SMC Corporation of America
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Search Results "VHS40-04B-R-X1"

VX B 1 2 1 2 VX3 A VXA B NL R VN R LED B NL: Neon light R: Resistor LED: Light emitting diode R: Resistor LVC Caution LVA Valve Mounting After confirming the gasket is correctly placed under the valve, tighten the mounting screws with the appropriate torque (0.2 to 0.23 Nm).

9 t t q @0 q @0 r r !4 i y !0 !1 !2 !4 i !5 !6 Component Parts Note Material No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 Description No. !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !

Electric Slide Table/Compact Type Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) Servo Motor (24 VDC) LES8, 16, 25 Series LES RoHS How to Order S 1 1 R J 6N LES 8 30 q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !

If a bend (R) is used, limit it to R3 or less. Note) Piping entry direction: Minimum dimensions for bottom side piping. If using straight piping, the piping material and tubing need to be taken into consideration when designing the system.

2) Option R is not available with the MXS6 series.

IDFA6E-20 12 2 12-3 Installation of heavy duty auto drain IDX-OM-W089 Air Dryer 13 Specification for Option R 13 Specification for Option R Option R installs a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), it will shut off the power supply in case the product should have over current or current leakage.

Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.

M ai nt enance and i nspect i on Turn of f t he pow er suppl y, st op t he suppl i ed ai r, exhaust t he resi dual com pressed ai r and veri f y t he rel ease of ai r bef ore perf orm i ng m ai nt enance. Forei gn m at t er caught i n t he i nl et of pi pi ng or exhaust m ay i nt erf ere w i t h norm al operat i on. Peri odi c cl eani ng i s necessary.

4 r No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 Description Body Valve guide Bonnet Piston Valve Adjusting screw Panel nut Hexagon nut Adjusting spring Valve spring Spring holder Mini Y-seal O-ring Lock washer Bracket Pressure gauge Cassette Aluminum alloy Brass Brass POM Brass Brass Brass Brass Steel wire Stainless steel Steel band NBR NBR SS Steel band POM, Stainless steel !

How To Order Manifold Base NvvsFs<2o-H6S(T;-oo. . i r -007 serias vFsooo Manifoldl ;rY't5"r,on" Itanilold spsciticaliols+ : 1010 siations Appllcable itodel:NW5F5-2O R ' Series NVFSOO Construction,/Parts List Sngle Solenoid Symbol 3 Posiiion Cloced Center Main Parts No.

Use after putting the unit label other than l/min, l. r Unit display/Orange e OUT1 CH r t y u Displays the selected channel. Channel display/Red t u UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value.

5 t @0 @3 r !9 !8 @1 @2 w !4 !2 !5 t @0 @3 @4 @5 !9 !8 @1 @2 @6 !4 !2 !3 y !0 !1 e q @8!6 u !7 o i !3 y !0 !1 @7 r q @8 !6 u !7 o i CXSJM10 CXSJL10 @9 !7 o i !6 r !9 !8 @2 @9 !7 o i !6 @4 @5 !8 r !9 @2 Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Parts List: Standard Piping No. Description Material No.

3 r q e !2 !1 t i With auto switch (Built-in magnet) 20, 25 12, 16 t y e !2 !0 q r !3 !1 w t !1 !2 !0 o q r !3 w y e Component Parts No.

JIS B2401-1A-P85 NBR I.D. 84.6 x 5.7 O-ring r JIS B2401-4D-P85 FPM JIS B2401-1A-P11 NBR u !

32 to 140F (5 to 60C) Ambient and fluid temperature Accepts Many Types of Plastic Tubing 1 8 M3, M5, R(PT) Port size JIS B 0209 Class 2 (Metric coarse thread), JIS B 0203 (Taper pipe thread) Thread Hose nipple and hose elbow accepts nylon, soft nylon, and polyurethane tubing.

Nut assembly (9) XL1A50-10-1 XL1A80-10-1 Suffix for seal materials Seal material EPDM Barrel Perfluoro R Kalrez R Chemraz R VMQ FKM for PLASMA Combination No. 2101-80 70W 4079 SS592 SS630 SSE38 1232-70 3310-75 Symbol -XN1 -XP1 -XQ1 -XR1 -XR2 -XR3 -XS1 -XT1 Note 1) Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.

Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.

Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.

P F H J L N P R Option Code Specification Standard (Cv: 0.06) High flow (Cv: 0.12) No code HF O-ring material 1) Not available for material code B.