VQ Port size (IN, OUT port) Conduit terminal with indicator light TS Conduit terminal with surge voltage suppressor TZ Conduit terminal with light/surge voltage suppressor DL DIN terminal with indicator light DS DIN terminal with surge voltage suppressor DZ DIN terminal with light/surge voltage suppressor VKF Port size Rc (Nominal size) VP3145 VP3165 VP3185 Symbol 03 (10A) 3 8 (15A) 1 2 (20A
Content and quantity Clamp arm Cotter pin Applicable hole diameter For 13 hole For 15 hole For 16 hole For 18 hole For 20 hole For 25 hole For 30 hole CKQG-13A CKQG-15A CKQG-16A CKQG-18A CKQG-20A CKQG-25A CKQG-30A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 For 20 hole (Round/With Shim) 183 Pin Clamp Cylinder/Compact Cylinder Type Series CKQG32 Construction CKQG32-100RH-X2082 e Tube gasket w Rod seal q Piston
www.stevenengineering.com I 2.51 SOLENOID VALVES SERIES VX H O W T O O R D E R S E R I E S V X D VXD21 B R A C K E T Nil Without B With Bracket B O D Y S I Z E E L E C T R I C A L O P T I O N S 3 10A Energized Open Type Only 4 15A 5 20A Nil None S With Surge Voltage Suppressor L With Indicator Light Z With Indicator Light and Surge Voltage Suppressor V A LV E B O D Y T Y P E D DIN Connector