Diameter for ø3mm to ø5mm; Port Sizes 6, 10)
Diameter for ø3mm to ø5mm; Port Sizes 6, 10)
Diameter for ø3mm to ø5mm; Port Sizes 6, 10)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: G (w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: G (w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: D (w/Double Ferrule Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: D (w/Double Ferrule Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure with Flow Rate Adjustment)
Please contact us for the latest version.sales@ocaire.com, VS7-6, VALVE, VS7-6 SOL VALVE 4/5 PORT, 2G, VS7-6, 2.38157 lb