All models 8 [oU2] OUT2 Output mode 9 [2ot ] OUT2 Switch operation Models with NPN2 output, PNP2 output 10 [ ] OUT2 Set value 11 [ ] OUT2 Hysteresis 12 [r ES] Response time All models 13 [FL o] Display mode All models 14 [r Ev] Reversed display mode All models 15 [ inP] External input Model with external input function 16 [Fr E] Setting of analogue output Model with analogue output function
Content One of two symbols, R or W. R: Read data from the product W: Write or store data to the product Identification The classification symbol (identification code) of read or written data with 3 digit alphabetical ASCII codes. Refer to page 3-9 3.9 Identification Code List. Numeric data Read or written data with 5 digits regardless of its type.
Content One of two symbols, R or W. R: Read data from the product W: Write or store data to the product Identification The classification symbol (identification code) of read or written data with 3 digit alphabetical ASCII codes. Refer to page 3-9 3.9 Identification Code List. Numeric data Read or written data with 5 digits regardless of its type.
XL1A16-2-101-XN1 Suffix for seal materials Seal material EPDM Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez R Chemraz R VMQ FKM for PLASMA Combination No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 Symbol -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 Note 1) Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.
R R PLASMA No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 R 1Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez Chemraz Greene, Tweed Technologies, Inc.
XL1A16-2-101-XN1 Suffix for seal materials Seal material EPDM Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez R Chemraz R VMQ FKM for PLASMA Combination No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 Symbol -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 Note 1) Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.
Suffix symbol for seal materials Seal material EPDM Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez R Chemraz R VMQ FKM for PLASMA Combination No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 Symbol -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 Note 1) Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.
Nut assembly (9) XL1A50-10-1 XL1A80-10-1 Suffix for seal materials Seal material EPDM Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez R Chemraz R VMQ FKM for PLASMA Combination No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 Symbol -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 Note 1) Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.
A /B 90 0.1mm/ 2-1. 2-2 F.G CE1-R** CE1 CEU5 OUT1OUT5 RS-232C OUT1OUT20(bank ) (31 ) 221 () B L F G D 0.5 L 3 Z 12 12mm 20 20mm 32 32mm 40 40mm 50 50mm 63 63mm 4063 N R H (mm) (mm) (mm) 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 12 20 32 40 50 63 222 A90 D-A90 M9N D-M9N M9NW D-M9NW A93 D-A93 M9P D-M9P M9PW D-M9PW A96 D-A96 M9B D-M9B M9BW D-M9BW A90V D-A90V M9NV D-M9NV
Grease application (Seal band part) Motor option Nil With Nil Without option B With lock N Without (Roller specification) Driver type Cable type Size Compatible Power supply Nil Without cable drivers voltage [V] 25 32 40 S Standard cable Nil Without driver R Robotic cable A1 LECSA1-S 100 to 120 (Flexible cable) A2 LECSA2-S 200 to 230 Cable length[m] B2 LECSB2-T 200 to 240 Nil Without cable
AF-OMX0053-B PRODUCT NAME Mist Separator MODEL / Series / Product Number AFM20-(F,N)01(F,N)02(B,C)(-2,6,C,J,L,R,Z)-D AFM30-(F,N)02(F,N)03(B,C,D)(-2,6,8,J,L,R,W,Z)-D AFM40-(F,N)02(F,N)04(B,C,D)(-2,6,8,J,L,R,W,Z)-D AFM40-(F,N)06(B,C,D)(-2,6,8,J,R,W,Z)-D Contents Page 1. Safety Instructions 2-7 2. Application 8 3. Standard Specifications 8 4. How to Order 9 5.
Release of residual pressure resistor is used in parallel with switching element or a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor) is used for protecting a For maintenance purposes install a system for releasing switching device because of the passing leakage voltage residual pressure. 6. Operation in a vacuum condition through the C-R circuit.
CE1-ROOC CE1-RO5 CE1-R10 CE1-R15 CE1-R20 CE1-R*C 3.
W a r n i n g There is a possibility of dangerous sudden action by air cylinder if sliding parts of machinery are twisted due to external forces, etc. In such cases, human injury; e.g. hands or feet would be caught in the machinery or damage to the machinery itself may occur. Therefore, the machinery should be designed to avoid such dangers.
Leakage voltage Take note that the leakage voltage will increase when a resistor is used in parallel with a switching element or when a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor) is used for protecting a switching device because of the leakage voltage passing through the C-R circuit. The suppressor residual leakage voltage should be as follows. 8.
AW-OMS0038-C PRODUCT NAME FILTER REGULATOR MODEL/ Series AW20-(F,N)01(F,N)02(B,C,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,C,J,N,R,Z)-B AW30-(F,N)02(F,N)03(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40-(F,N)02(F,N)04(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW40-(F,N)06(B,C,D,E,G,H,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B AW60-(F,N)06(F,N)10(B,C,D,E,G,M)(-1,2,6,8,J,N,R,W,Z)-B Contents PAGE 1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 16 2. APPLICATION 7 3.
For 3-position exhaust center valve or single acting cylinder, take appropriate measures to prevent malfunction by using it with an individual EXH spacer assembly(VVFS2000-R-01-1,2 or VVFS2000-R-02-1,2). 5.
D2012-10-9 9 Series MHY2 Construction Closed condition Size 10 Size 16 Size 20, 25 r o !8 e w !7 t r o !8 e w @0 !7 t r o !8 e w @0 !7 t !5 !5 !5 !6 !6 !0 u !2 i q !1 y !9 !0 u !2 i q !1 y !9 !0 u !3 !2 i q !1 y !9 !4 !4 !4 Open condition Component Parts Note Note No. q Description Material No. Description Material Bushing B !
2 e CEP1 Hard anodized Aluminium alloy Cover r Plug !3 (MIW12 to 25 ... M-5P) White anodized Aluminium alloy Cap (S) t CE1 (MIW32 ... Rc1/8) Hexagon socket taper plug Urethane rubber Bumper y !4 Urethane rubber Head bumper u CE2 (MIS8) Carbon steel Clip i (MIS12 to 32) Carbon steel R shape snap ring o ML2B No. Description Material Note Option: Adjuster No.
1 r #5 @3 @8 #6 y u t !5 #7 #8 @6 w !6 e &0 q &0 #4 #3 $8 $0 %9 ^0 #9 $6 $7 %9 !2 #1 !3 $9 %0 %1 !0 @2 @1 #2 ^2 ^5 $5 %2 @5 ^8 $4 ^1 @4 %4 %5 ^7 $3 #0 $2 %6 @7 ^4 o %7 ^9 ^6 @9 %8 ML2BS $1 %3 ^3 !