CHKGB50 CHKGB20 -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -125 (M) -150 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M
or higher +100 V to +400 V +30 V to +100 V Within 30 V 30 V to 100 V 100 V to 400 V 400 V or lower Light ON Positive Static neutralization completion Flash at 4 Hz Detects the electric potential difference and outputs in an analog voltage.
across flats K T 0 0.1 E W M D E 2 x N through 4 x O counterbore 2 x P (Rc, NPT, M thread) Stroke A + 2 stroke B + Stroke V H + Stroke Width across flats K T 0 0.1 Y M Q F D E A + 2 stroke B + Stroke V H + Stroke Width across flats K M T 0 0.1 D E 2 x P (Rc, NPT, G) A + 2 stroke B + Stroke V H + Stroke Width across flats K M Q F Z Stroke 2 x P (Rc, NPT, G) M E J Q F Z Stroke 32 40 50 RSQB
Weight [g] D-M9NW(V) D-M9PW(V) D-M9BW(V) Auto switch model 8 8 7 0.5 LECS; 14 14 13 1 Lead wire length Auto Switch Internal Circuit (m) 41 41 38 3 D-M9NW/M9NWV 68 68 63 5 DC (+) Brown How to Order Main circuit OUT Black of switch D-M9 N W V L Specific Product Precautions Series Lead wire length DC () Blue Nil 0.5 m 1 m 3 m 5 m Wiring/Output type M D-M8PW/M9PWV Electrical entry N P B 3-wire
per square mtr Newton Earth acceleration m I m2 mt m s'' s ' m s-2 m2 kg N a,F,1-6,e.p A,S v v a) J F G = kg ' rn's'2 9.80665 m's-2 N Impulse Ns Newton Second w E , W E , W M P Work Potential energy Kinetic energy Torque Power Joule = Newton meter Joule Joule Joule Watt J J t ' J w = kg . m2's-2 0.5-m-i = J's-l 3.
1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA 12 bit resolution Input signal range 10 to 10 V, 5 to 5 V 20 to 20 mA 16 bit resolution EX600-AXA 15 V 22 mA Note 2) Max. rated input signal 50 100 k Input impedance 0.05% F .S.
per square mtr Newton Earth acceleration m I m2 mt m s'' s ' m s-2 m2 kg N a,F,1-6,e.p A,S v v a) J F G = kg ' rn's'2 9.80665 m's-2 N Impulse Ns Newton Second w E , W E , W M P Work Potential energy Kinetic energy Torque Power Joule = Newton meter Joule Joule Joule Watt J J t ' J w = kg . m2's-2 0.5-m-i = J's-l 3.
Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m Nil(Example) Y59B 3 m L (Example) Y59BL 5 m Z (Example) Y59BZ Z76 5 V IC circuit Reed switch Solid state switch Yes 100 V Z73 12 V Grommet Relay, PLC 24 V 2-wire 100 V or less No 5 V, 12 V Z80 IC circuit Y59A 3-wire (NPN) IC circuit 5 V, 12 V Y7P 3-wire (PNP) Y59B 2-wire 12 V Relay, PLC Yes Grommet 24 V 3-wire (NPN) Y7NW Diagnostic indication (2-color
Example) AM30-N03BD-6RZ-D q e r t y w Symbol Description w Body size 20 30 40 50 60 AFF Nominal filtration rating: 1 m V V V V V Water droplet removal ratio: 99% AM Nominal filtration rating: 0.1 m V V V V V Oil mist concentration on the outlet side: 1 mg/m3 q Filter type AMD Nominal filtration rating: 0.01 m V V V V V Oil mist concentration on the outlet side: 0.1 mg/m3 + e Thread type
Contact protection circuit None D-A93 2.4 V or less (to 20 mA)/3 V or less (to 40 mA) D-A93V 2.7 V or less Internal voltage drop 0.8 V or less Indicator light Red LED lights when ON Lead wires D-A90(V)/D-A93(V) Oilproof vinyl heavy-duty cord: 2.7, 0.18 mm2 x 2 cores (Brown, Blue), 0.5 m D-A96(V) Oilproof vinyl heavy-duty cord: 2.7, 0.15 mm2 x 3 cores (Brown, Black, Blue), 0.5 m Note
Settable range of user set value Settable value range Range Lower limit Upper limit -10..+10 V -10.50 to +10.45 V -10.45 to +10.50 V -5..+5 V -5.25 to +5.22 V -5.22 to +5.25 V -20..+20 mA -21.00 to +20.90 mA -20.90 to +21.00 mA 0..10 V 0.00 to +10.45 V +0.05 to +10.50 V 0..5 V 0.00 to +5.22 V +0.03 to +5.25 V 1..5 V +0.75 to +5.22 V +0.78 to +5.25 V 0..20 mA 0.00 to +20.90 mA +0.10 to +21.00
L = 50 mm, V = 400 mm/s L = 100 mm, V = 400 mm/s 5 5 Load mass m [kg] Load mass m [kg] 1 1 0.3 0.3 10 30 31 101 200 100 10 30 31 100 101 200 Stroke [mm] Stroke [mm] MGPKL32 L = 50 mm, V = 400 mm/s L = 100 mm, V = 400 mm/s 50 50 Load mass m [kg] Load mass m [kg] 10 10 3 3 10 50 51 100 101 200 100 101 200 10 50 51 Stroke [mm] Stroke [mm] 18 MGPK Series L L m m Plate Material Aluminum Alloy
Ordering example) Lead wire length 5A 10 ZS ZCU Lead wire length (For DC) Nil 6 10 15 20 25 30 0.3 m (Standard) 4A 20 VJ10 6 AMJ 0.6 m 1 m 1.5 m 2 m 2.5 m 3 m Note) If ordering a vacuum switch with 3 m lead wire, specify both the vacuum unit switch and the 3 m lead wire connector part numbers. Nil 30 50 0.6 m 3 m 5 m (For 100 VAC) 1A 36 VJ10 6 Misc. ZX1051-K15LOZ-EC 1 pc.
V V V V AS3ll1FSl-l03 3/8 V V V V V V V AS4ll1FSl-l04 1/2 V V VNote 4) V V 10 AS2ll1FSl-G01 1/8 V V V V VNote 4) AS2ll1FSl-G02 1/4 VNote 4) V V V V AS3ll1FSl-G02 1/4 V V V V G Face seal AS3ll1FSl-G03 3/8 V V V V AS4ll1FSl-G04 1/2 V V VNote 4) Note 1) Without sealant type can be selected as a standard option.
V + 02 1/4 V 03 3/8 V 04 1/2 V 06 3/4 V 10 1 V + e Port size 1(P), 2(A) a Mounting Nil Without mounting option V V V V B With bracket V V V V + Option b Pressure gauge Nil Without pressure gauge V V V V G Round type pressure gauge (with limit indicator) V V V V + r c Silencer Nil Without silencer V V V V S Silencer (Built-in) V V V V + 1 100 VAC V V V V 2 200 VAC V V V V 3 110 VAC
or less V = 400mm/s 1 0 Over 30mm stroke V = 400mm/s 10 1 5 0.5 25 25 20 Load weight m (kg) 20 Load weight m (kg) 16 1 0.1 16 12 12 0.01 10 50 100 200 0.1 10 50 100 200 Eccentric distance l (mm) Eccentric distance l (mm) MGPL32 to 100 1 1 50mm stroke or less V = 400mm/s 1 2 Over 50mm stroke V = 400mm/s 100 100 100 50 50 80 100 80 63 10 63 Load weight m (kg) Load weight m (kg) 50 5 10 50 40
VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .
+ 02 1/4 V 03 3/8 V 04 1/2 V 06 3/4 V 10 1 V + e Port size 1(P), 2(A) a Mounting Nil Without mounting option V V V V B With bracket V V V V + Option b Pressure gauge Nil Without pressure gauge V V V V G Round type pressure gauge (with limit indicator) V V V V + r c Silencer Nil Without silencer V V V V S Silencer (Built-in) V V V V + 1 100 VAC V V V V 2 200 VAC V V V V 3 110 VAC [115
Settable range of user set value Settable value range Range Lower limit Upper limit -10..+10 V -10.50 to +10.45 V -10.45 to +10.50 V -5..+5 V -5.25 to +5.22 V -5.22 to +5.25 V -20..+20 mA -21.00 to +20.90 mA -20.90 to +21.00 mA 0..10 V 0.00 to +10.45 V +0.05 to +10.50 V 0..5 V 0.00 to +5.22 V +0.03 to +5.25 V 1..5 V +0.75 to +5.22 V +0.78 to +5.25 V 0..20 mA 0.00 to +20.90 mA +0.10 to +21.00
IPX4 (400 V as standard) HRS100/150 Standard type 1.0 5 to 35 V V (400 V as standard, 200 V as an option) HRSH090 Inverter type 0.1 5 to 40 V Indoor use (Only 200 V as an option) (400 V as standard, 200 V as an option) Outdoor installation IPX4 HRSH Inverter type 0.1 5 to 35 V V V V V (Only 200 V as an option.