The CJ2-Z series catalog can be found <a href="/webcatalog/en-jp/seriesList/?type=GUIDE&id=CJ2-CDJ2-Z-E" target="_blank">here a>. And details on CJ2 series accessories (catalog excerpt) can be found <a href="/assets/support/faq/en/images/pdf/CJ2-P63-63-1.pdf" target="_blank">herea>.
③ Long strokes are available as a special order.
SMC's CJP-Z series is a single acting, short-stroke miniature pin cylinder with a shorter overall length. The CJP-Z can be recessed directly into a machine or installed on a panel, making the machine more compact. Rod end cap can now be ordered with the cylinder.
SMC's CJP-Z series is a single acting, short-stroke miniature pin cylinder with a shorter overall length. The CJP-Z can be recessed directly into a machine or installed on a panel, making the machine more compact. Rod end cap can now be ordered with the cylinder.
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
The CQM is a compact cylinder integrated with a guide rod and plate. The series is available in 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, and 100mm bore sizes. Non-rotating accuracy is 0.2 or less. Series CQM allows a workpiece to be mounted directly to the tooling plate.
The CQM is a compact cylinder integrated with a guide rod and plate. The series is available in 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, and 100mm bore sizes. Non-rotating accuracy is 0.2 or less. Series CQM allows a workpiece to be mounted directly to the tooling plate.
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
SYM BO L M N o Z SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t . Ref erence t abl e product i on no. show i ng product i on m ont h and year of a f i l t er. M o2008. 1 Fi rst , di scharge t he pressure i n t he body. ( M ake pressure 0 M Pa. ) Precaut i ons f or i nst al l at i on.
N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards I N El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L M N o Z SYM BO L o P Q Z I nst al l vert i cal l y. Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t .
Rod boot If using the rod end nut with a single knuckle joint or a double knuckle joint, use the type with rod end bracket (-XC86) or refer to page 11. Minimum stroke for auto switch mounting Auto switch proper mounting position (detection at stroke end) and its mounting height Operating range Auto switch mounting bracket part no. Mounting Bracket Part No.
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?
s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each (De-energized)?