(16 outputs) S-Link (8 outputs) T Link Mini DeviceNet CompoBus/S (16 outputs) CompoBus/S (8 outputs) JEMANET J1 J2 K Q R1 R2 U V CC-Link SS5Y3-45SA-05U-C6. 1 set (Type 45S, 5 station manifold base with serial unit part no.)
CRB2BWU10-D CRB2BWU15-S CRB2BWU15-D CRB2BWU20-S CRB2BWU20-D CRB2BWU30-S CRB2BWU30-D M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M3 x 0.5 M3 x 0.5 Refer to the drawing.
230 S1 LECSS1-S 100 to 120 S2 LECSS2-S 200 to 230 LEC !
Displacement NBR (N): Silicone rubber (S): Urethane rubber (U): FKM (F): Mark-free NBR (CL): ZP3E-32UM ZP3E-80UM 3 6 Displacement [mm] Displacement [mm] 2 4 N, S, U, F, CL N, S, U, F, CL 1 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Vacuum pressure [kPa] 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Vacuum pressure [kPa] ZP3E-100UM ZP3E-40UM 3 8 Displacement [mm] Displacement [mm] 6 2 N, S, U, F, CL N, S, U, F, CL 4 1 2
2.5 V = mm/s V = mm/s V = 100 V = 100 2.0 2.0 Load mass m [kg] Load mass m [kg] 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 V = 200 V = 200 0.5 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 L3: Overhang Allowable range: 100 mm L3: Overhang Allowable range: 140 mm Allowable overhang L [mm] Allowable overhang L [mm] MXQ12B-75Z MXQ12B-100, 125Z 2.5 2.5 V = mm/s V = mm/s V = 100 V = 100 2.0 2.0
Piston speed (mm/s) Piston speed (mm/s) 1.
mm/s or less !
Line No. 90 L Adapters Male to Female X2 S/S . P3, L10 X3 S/S . P3, L10 X4 S/S . P3, L10 RX3-2-3-2 S/S. P4, L12 RX3-1-1-1 S/S. P4, L12 M8-6x6-8 S/S . P20, L78 Y8 S/S . P4, L14 3/8BK-6 S/S . P18, L69 C1 S/S. P1, L1 C2 S/S. P1, L1 C3 S/S. P1, L1 C4 S/S. P1, L1 C6 S/S. P1, L1 RC3-1 S/S . P1, L2 T1 S/S . P1, L4 T2 S/S . P1, L4 T3 S/S . P1, L4 T4 S/S . P1, L4 T6 S/S . P1, L4 RT3-1-1 S/S .
[mm/s] (Operating condition) a1: Acceleration [mm/s2] T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] = = 0.57 [s] T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
F kit (D-sub connector) T kit (Terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable connector) S kit (Serial) kit U S F 15P U S P 26P U S A S U S P 20P U S P 16P U S P A B C 10P F 25P T2 T1 Type Note) Note) Note) Max. points 14 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 14 Note) Due to the limitation of internal wiring.
T kit (Terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable connector) S kit (Serial transmission) Kit F kit (D-sub connector) F 25P U S P 26P U S F A 15P U S P C 20P U S P 16P U S B P A 10P U S S Type T1 T2 Max. points Note) 16 Note) 16 16 16 Note) 16 14 14 8 8 Note) Due to the limitation of internal wiring.
P Panasonic Electric Works SUNX Co., Ltd.: S-LINK System (16 output points) CP kit Panasonic Electric Works SUNX Co., Ltd.: S-LINK System (8 output points) DeviceNet (16 output points) OMRON Corp.: CompoBus/S (16 output points) OMRON Corp.: CompoBus/S (8 output points) CC-LINK (16 output points) VVQZ2000 J
Motor type LEYGlMlA Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) Servo motor (24 VDC) 200 mm/s 200 mm/s LEYGlMlB 125 mm/s 200 mm/s LEYGlMlC 75 mm/s 125 mm/s For the specifications below, operate the system at the load mass shown in the graph x 80%.
Maximum acceleration: 3000mm/s Positioning time (sec.) Positioning distance (mm) 500 250 100 10 1 10 50.3 25.3 10.3 1.3 0.4 100 5.4 2.9 1.4 0.5 0.4 Speed (mm/s) 300 2.1 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.4 600 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 Values will vary slightly depending on the operating conditions.
A r-ll B T-l I t# r. r-1 zK 9K Flg. 8.25 Two cylinder cascade- P N E U M A T I C T E C H N O L O G Y APPENDIX SYMBOLS T H E S Y M B O L S F O R F L U I D P O W E R S Y S T E M S A N D C O M P O N E N T S A R E S T A N D A B D T Z E D I N I S O 1 2 1 9 . T H E S T A N D A R D C O M B T N E S H Y D R A U L I C A N D P N E U M A T I C C O M P O N E N T S .