. - 3. 3. 3. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. a.560 b.2585%RH c. d. e.
. -3- 1Specification 1.1 How to Order L E S Y H 8 D1 E A 50 R1 CD17T (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) Size (3)Motor type (2)Motor mouting position/Motor cover direction 8 Symbol type Compatible symbol Motor mouting position Motor cover direction controller 16 25 D1 Left side JXCE1 JXCL1 D2 Right side JXC91 JXCM1 E Battery-less absolute (Step motor 24V DC) In-line D3 Upper side JXCP1 JXC51
a b c d e f g h i j k a ABS INC ABS() / / INC()// b c ) 0.5mm ()/ P.53 8.3 d e f )LEHZ(J)LEHFLEHS 40100% LEHZJ10L, LEHZJ16L 50100% g INP ON P.51 8.3 INP INP ON h 16 - )LEHZ(J)LEHS 550mm/secLEHF10 520mm/sec LEHF203240 530mm/sec /P.50,51 8.3 , i )150% P.52 8.3 j 2 AREA ON INC ABS() k () INP ON() )No.1 5 4 1( ) 17 - (1) a b c d e f g h i j k No.0 0 1<2 INP
DOC1018957-1 PRODUCT NAME Standby Regulator MODEL / Series / Product Number AR20S-(F,N)02E-Y(Z)-15V(E) AR30S-(F,N)03E-Y(Z)-15V(E) AR40S-(F,N)04E-Y(Z)-15V(E) AR50S-(F,N)10E-Y(Z)-15V(E) Contents Page 1. Safety Instructions 2-9 2. Application 10 3. Standard Specifications 10 4. How to Order 11 5. Structural Drawing and Replacement Parts 12 6. Operation and Adjustment 13-14 7.
/M AI N TEN AN CE Separat e and rem ove f orei gn m at eri al and aerosol oi l part i cl e cont ai ned i n com pressed ai r. Fi l t rat i on rat i ng0. 01 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99. 9% ) O ut l et cl eanl i ness: 100 or l ess /f t 3 of 0. 3 m or m ore of part i cl e ( 35 or l ess / 10L ( AN R) ) Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Speed Speed Acceleration Deceleration Position In pos ON INP output ON OFF -17-
AW-OMS0038-C PRODUCT NAME FILTER REGULATOR MODEL/ Series AW20-(F,N)01(F,N)02(B,C,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,C,J,N,R,Z)-B AW30-(F,N)02(F,N)03(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40-(F,N)02(F,N)04(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40-(F,N)06(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW60-(F,N)06(F,N)10(B,C,D,E,G,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B Contents PAGE 1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 16 2. APPLICATION 7 3.
ITV2-OM00109-C P R O D U C T N A M E E/P Regulator (16points preset input type) MODEL/ Series/ Product Number ITV1000/2000/3000/2090-52* Series (Switch output: NPN output) ITV1000/2000/3000/2090-53* Series (Switch output: PNP output) Install and operate the product only after reading the Operation Manual carefully and understanding its contents.
3 y o q u e !0 w Parts list Material No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Material No.
Determination of loads kinetic energy (E) bore size Determination of bore size Review of larger bore size E Es E Es E = m E 2 a ( ) 2 (Refer to page 29) 1000 P Ps P Ps Determination of pressure for intermediate stop (p) (Refer to page 29) Review of larger bore size and operating pressure Model determination 1 Magnetically Coupled Rodless Cylinder Low Profile Guide Type Series CY1F Types
LJ1 LG1 LC1 LX LC6D/LC6C Switches LJ1 60 72 A A Motor mounting area B Section BB When mounting a coupling on the motor, mount it within the dimensional range shown on the left. 9.2 Thread P.C.D. 32.5 Coupling Motor 29.5 30 8 Dimensions D C F D E With brake (mm) 101 8.5 26 32 Without brake (mm) 93 17 19 27.5 E F Coupling mounting dimensions Section AA (Housing interior) Series LJ1H S20 Motor
5 y e o r q !0 !6 !5 y e o i r !9 r u e y o i q t !2 q !1 @0 !7 t !2 u !1 !7 !0 i !2 !7 !1 !5 !6 !0 t Component Parts Description Note Note Description No. Material Material No. U seal Body A NBR PBT q !2 Elbow body Cassette POM, Stainless steel PBT w !3 Seal Handle NBR PBT e !4 O-ring Body B NBR Stainless steel 303 r !5 O-ring Body B NBR Stainless steel 303 t !
For note e, refer to the left. e When using the type with a drain valve, drain guide, or a ball valve, discard the drainage before the drainage level reaches the center of the sight glass.
Meter-out Graph/Pressure to time Meter-in Graph/Pressure to time Movement of the cylinder by fixed throttle valve c ontrol valve d e Movement of the cylinder e p s y b er by meter control Pressure Stroke Pressure Stroke Pressure Stroke e cylind ement of th PH Delay in pressure transmission Mov PR (Atmospheric pressure) Delay in pressure transmission PR (Atmospheric pressure) During the operating
Cable connector (4 wire) Right angle type Cable connector (4 wire) Straight type n50 4-7 Mounting hole 31 SMC PREGULATOR E SMC PREGULATOR E RESET 40 52 ITV2090 ITV2090 SET UNLOCK LOCK 84 100 12.5 M12 X 1 Cable connecting threads 1.6 12 (99) (11) SMC PREGULATOR E ITV2090 Rc(PT)1/4 VAC port OUT 2 G ATM (Atmospheric pressure) OUT (Set pressure) VAC (vacuum pressure) 19 n36 Flat bracket P3020114
Consider q Max. payload, w static moment, e dynamic moment (when stopper collides) when calculating the Max. allowable moment and payload. Evaluate q and w as a (average speed), and e as (collision speed =1.4a). Calculate q (Wmax) from the graph of Max. payload (W1, W2, W3) and calculate w and e (Mmax) from the graph of Max. allowable moment.
Basic + Switch unit Basic + Angle adjusting unit Basic + Angle adjusting unit + Switch unit 1.1-2 Rotary Actuator Series CRB1 Vane Style/Size: 10, 15, 20, 30 How to Order CRB1 10 W B 180 S E Standard Location of connecting port _ E Body side Axial direction Location of connecting port Mounting B F Basic Flange Option ( ) Refer to p.1.1-6 for further information.
SS070M013A Replacement Parts Description No. e r Part no. Material Number Gasket 10 SS070M-80A-1 FKM Clip 10 SS070M-80A-2 Stainless steel 4-11-16 17 Series S070 Specific Product Precautions 1 Be sure to read before handling. Valve Mounting/Removal Screwing in M5/M3 Thread Caution Caution 1.
VKF (A) 2 (A) 2 VQZ 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) VZ VS VFN r e w q r e w q N.O. N.O. (A) 2 (A) 2 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) Component Parts Description Material Note No.
r e w q r e w q VG VP S070 VQ VKF N.C.