27.2 36 18.5 63 15.2 29.5 5/16" 1/4 23 21.8 48.8 37.8 42.8 43.8 AS221F-02-11 AS321F-02-10 21 18.5 43.2 20 10 33.9 43.3 17.9 36 21 67 31.8 3/8" AS321F-02-07 AS321F-02-12 20.9 12 44.3 17 39.3 27.8 22 69 32.8 60 13.2 1/4" 19 AS321F-02-09 AS321F-03-06 12.8 6 39.3 18.5 63 15.2 41 29.5 17 55 27.8 23 43.8 21.8 48.8 42.8 37.8 5/16" AS321F-02-11 AS321F-03-08 31.8 15.2 41 8 17.9 43.3 21 67 18.5 57
18.5 29.5 55.3 23 9.8 49.3 R 1/4 1.2 19 21.8 AS321F-02-10SD AS321F-N02-07SD 1/4" 13.2 27.8 39.3 17 10 18.5 43.3 21 31.8 AS321F-02-12SD AS321F-N02-09SD NPT 1/4 19 23 9.8 21.8 55.3 1.2 49.3 12 5/16" 15.2 29.5 41 18.5 20.9 44.3 22 32.8 AS321F-03-06SD AS321F-N02-11SD 6 17.9 31.8 43.3 21 3/8" 12.8 39.3 17 27.8 AS321F-03-08SD AS321F-N03-07SD 8 15.2 41 18.5 29.5 1/4" 13.2 27.8 39.3 17 53.7 23 9.8
15.2 17.9 8 3/8" 23 43.8 48.8 21.8 19 42.8 37.8 R 1/4 AS321FG-02-10 AS321FG-N02-07 27.8 39.3 67 21 31.8 43.3 18.5 13.2 10 1/4" 17 60 NPT 1/4 AS321FG-02-12 AS321FG-N02-09 19 21.8 29.5 41 69 22 32.8 44.3 20.9 15.2 12 5/16" 48.8 43.8 42.8 37.8 18.5 63 23 AS321FG-03-06 AS321FG-N02-11 31.8 43.3 55 17 27.8 39.3 12.8 17.9 6 3/8" 21 67 AS321FG-03-08 AS321FG-N03-07 27.8 39.3 57 18.5 29.5 41 15.2
8 15.2 21.8 19 R 1/4 23 9.5 55.3 1.5 49.3 AS321F-N02-07ST AS321F-02-10ST 1/4" 13.2 27.8 39.3 17 21 31.8 43.3 10 18.5 AS321F-N02-09ST AS321F-02-12ST NPT 1/4 19 23 9.5 21.8 55.3 1.5 49.3 5/16" 15.2 29.5 41 18.5 22 32.8 44.3 12 20.9 AS321F-N02-11ST AS321F-03-06ST 3/8" 17.9 31.8 43.3 21 17 27.8 39.3 6 12.8 AS321F-N03-07ST AS321F-03-08ST 1/4" 13.2 27.8 39.3 17 18.5 29.5 41 8 15.2 20.9 19 R 3/
(mm) MHZ2-20D3 42 Height Bore size 19 25 33 41 8 12 16 20 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com MHF2-12D 72.8 52 25 50 The low profile design saves space and reduces bending moments.
50 66.5 4-M5 x 0.8 depth 8 30 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 0 -0.062 47h9 +2.2 -0.2 20.9 opened 0 -0.1 5 41 +0.03 0 3-4H9 depth 6 (one each on three sides) 4-M3 x 0.5 (attachment mounting screw ) M5 x 0.8 Finger closing port 0 -0.1 8 0 -0.7 14.9
15.2 8 17.9 3/8" R(PT) 1/4 23 43.8 48.8 21.8 19 42.8 37.8 27.8 39.3 AS321FG-02-10 AS321FG-N02-07 67 21 31.8 43.3 18.5 10 13.2 1/4" 17 60 NPT 1/4 19 21.8 29.5 41 AS321FG-02-12 AS321FG-N02-09 69 22 32.8 44.3 20.9 12 15.2 5/16" 48.8 43.8 42.8 37.8 18.5 63 23 31.8 43.3 AS321FG-03-06 AS321FG-N02-11 55 17 27.8 39.3 12.8 6 17.9 3/8" 21 67 27.8 39.3 AS321FG-03-08 AS321FG-N03-07 57 18.5 29.5 41 15.2
Model (L) 3 E J M H W ( T ) L N LQ1F41 LQ1F42 LQ1F51 LQ1F52 LQ1F61 LQ1F62 12 10 19 12 25 19 60 53 34 SMC 30 12 33.1 28 21 65.2 58 (M) W N J SMC 58 41 36 14 40 32 26 3/4 19 63.2 (E) (T) H 69 51 81.5 36 14 49 39.5 Class 4, 5 JIS 10K flange Inch sizes H Applicable tubing O.D.
(mm) MHZ2-20D3 42 Height Bore size 19 25 33 41 8 12 16 20 MHF2-12D 72.8 52 25 50 The low profile design saves space and reduces bending moments. Improved accuracy with smooth operation Low profile design Reduced bending moment and vibration Stroke selection is available. 3 standard stroke lengths are available for each bore size.
double solenoid For 3 position type For 4 position type [SOL.B] () Coil : SX100-41-4DCOM (+) How to Order
12 x 17 Miniature pneumatic indicator VR3200 Pneumatic-electric relay Dimensions VR3200: 17 x 49 x 71 VR3201: 25 x 86 x 89 VR3201 VR4151 Relay valve 7 5 Metal Spool Dimensions Side piping: 30 x 53 x 91 Bottom piping: 30 x 48 x 91 VR4152 INDEX Mechanical Valves Page Series VM1000 P . 5-6-8 Series VM100 P . 5-6-12 Series VM200 P . 5-6-20 Series VM400 P . 5-6-26 Series VZM500 P . 5-6-41
15.2 17.9 8 3/8" 23 43.8 48.8 21.8 19 42.8 37.8 R 1/4 AS321FG-02-10 AS321FG-N02-07 27.8 39.3 67 21 31.8 43.3 18.5 13.2 10 1/4" 17 60 NPT 1/4 AS321FG-02-12 AS321FG-N02-09 19 21.8 29.5 41 69 22 32.8 44.3 20.9 15.2 12 5/16" 48.8 43.8 42.8 37.8 18.5 63 23 AS321FG-03-06 AS321FG-N02-11 31.8 43.3 55 17 27.8 39.3 12.8 17.9 6 3/8" 21 67 AS321FG-03-08 AS321FG-N03-07 27.8 39.3 57 18.5 29.5 41 15.2
10 15.3 4.2 19 ZH15DS-10-03-12 22.45 AMJ 93.3 58.5 41 10 15.3 4.2 19 ZH15DL-10-03-12 22.45 (Mounting hole) Model I J K L M N O P Misc.
(mm) MHZ2-20D3 42 Height Bore size 19 25 33 41 8 12 16 20 MHF2-12D 72.8 52 25 50 The low profile design saves space and reduces bending moments. Improved accuracy with smooth operation Low profile design Reduced bending moment and vibration Stroke selection is available. 3 standard stroke lengths are available for each bore size.
OUT1 output mode selection in Initial Setting on page 16-2-41. SET Press the SET button.
Model N L L E J M H W ( T ) 3 TI/ TIL 12 10 19 12 25 19 LQ1F41 LQ1F42 LQ1F51 LQ1F52 LQ1F61 LQ1F62 60 53 34 28 33.1 12 30 21 PA 65.2 58 SMC (W) (M) N J SMC 58 41 40 14 32 36 26 PAX 63.2 3/4 19 69 51 81.5 49 14 39.5 36 H (E) (T) PB JIS 10K flange Class 4, 5 Inch sizes Applicable tubing O.D.
LVH LVD LVQ LQ LVN TI/ TIL PA PAX PB 17-2-41 4 For details about certified products conforming to international standards, visit us at www.smcworld.com.
solenoid: For 3 position type SX100-41-4DCOM (+) Coil Switch
10 15.3 4.2 19 ZH15DS-10-03-12 22.45 AMJ 93.3 58.5 41 10 15.3 4.2 19 ZH15DL-10-03-12 22.45 (Mounting hole) Model I J K L M N O P Misc.
SS5YJA7-41-03-01 1 pc. SYJA7140 1 pc. SYJA7240 1 pc. SYJ7000-21-1A 1 pc. 5(R) 1 (P) (R)3 5(R) 1 (P) (R)3 3 position pressure center 4(A) (B)2 The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc. 5(R) 1 (P) (R)3 Caution Be sure to read this before handling the products.