-3502-2740 Fax: 03-3508-2480 URL http://www.smcworld.com 2002 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved 1st printing GT D-036 P-650(DN) * Printed in Japan.
REGULATOR TYPE Constant Bleed, Relieving WETTED MATERIALS Polysulfone, Silicone, Stainless steel SUPPLY CONSUMPTION See Graph MAX SUPPLY 35 PSI (242 kPa) TEMPERATURE RANGE 40 150 F (4 66 C) EFFECT OF SUPPLY VARIATION < 0.02 PSI (0.14 kPa) per 1 PSI (6.89 kPa) supply change when dead-ended REPEATABILITY < +/0.05 PSI (.35 kPa) DRIFT < .03 PSI (.21 kPa) after 24 hours RECOMMENDED FILTRATION
RUSSIA SMC Pneumatik LLC. 1-16-4 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8659 JAPAN Tel: 03-3502-2740 Fax: 03-3508-2480 URL http://www.smcworld.com 2004 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing HV printing IW 120KS Printed in Japan.
Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: 03-5207-8249 Fax: 03-5298-5362 URL http://www.smcworld.com 2008 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing MW printing MW 16400DN Printed in Japan.
Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: 03-5207-8249 Fax: 03-5298-5362 http://www.smcworld.com 2012 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing QQ printing QQ 7850SZ Printed in Japan. D-DN
Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: 03-5207-8249 Fax: 03-5298-5362 http://www.smcworld.com 2012 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 1st printing QY printing QY 8150SZ Printed in Japan. D-G
HowtoOrder 03 ADM200 1 Threadtype Operatingtime/Applicablecompressor Nil N F Rc NPT G Nil 2 sec/min (1 time/min) /3.7 to 37 kW 4 sec/min (2 times/min) /37 to 75 kW 6 sec/min (3 times/min) /75 to 110 kW 8 sec/min (4 times/min) /220 to 370 kW 4 6 8 Portsize Voltage OUT IN Symbol 04 03 3 8 3 8 100 VAC Hz 1 50 60 200 VAC Hz 50 60 240 VAC Hz 50 60 110 VAC Hz 50 60 220 VAC Hz 50 60 24 VDC 12 VDC
Exhaust Cleaner for Clean Rooms Series AMP How to Order AMP 2 0 2 03 Optional specifications Body size None Flow direction RightDown With element service indicator Nil R T 2 3 4 1/4 standard 3/8 standard 1/2 standard Element construction Accessories (optional) Nil None 2 2 stage B With bracket Note) The bracket is not attached.
Filtration efficiency 99.9% Membrane FGH200 to 300 0.2 m EB ES X40 0.4 m Element classification Note) Port size 03 04 06 10 Rc3/8 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Element HEPO 2 Membrane Symbol J D Note) Refer to pages 70 to 73 for details about specifications, models, dimensions, etc. regarding the elements.
(Including O-ring for element) 5 m 10 m 20 m Model FH150-02 FH150-03 FH150-04 Element size EP910-005N EP910-010N EP910-020N 55 x 90 Note 1) The symbol at the end of the element part no. indicates the hydraulic fluid type. N: Petroleum, V: Phosphoric ester, W: Water-glycol, Emulsion (10 m only) Note 2) Refer to page 528 for micromesh elements.
Process Pump Automatically Operated Type (Internal Switching Type) Series PA3000/5000 How to Order 1 1 PA 3 03 0 PA3000 Option Body size Nil N 3 5 Body only With silencer 3/8 standard 1/2 standard For AIR EXH: AN200-02 Port size Material of body wetted areas 03 04 06 3/8 (10A): PA3 1/2 (15A): PA5 3/4 (20A): PA5 1 2 ADC12 (Aluminum) SCS14 (Stainless steel) PA5000 Diaphragm material Thread
Type Rc NPT G Symbol Nil N F Port size Port size 3/8" Symbol 03 0 PAF341 P13 Tube extension Option Actuation Note 1) Applicable actuation Automatically operated Option Symbol Air operated Symbol 0 3 Actuation Automatically operated Air operated Nil B N None With foot With silencer Tubing size When option is more than one, suffix in alphabetical order.
For Water Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W How to Order Integrated Display Type PF2W7 20 03 27 M Flow rate range Thread type 04 20 40 11 0.5 to 4 L/min 2 to 16 L/min 5 to 40 L/min 10 to 100 L/min Unit specifications Rc NPT G Nil N F With unit switching function Note1) Fixed SI unit Note2) Nil M Lead wire (Refer to page 322.)
Terminal thread type is M4. 0 W 1 03 1 0 ISG Mounting/Piping Caution Multipurpose pressure switch 1. Mounting is possible in either horizontal or vertical orientations. Contacts/Bulb gland Pressure Source Nil W Nil B C 1a1b (Standard) 2ab Contact Warning Enclosure Type A 20a (Standard) Type A 20b Type A 20c Bulb gland 1.
Symbol Symbol Nil 2 3 4 6 5 Application Ports A & B same size N PPS PFA Ammonium hydroxide compatible Metric sizes 03 04 06 08 10 12 19 25 3 4 6 8 10 12 19 25 Pilot port thread type Refer to the applicable tubing table to the left. Different diameter tubings can be selected within the same body class.
IFW5 10 03 N 1 1 PSE Z I SE3 Diaphragm style flow switch PS Light 0 None Z I SE1 2 1 With neon light (110 VAC, Red) 2 With neon light (110 VAC, Green) Flow range ZSP 3 With neon light (220 VAC, Red) Low flow setting possible (1 l/min) 1 to 10 l/min 10 4 With neon light (220 VAC, Green) 10 to 20 l/min Simple flow setting Without removing the cover, you can set with a screwdriver from the
Applicable model LVR20 LVR40 LVR50 03 3 x 2 LVR20 LVR40 LVR50 03 1/8" x 0.086" 04 4 x 3 05 3/16" x 1/8" 06 6 x 4 07 1/4" x 5/32" 10 10 x 8 11 3/8" x 1/4" 12 12 x 10 13 1/2" x 3/8" 19 19 x 16 19 3/4" x 5/8" LQ3 Metric size Inch size Symbol Applicable tubing size Applicable model Symbol Applicable tubing O.D.
Compact Proportional Solenoid Valve Series PVQ10 How to Order 13 03 M5 5 PVQ L A Base mounted Body / Seal material Valve type / /! & ! 13 A Voltage 5 6 $* ( Port size '$ ( 0 3 % 2 0 0-4 3 2 0 3 ') 5 ')1 $ " Electrical entry Nil 1 0 L /0-4 M5 % 2 0-4 5 + 0 M Orifice size 67 5 0 /!
Port size 02 1/4 03 3/8 Porting specications Nil Side ported B Bottom ported Note) Note) For bottom ported, port size is 1/4 only. 451