ZSE ISE PSE Z I SE3 PS Z I SE1 2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com ZSP ISA2 Operating Environment IS Warning ZSM 1. Never use in an environment, where explosive gases are used. The switches do not have an explosion-proof rating.
In the case of characteristic a, time delav to switch a valve with switching pressure ps will be lt, b it will be increased lo t2.
mm2 psi 6.897 kPa cm2 psi 0.06897 bar m2 ps, 0.0703 kgy'cm2 Length mils 2.54 in 25.4 in 2.54 ft 0.3048 Length Torque mm 0.0394 mils N'm 0.7375 mm 0.0394 in kg. m 7.2330 cm 0.3937 in m 3.2810 ft Pressure mm(H,O) 0 00142 Area mm(Hg) 0.0197 mm2 0.0016 in2 torr 0.0197 cm2 0.1550 in'? kPa 0.145 m2 10.765 ft2 bat 14.50 kg cm'?
.7A 100 0 9 8 3 4 6 3 0 7 02a 0 1 6 ( 2 5 0 1 1 7 (88) (78) (5) (4) REPAIR Cylinder Repair Kits (All rubber seals) Gauges Actuator Assembly #1P200-02 Actuator Repair Kit #1P200-RP Consists of: 1 Back Pressure Diaphragm 1 Supply Diaphragm 1 Input Diaphragm 1 Packing 4 Spool& Sleeve "O" Rings 1 Fixed Orifice "O" Ring Bore Part # 50mm CA1 N5O-PI 63mm CA1N63.PI 80mm cA1 N80-Pl 100mm CAl Nl OO-PS
n*n" ,n ,n"n"" I *' ,.o... .,"," 1 9 1 9 21 t8 1 8 1 8 21 '17 I ,u,*""0" 1 7 17 1 9 1 9 29 23 Note: See specific page # for which combinations ar available. fcEd lmft [ilrtrc ol PS lhcaft 1/4 NPT B ( # ) 3/8 NPT 1i2 NPT D 1/8 NPT A /A, \v .540" DtA .666" DIA .840' OIA .,tsS'DIA 1 6 T.Pl. = Threads oer inch L.NGNTPPLE Longr lengihs a\,ailaH upon rqu$t CLOSE NIPPLE HEX NIPPLE Long paurn 138Inchs
160 (8.8) .36 (165) NAN6OO.NI O 1 27O llsl .46 e25) NAN700+i12 1]4 444 Q4l 1 .87 (4901 Supply pressure: 7l PSI Distance from silencer: NAN200-500-) 31t NAN6O0-7OO+ 6.5fi MN800_900 ,10f1 NANSOO-N,'4 1\h 590 (33) 2.21 (580) NANgOO-N2O 2 960 (53) 3.13 (820) Construction NAN200,400 NAN500 -900 4.21 11071 NAN120-X200 Port size (NPT) M5 (NOM 10-32) Noise reduction lvax. operating pressure I 45 PS
Series NCDJP Const ruct ian i Parts List Basic Type Nq,PB6 Nq,PBIO t{cjPBtS Seals List Paris List CJPlO-PS Note: Rod jam nuts must be ordered separately. Series NCDJP Auto Stuitch Mounting Posrtion . : 1_E i l i 1 D.gOA Auto swilches should be mounted as shown in the Figure below. D-97.D-93A (|& @D D-93A il !
Resistance to dusty environmenls Reducod open ng s 4s he ps ol*nL ibreqnob]e.lslmmedeilg Reter to catalog N366 Series Variations 1 0 1 6 2 0 9 t t O g MHw2 Rack Style Unique seal design allows shorter total length construction and Gtippng force when opening and closing finger. lemeerol constant Auto switch mounting at 4 locations Two tinger styles available.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 17-6-12 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 14-21-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
9 Carbon steel @0 How to Order Seal Kit NCA1 W 150 PS Option Option -XB5 Oversized rod -XB6 High temperature -XB7 Low temperature -XC11 Dual operation/Single rod Bore W K Single rod Double rod Non-rotating 150 200 250 325 400 Available for 150, 200 and 250 bores only. Use single rod designation when ordering XC11 kit. Note: XC10 seal kit order 2 single rod kits.
Anodized Rod cover Aluminum alloy 1 1 PS NCA 500 2 Electroless nickel plating Cushion valve Rolled steel 2 3 Phosphate coated Snap ring Spring steel 2 Special options Nil XB5 XB6 XB7 XB5B6 XB5B7 Bore 500 600 800 4 Cushion valve seal NBR 2 Standard Oversized rod High temperature Low temperature Oversized W/ high temperature Oversized W/ low temperature Anodized Head cover Aluminum alloy 1
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 15-18-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 17-6-12 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
.: 0.96 mm High visibility A large LED display for an easily visible switch Wetted parts material Standards Pressured sensor part: Silicon, Body part: PBT, O-ring: HNBR CE (Option), RoHS Note) For wiring, refer to the Operation Manual on our website, http://www.smcworld.com Series PS1000/1100/1200 CAT.NAS100-23B RoHS How to Order [Option] Q R06 L PS 00 10 Option (CE-compliant ) Output specifications
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 15-18-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 15-18-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 15-18-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L. Such vessels require EC type examination and then CE marking. 15-18-6 SMC Product Conforming to International Standards national Standards you to comply with EC directives and CSA/UL standards.