2131 ) ,RS-232C,No. 7-1-2 [MODE][MODE] ()
(c)BUSY ONINP OFF No. () (d)INP ONBUSY OFF INP ON BUSY OFF (INP ONBUSY OFF) 2 ABS 75 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B (3) --(a)No.(INx) (b)DRIVE ON Min.15ms No.(OUTx ) No. No. (c)BUSY ONINP OFF (d)INP ON 2.5[s] ALARM ON( ) BUSY OFF INP ON BUSY OFF 1)(0-149) 2)(d) 2 ABS 76 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B (4) HOLD --(a)(BUSY ON)HOLD ON (b)BUSY OFF () No. (c)HOLD OFF No.
(100) (2)2mm 2 D (3) 40 50mm ()100mm 100 -33No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C 5.
D D D Valve seal (maintenance part) 4 Body (material: A6063) C C C C E E E E E E E E (K flange ) F F F Fn n n n (KF flange) F F F Fd d d d Heater (option) Auto switch (option) G G G G H H H H B B B B A A A A A A A A Unit: mm Model A B C D E Fn Fd G H XLF-16 40 103 38 1 30 17 40 XLF-25 50 113 48 1 12 40 26 39 XLF-40 65 158 66 2 11 55 41 63 XLF-50 70 170 79 2 11 75 52 68 XLF-63 88 196 100 3
/Z80 6 D-Y59/Y69 D-Y7P/Y7PV D-Y7W/Y7WV 6 6 A B Since this is a guideline including hysteresis, not meant to be guaranteed.