LQ3T21-R1 LQ3T21-R2 LQ3T21-R5 LQ3T21-R6 LQ3T31-R1 LQ3T31-R2 LQ3T31-R5 LQ3T31-R6 LQ3T32-R1 LQ3T32-R5 LQ3T41-R1 LQ3T41-R5 LQ3T51-R1 LQ3T51-R5 LQ3T61-R1 LQ3T61-R5 LQ3T2A-R1 LQ3T2A-R5 LQ3T3A-R1 LQ3T3A-R2 LQ3T3A-R5 LQ3T3A-R7 LQ3T3A-R9 LQ3T4A-R1 LQ3T4A-R2 LQ3T4A-R5 LQ3T4A-R6 LQ3T4A-R7 LQ3T4A-R8 LQ3T4A-R9 LQ3T5A-R1 LQ3T5A-R2 LQ3T5A-R3 LQ3T5A-R5 LQ3T5A-R6 LQ3T5A-R7 LQ3T5A-R9 LQ3T5A-R10 LQ3T5A-R11
Six station manifrcld ass'y: sta. 1-4) NVF'I'10-5G-017 sta. 5-6) NVF1 10-3G-017 NW3F1 -30-061-017 No. ot Stgliorg I l 5 I F Mounting Brackets tPoding 01 ,d' NPIF DltrlENSlON D E F G H J x ll ta o P n s T u w x z AA BB 3.78 (96) 3.41 1.77 (,r5)0.39 (10) o.59 (15) 0.20 (5) 0.63 (16) 1.O2 (28t 3.50 (89) 1 . 1 8 (30) 0.59 (15) 2.76 (70) o.87 (21) o_20 {5) 1 . 1 8 {30} 0.67 ltTl 0.59 (ls) o.32
Driver type Actuator cable AN AP Pulse input type (NPN) Pulse input type (PNP) LECP 1 LEFS16B-100 AN Driver Driver type Actuator type AN AP Pulse input type (NPN) Pulse input type (PNP) (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter LEFS16B-100 for the LEFS16B-100B-R1AN1D.
LQ1-4B10 LQ1U61-R5 6 6-25 LQ1-6N25 LQ1-6B25 3-06 LQ1-3N06 LQ1-3B06 Inch size Model Size A side B side Insert pin/Name plate symbol Part no.
How to Order: LECP7 N 1 XB3 Dimensions Screw mountingLECP7***-*-XB3 DIN rail mountingLECP7**D-*-XB3 (2 ) (4 ) (1 ) (3 ) (1) Parallel I/O type (3) Option N NPN Nil Screw mounting P PNP D DIN rail mounting (2) I/O cable length (4) Actuator part number Nil Without cable Part number except cable specifications and actuator options Example : Enter LEFS16B-100B-R1 1 1.5m 3 3m for theLECP7**-LEFS16B
Example: LEFS16B-100B-R1C917 1 D T 7 C Compatible actuators Electric Actuator/Rod LEY Series Electric Actuator/Guide Rod LEYG Series Electric Actuator/Slider LEF Series Electric Slide Table LES/LESH Series Electric Rotary Table LER Series Electric Actuator/Guide Rod Slider LEL Series Electric Actuator/Miniature LEPY/LEPS Series Electric Gripper LEH Series Electric Actuator/Low-Profile Slider
M3 x 10 (4 pcs.) 11 14 15 20 740 AHC System Series MA2 How to Order AHC unit AHC unit MA 210 Y M3 N R3 Tool adapter Robot adapter Without robot adapter 8 10 11 14 15 20 Nil S1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Auto hand changer Air gripper for AHC Applicable shaft diameter Transportable mass Transportable mass 3 kg 2 AHC unit Electric specifications Air connection size M3 M3 x 0.5 None N Air gripper for AHC
Six station manifrcld ass'y: sta. 1-4) NVF'I'10-5G-017 sta. 5-6) NVF1 10-3G-017 NW3F1 -30-061-017 No. ot Stgliorg I l 5 I F Mounting Brackets tPoding 01 ,d' NPIF DltrlENSlON D E F G H J x ll ta o P n s T u w x z AA BB 3.78 (96) 3.41 1.77 (,r5)0.39 (10) o.59 (15) 0.20 (5) 0.63 (16) 1.O2 (28t 3.50 (89) 1 . 1 8 (30) 0.59 (15) 2.76 (70) o.87 (21) o_20 {5) 1 . 1 8 {30} 0.67 ltTl 0.59 (ls) o.32
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
Nil With R3 3 RB 15 N Without (Roller specification) R5 5 RC 20 Applicable Stroke Table Stroke Size 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 25 32 40 Controller Nil Without controller CH With controller C 5 H 7 T (Communication protocal Interface Communication plug connector I/O cable*2 /Input/Output) Symbol Type Applicable interface 5 Parallel inputNPN) Nil Without
Actuator cable type/length Stroke [mm] Robotic cable [m] Stroke Note Nil None R8 87 Size Applicable stroke R1 1.5 RA 107 50 500 16 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400, R3 3 RB 157 450,500 R5 5 RC 207 50 800 25 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400, 450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800 Controller 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400, 450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800, 850,900,950,1000 50 1000 32 Nil Without controller
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
DetailedDeviceStatus EventQualifier (byte 0) Event Sub index Size Content Code (byte 1-2) Value MODE TYPE SOURCE INSTANCE bit 6-7 bit 4-5 bit 3 bit 0-2 1 Device hardware failure 0x5000 2 Non volatile memory failure 0x5011 3 Valve short circuit 0x1800 4 Pressure sensor short circuit 0x1801 11b 11b 100b 5 Pressure sensor failure/disconnection 0x1802 (3) 0 0xF4 (3) (4) (Event (Device) (Error
::|:r5:{.:ir:.:.:,'} r!-1.,r:ir:tiWith Abnormality Detecting Circuit : vEA25r }t .t :r.r*.gl,ra:r.a.,i..,1iii;:r.t .r't},'i.'.1*r.r:a:::t...,:,.,.r.,:'*, -i: Example ot Short-circuit Protection lf a short-circuit occurs on the current output terminal side, the power source is cul immediately, preventing damage to the power amp. oulput clrcuit.
micro sensor wire (300mm) Brake wire (300mm) 4.5 4H9 +0.030 0 Brake electrical circuit +24V Brown [Yellow] 4H9 +0.030 0 3 6 0V 49 38 White [Yellow] Section C detail (Scale: 2/1) Stroke + 104 (Stroke: 50 to 100mm) Stroke + 121 (Stroke: 125 to 200mm) 4H9 +0.030 0 depth 6 E Note) A contact protection circuit is required when connecting a brake. 12 D E Model LXPB5BC-50B LXPB5BC-75B LXPB5BC-100B
(Example: LEFS16B-100B-S1) * For the SpeedWork Load graph of the actuator, refer to the LECPA section on the model selection page of the electric actuators Web Catalog. Specifications For the setting of functions and operation methods, refer to the operation manual on the SMC website.
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
::|:r5:{.:ir:.:.:,'} r!-1.,r:ir:tiWith Abnormality Detecting Circuit : vEA25r }t .t :r.r*.gl,ra:r.a.,i..,1iii;:r.t .r't},'i.'.1*r.r:a:::t...,:,.,.r.,:'*, -i: Example ot Short-circuit Protection lf a short-circuit occurs on the current output terminal side, the power source is cul immediately, preventing damage to the power amp. oulput clrcuit.
JX C 9 1 () LEFS16B-100B-S1C917 [LEFS16B-100] 9 EtherNet/IP 1 1 DC24V 7 8 DIN <> LECPMJ SVRE X1.5 -7- 2.3 *1 EtherNet/IP PLC P1P2 P5062-5 *1 () LE-CP-() LE-CP---S () LE-CP-* ENC *2 SI MOT 120.3 120.3 mm mm 200 200 mm/s mm/s 100 500 100 500 1 1 200 1000 200 1000 2 2 50 200 50 200 3 3 PWR DC24V USB (A-miniB type) () JXC-CPW <> ( USB ) LEC-W2 (3m) AWG20(0.5mm
r5 L+' tL-l-s!" 5 (+ (Note 1)Maximum slalion I (Nole2)(+)aid()indicabnredireclionolDCsolnoidvalvewthliqhi.su'ge!olagesdppreser iNole 3) Seds VFS3o0HOM ls also Dossible aNote 1 I [,!