SMC Corporation of America
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Search Results "VV317-02-061-02-Q"

Example) AW30K-03BE-1N-B B AW 30 03 BE K q w e r t y q Body size 20 30 40 60 Symbol Description w With backflow function Nil Without backflow function K Note 1) With backflow function + e Pipe thread type Nil Rc N Note 2) NPT F Note 3) G + 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 06 3/4 r Port size 10 1 + a Mounting Nil Without mounting option B Note 5) With bracket H With set nut (for panel mount

7 q e @0 !0 o @2 @3 !5 u t !8 @1 r @4 w 12 to 40 @7 !1 !7 q !6 !0 @2 @3 o @4 @6 y e r !8 @1 @5 u w Rod cross section for 12, 16, 20, and 25 Rod cross section for 32 and 40 With end lock 12 to 40 y !7 !6 q !0 o @2 @3 @4 @6 e r !8 @5 @1 i @8 !4 !5 !2 @9 !3 w Caution Disassembly/Replacement A special tool is required when reassembling the cylinder after disassembled.

N) Steam (S,Q) Oil (Std.) VX3235-00 VX3335-00 3 1.1 0.25 0.27 AC DC 60 40 1 99 60 120 183 Maximun VX3245-00 40 1.6 0.20 0.38 4 20 VX3345-00 Minimum AC, DC Ambient temperature (C ) 40 10 Operating fluid temp.

Q=226S P(P2+0.1013) Sonic flow : P1+0.10131.89(P2+0.1013) Q=113S(P1+0.1013) Q : Flow rate [ /min(ANR)] S : Effective area (mm2) P : Pressure differential (P1-P2) [MPa] P1 : Upstream pressure [MPa] P2 : Downstream pressure [MPa] When the air temperature is different, multiply the flow rate calculated with the above formula by the following coefficient for compensation. -20 1.08 -10 0 10 30

How to Find the Flow Rate (at air temperature of 20C) Subsonic flow when P1 + 0.1013 < 1.89 (P2 + 0.1013) Q = 226S P(P2 + 0.1013) Sonic flow when P1 +0.1013 1.89 (P2 + 0.1013) Q = 113S (P1 + 0.1013) Q: Air flow rate [l/min(ANR)] S: Effective area (mm) P: Pressure drop (P1-P2) [MPa] P1: Upstream pressure [MPa] P2: Downstream pressure [MPa] Maintenance Correction for different air temperatures

Description TBR-1,2,3,4 TBR-A167 q Side plate PP TBR-1 TBR-A188 TBR-2 TBR-A168 w Branch pipe ABS TBR-3 TBR-A169 TBR-4 TBR-A170 TBR-1 TBR-A183 TBR-2 TBR-A184 e Fixing rod ABS TBR-3 TBR-A185 TBR-4 TBR-A186 TBR-1,2,3,4 TBR-A187 r Fixing plate PP 534

No gauge port No pressure gauge No code 0 V3 L 1 H 2 4 Ports -30 in.Hg to 30 psig -30 in.Hg to 60 psig -30 in.Hg to 100 psig -30 in.Hg to 160 psig 0 to 200 psig 0 to 400 psig -0.1 to 0.2 MPa -0.1 to 0.4 MPa -0.1 to 0.7 MPa -0.1 to 1.1 MPa 0 to 1.4 MPa 0 to 3 MPa Code Ports 2 ports 3 ports 2PW 3PW Porting Configuration e w q w q 1) Other range available.

Example)AC30-F03DM-KSTV-13NR-A q r t y w e q Symbol Bodysize Description 20 25 30 40 Rc NPT G Nil N F Threadtype w + 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 01 02 03 04 06 Portsize e + Floattype autodrain a Withoutautodrain N.C.(Normalclose)Drainportisclosedwhenpressureisnotapplied. N.O.(Normalopen)Drainportisopenwhenpressureisnotapplied.

Refer to gauge guide (P.94). r w q w q Sample Order Number Port 2P 4PL 01 S BP10 e r t 0 4 4 4 4 1 MPA e 2P 4PL qIN wOUT erGauge port (Inlet) Specifications Operating Parameters BP1030 15 to 300 psig (0.1 to 2.1 MPa) BP1001 0.5 to 10 psig (0.0034 to 0.07 MPa) BP1002 1 to 30 psig (0.007 to 0.2 MPa) BP1006 2 to 60 psig (0.014 to 0.4 MPa) BP1010 5 to 100 psig (0.034 to 0.7 MPa) BP1020 15 to

Tap water: Standard of The Japan Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRA GL-02-1994) Deionized water: Electric conductivity 1 S/cm or higher (Electric resistivity 1 Mcm or lower) 2 q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid temperature: CH1 20C/CH2 25C, r Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, t Power supply: 200 VAC 3 q Ambient temperature

Deionized water: Electric conductivity 1 mS/cm or higher (Electric resistivity 1 MWcm or lower) 3 q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid temperature: 20C, r Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, t Power supply: 200/400 VAC 4 q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, r Power supply: 200/400 VAC 5 q Ambient

Deionized water: Electric conductivity 1 mS/cm or higher (Electric resistivity 1 MWcm or lower) Note 3) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid temperature: 20C, r Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, t Power supply: 200 VAC Note 4) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, r Power supply: 200 VAC Note

Option/Semi-standard symbol: When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order. q Symbol Description Body size 20 40 60 30 Nil K Note 1) Without backflow function With backflow function With backflow function w + Nil N Note 2) F Note 3) Thread type Rc NPT G e + 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Port size r + Nil B Note 5) H Note 4) a Without mounting option

Deionized water: Electric conductivity 1 S/cm or higher (Electric resistivity 1 Mcm or lower) Note 3) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid temperature: 20C, r Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, t Power supply: 200 VAC Note 4) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, r Power supply: 200 VAC Note 5)

Deionized water: Electric conductivity 1 S/cm or higher (Electric resistivity 1 Mcm or lower) Note 3) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid temperature: 20C, r Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, t Power supply: 200/400 VAC Note 4) q Ambient temperature: 32C, w Circulating uid: Tap water, e Circulating uid ow rate: Rated ow, r Power supply: 200/400 VAC

Phone AUSTRIA / (43) 2262-62 280 ITALY / (39) 02-92711 BELGIUM / (32) 3-355 1464 NETHERLANDS / (31) 20-531 8 CZECH REP. / (420) 5-414 24611 NORWAY / (47) 67 12 90 20 DENMARK / (45) 70 25 29 00 POLAND / (48) 22-548 50 85 FINLAND / (358) 9-859 580 PORTUGAL / (351) 2 610 89 22 FRANCE / (33) 1-64 76 1000 SPAIN / (34) 945-18 4100 GERMANY / (49) 6103 4020 SWEDEN / (46) 8-603 0700 GREECE / (30)

7 q e @0 !0 o @2 @3 !5 u t !8 @1 r @4 w 12 to 40 @7 !1 !7 q !6 !0 @2 @3 o @4 @6 y e r !8 @1 @5 u w Rod cross section for 12, 16, 20, and 25 Rod cross section for 32 and 40 With end lock 12 to 40 y !7 !6 q !0 o @2 @3 @4 @6 e r !8 @5 @1 i @8 !4 !5 !2 @9 !3 w Parts list No. 1 2 3 4 5 No. Description Rod cover Head cover Cylinder tube Piston Spacer for switch type Description Qty.

Water bath Q = T x V x x C h x 60 x 1000 10 x 2 x 1 x 103 x 4.2 x 103 20C V = 15 x 60 x 1000 After 15 min, = 93.3 W cool 30C down to 20C.

Refer to gauge guide (P.94). r w q w q Sample Order Number Port 2P 4PL 01 S BP10 e r t 0 4 4 4 4 1 MPA e 2P 4PL qIN wOUT erGauge port (Inlet) Specifications BP1030 15 to 300 psig (0.1 to 2.1 MPa) BP1001 0.5 to 10 psig (0.0034 to 0.07 MPa) BP1002 1 to 30 psig (0.007 to 0.2 MPa) BP1006 2 to 60 psig (0.014 to 0.4 MPa) BP1010 5 to 100 psig (0.034 to 0.7 MPa) BP1020 15 to 200 psig (0.1 to 1.4

No code 0 V3 L 1 H 2 4 No gauge port No pressure gauge Ports -30 in.Hg to 30 psig -30 in.Hg to 60 psig -30 in.Hg to 100 psig -30 in.Hg to 160 psig 0 to 200 psig 0 to 400 psig -0.1 to 0.2 MPa -0.1 to 0.4 MPa -0.1 to 0.7 MPa -0.1 to 1.1 MPa 0 to 1.4 MPa 0 to 3 MPa Code Ports 2 ports 3 ports 2PW 3PW Porting Configuration e w q w q 1) Other range available.