Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 06 (ø6), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: None, Specification: V (Vacuum)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 04 (ø4), Port B OUT: 06 (Rcø6), Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 06 (ø6), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: V (Vacuum), Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 06 (ø6), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 06 (ø6), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: None, Specification: V (Vacuum), Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 06 (ø6), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: None, Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 04 (ø4), Port B OUT: 06 (Rcø6), Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: None, Specification: None, Z: Z (Pilot Port Thread 1/8)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 3 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 06 (ø6)
Body Class: Class 3, A port -IN- Applicable Tubing Size: 06 (ø6)
Fitting: 13 (Size 3), Tubing Size: 06 (ø6 x ø4)
Series: 25A-PFMB7, Flow Rate Range: 202 (20 to 2000 L/min), Thread Type: N (NPT), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Out Specification: B (Out 1: PNP, Out 2: PNP), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector 2 m, Rubber Cover for Connector, Silicone Rubber)
Series: 25A-PFMB7, Flow Rate Range: 202 (20 to 2000 L/min), Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Out Specification: C (Out 1: NPN, Out 2: Analog 1 to 5 V), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector 2 m, Rubber Cover for Connector, Silicone Rubber), Unit Specifications: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Bracket: R (w/Bracket)
Series: 25A-PFMB7, Flow Rate Range: 202 (20 to 2000 L/min), Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Out Specification: D (Out 1: NPN, Out 2: Analog to 20 mA), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector 2 m, Rubber Cover for Connector, Silicone Rubber), Unit Specifications: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Bracket: R (w/Bracket)
Series: 25A-PFMB7, Flow Rate Range: 202 (20 to 2000 L/min), Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Out Specification: C (Out 1: NPN, Out 2: Analog 1 to 5 V), Lead Wire: W (Lead Wire w/Connector 2 m, Rubber Cover for Connector, Silicone Rubber)
Model: 3, Stations: 06, A, B Port: C4 (One-touch Fitting for ø4)
Model: 3, Stations: 06, A, B Port: C6 (One-touch Fitting for ø6)
Special Applications: 21-AR (Copper, Fluorine & Silicon-free+Low Particle Generation), Body Size: 50, Reverse Flow: No, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 06 [3/4 (Size 40, 50)], Accessory, Not Attached: None, Option: Z (Nameplate/Caution Plate for Bowl in Imperial Units )
Special Application: 21-AF (Copper, Fluorine & Silicon-free+Low Particle Generation), Body Size: 50, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 06 [3/4 (Size 40, 50)], Bracket: None, Bowl Type: 8 [Metal w/Level Gauge (Size 30 to 60)], Option: J [Drain Guide (Size 20 to 60)]
Special Application: 21-AF (Copper, Fluorine & Silicon-free+Low Particle Generation), Body Size: 50, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 06 [3/4 (Size 40, 50)], Bracket: None, Bowl Type: 8 [Metal w/Level Gauge (Size 30 to 60)], Option: JZ [J+Nameplate/Caution Plate for Bowl in Imperial Units (Size 20 to 60)]
Special Application: 21-AF (Copper, Fluorine & Silicon-free+Low Particle Generation), Body Size: 40, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 06 [3/4 (Size 40, 50)], Bracket: None, Bowl Type: 8 [Metal w/Level Gauge (Size 30 to 60)], Option: JZ [J+Nameplate/Caution Plate for Bowl in Imperial Units (Size 20 to 60)]