D rai n w hi l e l i qui d l evel i s vi si bl e. D rai n pi pi ng: 5 m or l ess* N . C. aut o drai n: 4 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) N . O . aut o drai n : 6. 5 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) *AM D 850: 9 or m ore ( I .
D rai n w hi l e l i qui d l evel i s vi si bl e. D rai n pi pi ng: 5 m or l ess* N . C. aut o drai n: 4 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) N . O . aut o drai n : 6. 5 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) *AM 850: 9 or m ore ( I .
Description Size Standard Brass BC6 Brass BC6 NBR Option Stainless steel Standard Brass BC6 Brass BC6 NBR Option Stainless steel 10A to 25A 15A to 25A Body Body q q 32A to 50A 32A to 50A Stainless steel Stainless steel 10A to 25A 32A to 50A 15A to 25A 32A to 50A Bonnet Bonnet w w FKM/EPDM Stainless steel, FKM Stainless steel, EPDM FKM/EPDM Stainless steel, FKM Stainless steel, EPDM Stainless
Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery/equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove t he product unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.
(value under the prescribed conditions) 2 1/4 ( 8A) 1/4 ( 8A) VCW (for water) 2 port solenoid valve NBR (FKM) (EPDM) (PTFE) 3 3/8 (10A) Brass (Stainless steel) 1/2 (15A) 1/4 ( 8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) Note 1) 10 is N.C. (normally closed) only. OUT OUT IN IN N.C. N.O. 100 Electrical Terminology 1.
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com Port size (IN, OUT port) Single Port size Rc size VR VPA3145 VPA3165 VPA3185 Symbol Body size 03 (10A) 3 8 (15A) 1 2 (20A) 3 4 (25A) 1 1 4 6 1 2 VH 04 06 10 12 14 20 8 1 2 1 Valve option VHS Nil For general purpose (32A) 1 4 1 (40A) 1 2 1 Body ported
D rai n w hi l e l i qui d l evel i s vi si bl e. D rai n pi pi ng: 5 m or l ess* N . C. aut o drai n: 4 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) N . O . aut o drai n : 6. 5 or m ore ( I . D . ) , 10 ( O . D . ) *AM H 850: 9 or m ore ( I .
Orifice and Port Size Combinations D DIN terminal DL DIN terminal with light DO DIN terminal (without connector) T Conduit terminal TL Conduit terminal with indicator light Class Orifice size (mm) Port size (Note 1) 2 3 4 5 7 10 1/8 (6A) 2 1/4 (8A) 1/4 (8A) 3 3/8 (10A) 1/2 (15A) 1/4 (8A) Connector 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) All class B coils come with surge voltage suppressor.
800 900 1000 1200 245.7 345.7 445.7 545.7 645.7 745.7 845.7 945.7 1045.7 1145.7 1345.7 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 1050 70 170 270 370 470 570 670 770 870 1070 Note) Dimensions inside ( ) are for a 100mm stroke. 4 Series LG1H High Rigidity Direct Acting Guide Type LG1H20: Without Coupling / Construction 9 5 bn bn 4 8 1 3 2 bs A A' bl
Avoi d carel ess di sassem bl y or rem oval of part s, as t hi s can l ead t o m al f unct i on.
(value under the prescribed conditions) 1/4 ( 8A) VCL (for oil) 2 port solenoid valve 3 3/8 (10A) Brass (Stainless steel) FKM 1/2 (15A) 1/4 ( 8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) OUT IN N.C. How to find the flow rate for oil Electrical Terminology Formula based on Cv factor 1. Surge voltage A high voltage which is momentarily generated in the shut-off unit by shutting off the power.
) 1/4 ( 8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) Note 1) 10 is available with seal meterial FKM only.
(value under the prescribed conditions) 2 1/4 ( 8A) 1/4 ( 8A) VCW (for water) 2 port solenoid valve NBR (FKM) (EPDM) (PTFE) 3 3/8 (10A) Brass (Stainless steel) 1/2 (15A) 1/4 ( 8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) Note 1) 10 is N.C. (normally closed) only. OUT OUT IN IN N.C. N.O. 100 Electrical Terminology 1.
Orifice and Port Size Combinations Orifice size (mm) Class Port size Note) T Conduit terminal TL Conduit terminal with indicator light 2 3 4 5 7 10 D DIN terminal DL DIN terminal with indicator light DO DIN terminal (without connector) 1/8 (6A) 2 1/4 (8A) 1/4 (8A) 3 3/8 (10A) 1/2 (15A) 1/4 (8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) Connector Note) 10 is available only for N.C.
Valve type Thread type (for single unit only) Rc G NPT NPTF Nil F N T OUT(2) 1 IN(1) Port size Fluid Symbol 02 03 04 06 Class 3 Class 2 Port size 1/4 (8A) 3/8(10A) 1/2(15A) 3/4(20A) Class 4 General air Dry air Nil A Voltage 1 2 3 4 5 6 36 100 VAC 200 VAC 110 VAC 220 VAC 24 VDC 12 VDC 230 VAC Orifice size Orifice size (mm) 3 4 5 7 10 Class 3 Class 2 Class 4 Symbol 3 4 5 7 10 Please consult
5,0 0.3-3.30 74.0 70,000 4.400 13.0 26.0 r,330 285 In0tMt.0(Bl 2.7 25,0 0.08-1.30 14.0 70,000 4,400 r3.0 26.0 2,016 285 tR0Etil.0 r(B) 2.7 ?
C37 15A 1/2 15 B Grommet 100 VAC Stainless steel N.O. With surge voltage suppressor C 110 VAC 5 C H J N.C. C37 20A 3/4 20 D 200 VAC N.O. Stainless steel E 230 VAC 6 D K L N.C. N.O.
Orifice and port size combinations Class Orifice size (mm) Port size 4 3 7 5 10 2 1/4 ( 8A) 1/4 ( 8A) T With conduit terminal TL With conduit terminal and light D DIN DL DIN with light DO DIN (without connector) 3 3/8 (10A) 3/8 (10A) 1/2 (15A) 4 3/4 (20A) Table 2. Bracket assembly part nos. Valve model VCA21 VCA31 VCA41 Bracket assembly part no.
(value under the prescribed conditions) 2 1/4 ( 8A) 1/4 ( 8A) VCW (for water) 2 port solenoid valve NBR (FKM) (EPDM) (PTFE) 3 3/8 (10A) Brass (Stainless steel) 1/2 (15A) 1/4 ( 8A) 3/8 (10A) 4 1/2 (15A) 3/4 (20A) Note 1) 10 is N.C. (normally closed) only. OUT OUT IN IN N.C. N.O. 100 Electrical Terminology 1.
VNA1A -6A, 8A, 10A VNA2 -10A, 15A VNA3 -20A VNA4 -25A VNA5 -32A VNA6 -40A VNA7 -50A No.