Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Piping: 2 (Body Ported), Exhaust: 0 (Individual), Specifications: Standard, Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: DO (DIN Terminal w/o Connector), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: None, Port Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting)
Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Piping: 2 (Body Ported), Exhaust: 3 (Common), Specifications: Standard, Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: DO (DIN Terminal w/o Connector), Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: None, Port Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting)
Solenoid: 1 (Single Solenoid), Voltage: 3 (110 to 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz), Electrical Entry: DO (DIN Terminal w/o Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: None, Manual Override/Classification: B (Locking Slotted Style-Tool Required), Thread: N (NPT)
Solenoid: 1 (Single Solenoid), Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: DO (DIN Terminal w/o Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override/Classification: B (Locking Slotted Style-Tool Required), Thread: N (NPT)
Body Type: O (For Manifold), Valve Option: Standard Type, Pressure Specifications: Standard Type (0.7MPa), Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: DO (w/o Connector), Light_Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, DIN Terminal Type Only)
Manifold with Stainless Steel Plate: S, Wiring, Connection: L2 (Lead Wire, 17 Cores), Lead Wire Length: 1 (0.6 m), Wiring Type: All Double Wiring, Valve Stations: 08 (8 Stations, All Double Wiring), Port Size: C6 [4(A)/2(B) Port: ø6; 1(P)/3(EB), 5(EA) Port: ø10]
Stations: 08, Systems, Port Combinations: P [Vacuum Pump System, ø8 (Common PV), ø6 (Common PS)], Exhaust: 2 (Individual Exhaust), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Bracket: B (w/DIN Rail Mounting Bracket), Common Release Pressure Supply: D [w/Common Release Pressure Supply (PD) Port], Manifold Individual Supply: w/o Option
Stations: 08, Systems, Port Combinations: P [Vacuum Pump System, ø8 (Common PV), ø6 (Common PS)], Exhaust: 2 (Individual Exhaust), Wiring: L (Individual Wiring), Bracket: B (w/DIN Rail Mounting Bracket), Common Release Pressure Supply: D [w/Common Release Pressure Supply (PD) Port], Manifold Individual Supply: w/o Option
Body Class: 3 (ø8 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Tube Size: 08 (ø8), Output Tube Size: 10 (ø10), Pilot Connection: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 24 (Indicator & By-pass)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Diameter ø8), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 10 (ø10), Port B OUT: 08 (Rcø8), Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment)
Passage Number: 2 (2 Port Valve, Cleaning Valve), 2 Port Valve Number: 08 (8 pcs., colors), 3 Port Valve Number: 00 (No 3 Port Valves Used), Port Fitting Size: C4 (ø4 One-touch Fitting, Antistatic), Gate and Cleaning Valve: G04 [Cleaning Valve (2 Port Valve): 3pc + Gate Valve 1pc]
Passage Number: 2 (2 Port Valve, Cleaning Valve), 2 Port Valve Number: 08 (8 pcs., colors), 3 Port Valve Number: 00 (No 3 Port Valves Used), Port Fitting Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting, Antistatic), Gate and Cleaning Valve: G02 [Cleaning Valve (2 Port Valve): 1pc + Gate Valve 1pc]
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 2 Stations, Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: M (Pressure Gauge, 3 Port Valve Common SUP L Side + Pressure Switch Block), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)]
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 1 Station, Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: M (Pressure Gauge, 3 Port Valve Common SUP L Side + Pressure Switch Block), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)]
Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: M (10 Stations), Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: M (Pressure Gauge, 3 Port Valve Common SUP L Side + Pressure Switch Block), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)]
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 3 (IN: Bottom/OUT: Top), Stations: 5 Stations, Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: A (Pressure Gauge), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: P (PNP open collector)
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 4 (IN: Top/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 6 Stations, Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: A (Pressure Gauge), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: P (PNP open collector)
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 4 (IN: Top/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 1 Station, Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: A (Pressure Gauge), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: P (PNP open collector)
Handle Position: B (Front), Piping: 4 (IN: Top/OUT: Bottom), Fitting: 08 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø6), Accessory: A (Pressure Gauge), Option: 7 (0.35MPa, Non-relieving, Degreased), Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: N (NPN open collector)
Stations: 08 Stations, Port Size: C6 (w/ø6 One-touch Fitting), SI Unit: Q (Device Net), End Plate: 2 [Power Supply w/M12 Connector (Max. supplied Current 2 A)], SI Unit Common: + COM (or None in the Case of w/o SI Unit), I/O Unit Stations: 2 Stations