D5 Applicable series AS-12L AS-10L AS-20L AS-25L AS-30L AS-40L L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 t1 AS1002F AS2002F AS2052F AS3002F AS4002F AS1002F-02 AS1002F AS2002F AS2052F AS3002F AS4002F 9.9 13.4 11 27.5 19.5 1 3.4 3.5 3.5 ASR ASQ 3.4 3.4 4.9 7.3 12 14.8 18.3 12.6 29 21 45 11.2 1.6 15.6 19.6 1.2 17 38 28 4.5 4.4 4.4 19.6 24.6 22 43 33 4.5 4.5 6.5 9.5 15.5 24.8 29.8 1.4 28 49 39 25.7
Weights Unit: g (oz) End boss type (symbol) Model H E M K MHZA2-6 28 (0.99) 28 (0.99) 28 (0.99) 28 (0.99) MHZAJ2-6 29 (1.02) 29 (1.02) 29 (1.02) 29 (1.02) 9
to 30 Rc(PT) 1 2 28 to 30 Rc(PT) 3 4 36 to 38 Rc(PT)1 AN103-KM6 AN103-X233 AN103-X235 VEX 40 to 42 Rc(PT)1 1 4 AN203-KM8 1 2 48 to 50 Rc(PT)1 48 to 50 Rc(PT)2 3 Make sure not to apply a lateral load to the body during or after the installation.
28 NN 2 2 3 3 3 GA 13 13 29 39 49 HA 16 26 20 28 28 I 9 9 9 16 9 J 17 27 37 48 65 K 21.5 31.5 41.5 51.5 61.5 M 42 52 62 80 90 Z 41.5 51.5 61.5 79.5 89.5 ZZ 48 58 68 86 96 MXQ6-10 MXQ6-20 MXQ6-30 MXQ6-40 MXQ6-50 Note) Note) Note) Refer to the bottom view of MXQ6-30. 8-5-16 17 Air Slide Table Series MXQ With buffer (6): MXQ6-F 3-M3 x 0.5 thread depth 5 MX MTS 30 16 8 MY CY 4 28 8 MG Courtesy
1 0 6 236 (28) (74) (60) (20) (12+0 070) (27) 1 5 5 (16 oo31) (18 + 0 070) r 10 3ff1" 1 0 2 M22x l 5 0 8 9 , 4 2 2 A O 0 7 1 + 0 0 0 3 80mm t-08 3 5 8 1 4 6 (26) (28 o:3') (91) (36) (71) 225\ (37) | , A 0 0 0 3 9 ' ' ' 0 0 r 2 M26x1 5 0 9 6 1 1 0 I 79 + 0.0033 1 5 7 4 1 3 1 4 6 3 2 7 t-10 (28) (30 T31) (105) (37) (40) (83) e0 +o oa4) Millimeters in Parentheses DOUBLE CLEVIS BORE PAFT# Al
Conductor size (mm2) Normally: Red ON: Green OFF: Red ON: Red OFF: Green [Default setting] Normally: Green Output OUT1 LED (Green) 1 ms [Default setting] 20 ms 160 ms 640 ms 1280 ms Red ZS-28-C 0.8 to 1.0 Output OUT2 LED (Red) 24-26 0.14-0.2 Yellow ZS-28-C-1 1.0 to 1.2 3rd digit button (UP) Thank you for purchasing an SMC PSE300 Series Pressure Sensor Controller.
LT 4 5 CU NH 28 33 TF 28 30 TR 52 60 UR 49 58 US 66 80 W 34 40 XS 48 60 10 0.025 0.047 12 0.032 0.059 32 40 7 10 9 12 34.5 46.8 42.5 58.2 6-10-27 28 Series C76 Dimensions [First angle projection] Single acting/Spring return, Single rod Rubber cushion: C76Y Without magnet, Built-in magnet Bore Stroke S XB BE WH G HR 8 K SW EE D 45 Eh8 NB C NB TD H9 TD H9 KK Courtesy of Steven Engineering,
/pack ZS-28-C-P ZS-28-C-1P ZS-28-C-2P ZS-28-C ZS-28-C-1 ZS-28-C-2 Red 0.8 to 1.0 AWG26 to 24 0.14 to 0.2 mm 2 Yellow 1.0 to 1.2 w Press with pliers. 10 seconds for 4 cables. Orange 1.2 to 1.6 Note) Applicability varies dependant on conductive construction, conductive material, and/or insulating material even resulting in inapplicable.
Note 1) A C Auto switch mounting dimensions Note 2) A3 Note 3) B1 A2 B2 (mm) Bore size 6, 10 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 A1 Symbol Auto switch model A1 A2, A3 B1 B2 D-A93 D-A93 (Reed auto switch) D-M9 (Solid state auto switch) D-M9 Specific Product Precautions Be sure to read this before handling.
39 39 58 22 8.6 14 1/4 55 50 130 70 158 124 142 63 M10 x 1.5 9 M10 x 1.5 WA WB Bore size (mm) VB X XA XB XC XL YY YL Z st25 25
Calibration is easy with auto-preset function. 4 Installation of a group of sensors as a manifold style at the same site 3 Adsorption confirmation of a workpiece absorbed with water/oil Series ZSE50 Series PSE54 16-3-23 16-2-28 Adoption of a stainless diaphram enables to detect, even though water or oil is adhered to a workpiece and then made ingress to the sensing part.
23 46 35 12 24 47 18 25 48 28 29 52 12 25 48 15 18 29 52 22 27 33 56 34 38 61 ZPT-B6 ZC(D)UKC20 ZC(D)UKQ20 21. 5 23. 5 27. 5 32. 5 44. 5 46. 5 50. 5 55. 5 ZQ DQ HQ HP 43 32 57 53 33 58 28 35 60 43 22 27 39 64 34 44 69 43 53 23 29 54 28 29 54 35 ZPT-B8 ZC(D)UKC25 ZC(D)UKQ25 29. 5 42. 5 38. 5 47. 5 51. 5 ZH 76. 5 54. 5 67. 5 63. 5 72. 5 DQ HQ HP 43 35 67 27 42 74 53 53 36 68 34 47 79 43 28
25 21 1.6 14 89 18 2-1.8 (Bleed port) 55 With fiflter (80 mesh) 2-1.8 (Bleed port) 40 25.5 20 11.5 12 R1 R2 P With fiflter (80 mesh) 18 22 22 1/4 27.2 63 1/8 (Piping port) (R1, R2 port) 5-2-28
0.5 MPa N.O. 1 MPa N.C. 1 MPa 4 1 6A 8A 10A 10A 15A 20A 25A 32A 1 8 1 4 3 8 3 8 1 2 3 4 220 VAC 50/60 Hz Valve size 1 7 5 6 24 VDC 12 VDC B: Slotted locking type B (tool required) 7 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 15 (11) 2 Semi-standard For other rated voltages, please consult with SMC. 20 (14) 3 25 (16) 4 1 1 1 4 32 (22) 5 1 B 1 4 Flange 32F Nil: Non-locking push type 40A 1 1 2 Valve size 2 to 9 40 (28
Nil (Example) M9N 1 m M (Example) M9NM 3 m L (Example) M9NL 5 m Z (Example) M9NZ MA D491 Series MHR2/MDHR2 Model/Specifications Nominal size 10 15 20 30 Double acting Action Gripping force (N) (1) 12 33 58 24 External grip (Effective value) at 0.5 MPa Internal grip 12 34 59 25 Finger closing width (mm) Finger opening width (mm) 10 16 19 14 Opening/ Closing stroke (Both sides) 16 37 28
8 4 24 5.5 2.4 Stud bolt part number: MT-S8 Rod end nut part number: NTJ-006A 4 Series MTS Dimensions/12 MTS12 Basic type 35.5 7 4.5 2-cushion needle 33 Width across flats 5 4 2.5 Rod cross section 2-M5 x 0.8 (port size) 4.5 3.5 9.5 4-M4 x 0.7, effective length 7 4-3.5 through 2 x 4-6.5, counter bore depth 3.5 (opposite side also) 14 3.5 13 0.2 10 0.2 3.3H7 +0.012 0 6h7 0 0.012 20 0.2 28
40 28 40 33 50 33 50 0.7 0.5 1 2 VC 3 4 1.0 0.8 VDW 1.4 1.2 1 VQ 1 4 1 2.4 2.2 VX2 5.2 5.0 32 VX Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 1 2 1 3.8 3.6 VX3 7.0 6.8 40 JIS Symbol Valve type Operation N.C.
17 18.5 17 26.5 10 23 K 25.0 35.2 1 2 KRL10-04S 37 63 28 38 22 Connection thread (With seal) 1 4 3 8 KRL12-02S KRL12-03S 35.5 37 M 17 24 39.7 50.2 17 28.5 1 2 KRL12-04S 20.9 39.5 65 12 22 H Reference dimensions after R thread installation.
CLG-020-24 CLG-025-24 CLG-032-24 CLG-040-24 20 25 32 40 13 15 17 21 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.5 21.2 21.3 25.6 26.3 47.8 54.8 57.4 65.4 42 42 48 56 26 28 28 36 28 28 28 30 50 57 61.4 71.4 CG-020-24A CG-025-24A CG-032-24A CG-040-24A 20 25 32 40 13 15 17 21 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.5 18.1 20.7 23.6 27.3 35.8 39.8 49.4 58.4 42 42 48 56 16 20 22 30 28 28 28 30 38.3 42.1 53.8 64.6 Rod End Nut Clevis Pin Knuckle Pin
55 9 75 52 28 36 11 4.5 163 161 36 12 10 72 90 55 50 45 25 12 155 12 15 170 32 68 9 80 60 32 45 12 5.5 175 170 45 12 10 90 110 70 40 50 12 5.5 190 185 50 63 50 25 12 170 16 20 190 40 80 9 90 70 16 10 100 120 80 50 63 14 6.5 215 210 63 80 63 30 16 190 16 20 210 50 100 12 110 90 16 12 126 153 100 60 100 120 75 35 16 205 14 20 140 25 230 110 60 20 75 16 6.5 230 220 71 14.5 150 178 120 6-13-