Model: 50 (Side Ported), Connector Type: P (Flat Ribbon Cable, 26 Pins), Connector Entry Direction: 2 (Lateral), Wiring Specification: All Double Wiring, Valve Stations: 12 Stations, P,E Port Location: B (Both Sides), A,B Port Size: KN3 (ø5/32" One-touch Fitting, Replaceable), Thread: T (NPTF), Mounting: D (DIN Rail Mounting w/DIN Rail)
Model: 50 (Side Ported), Connector Type: P (Flat Ribbon Cable, 26 Pins), Connector Entry Direction: 2 (Lateral), Wiring Specification: All Double Wiring, Valve Stations: 4 Stations, P,E Port Location: B (Both Sides), A,B Port Size: KN3 (ø5/32" One-touch Fitting, Replaceable), Thread: T (NPTF), Mounting: D (DIN Rail Mounting w/DIN Rail)
Stations: 01 (1 Station), Piping: B (U Side: Open; D Side: Open), Thread Type: N (NPT), Supply Unit Components: P (w/o Flow Adj. Valve; w/Stop Valve), Return Unit Flow Switch: 7 (Integrated Display), Return Unit Flow Range: 20 (2 to 16 L/min), Return Unit Components: P (w/o Flow Adj.
Series: VQ2000, IN Port Size: 01 (Rc 1/8), OUT Port Size: 01 (Rc 1/8), Option: DN (D + N)
Series: VQ2000, IN Port Size: 01 (Rc 1/8), OUT Port Size: 01 (Rc 1/8), Option: FN (F + N)
P o w er su p p ly co n n ecto r key Communication connector key 6 Sw i t ch set t i ng Saf et y I nst ruct i ons f or Set t i ng Turn of f t he pow er suppl y w hi l e set t i ng t he sw i t ch. I f t here i s f orei gn m at t er or w at er dropl et s around t he sw i t ch cover, cl ean i t of f bef ore openi ng t he cover. A C T U AT O R S P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R PA G E 1.1 VA LV E S P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R PA G E 2.1 F L O W C O N T R O L E Q U I P M E N T P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R PA G E 3.1 F I T T I N G S A N D T U B I N G P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R PA G E 4.1 A I R P R E PA R AT I O N P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R PA G E 5.1 VA C U U M P R O D U C T S E L E
POM ADC Material Note No. r Description Material q Description Retainer Over travel spring Plunger Body Metallic plated t y w e Spring Spool valve Steel Zinc chromated Rubber lined Aluminum alloy, NBR Series VM800 Basic VM830-01-00 JIS Symbol Actuator mounting hole P .T. (Pre-Travel) 1 O.T. (Over Travel) 2 T.T.
Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa* and 0. 05M Pa or l ess * O p tio n H : 1.6 M P a O n ly 150C 550C Ref er draw i ngs or cat al ogue f or const ruct i on and speci f i cat i ons. U nderst and t hi s operat i on m anual w i l l be revi sed w i t hout not i f i cat i on.
Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Body Option: 1, Piping: 0 (Side), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Electrical Entry: T (Conduit Terminal), Option: P (Manual Override, w/Lock), Thread: N (NPT)
Protocol: P (PROFINET), Mounting: 8 (DIN Rail Mounting), Cable Connector: w/o Plug Connector, Actuator: LEFB (Belt Drive), Type: Basic Type, Body Size: 25, Motor Mounting: In-line, Lead: T (48mm), Stroke: 1500mm
Protocol: P (PROFINET), Mounting: 8 (DIN Rail Mounting), Cable Connector: w/o Plug Connector, Actuator: LEFB (Belt Drive), Type: Basic Type, Body Size: 32, Motor Mounting: In-line, Lead: T (48mm), Stroke: 1200mm
Protocol: P (PROFINET), Mounting: 8 (DIN Rail Mounting), Cable Connector: w/o Plug Connector, Actuator: LEFB (Belt Drive), Type: Basic Type, Body Size: 25, Motor Mounting: In-line, Lead: T (48mm), Stroke: 300mm
Protocol: P (PROFINET), Mounting: 8 (DIN Rail Mounting), Cable Connector: w/o Plug Connector, Actuator: LEFB (Belt Drive), Type: Basic Type, Body Size: 32, Motor Mounting: In-line, Lead: T (48mm), Stroke: 1500mm
Protocol: P (PROFINET), Mounting: 8 (DIN Rail Mounting), Cable Connector: w/o Plug Connector, Actuator: LEFB (Belt Drive), Type: Basic Type, Body Size: 32, Motor Mounting: In-line, Lead: T (48mm), Stroke: 900mm
Manifold Type: 43 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 4 Stations, P, R Port Location: B (Both Sides 2~20 Stations), SUP/EXH Block Specification: Internal Pilot, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Manifold Type: 43 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 2 Stations, P, R Port Location: D (D Side 2~10 Stations), SUP/EXH Block Specification: Internal Pilot, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Manifold Type: 43 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 6 Stations, P, R Port Location: B (Both Sides 2~20 Stations), SUP/EXH Block Specification: Internal Pilot, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: T (NPTF)
Manifold Type: 43 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 2 Stations, P, R Port Location: D (D Side 2~10 Stations), SUP/EXH Block Specification: Internal Pilot, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: T (NPTF)
Manifold Type: 43 (Individual Wiring), Valve Stations: 4 Stations, P, R Port Location: B (Both Sides 2~20 Stations), SUP/EXH Block Specification: Internal Pilot, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: T (NPTF)