ZSE50F / ISE50 1 x 10 -5 Pam3/s ZSE60F / ISE60 1 x 10 -10 Pam3/s IP65 Enclosure Panel mount With bracket Option Panel mount + Front side protection cover To confirm working pressure of hydraulic cylinder Application examples To confirm adsorption of workpieces containing water To confirm primary pressure of cleaning line 16-2-26 3 High precision and high resolution 1/2000 (0.1 kPa) Positive
CompoBus/D compatible EX140-SDN1 Current consumption (within unit) 0.1A R1, R2, V, Q OMRON Corporation: CompoBus/S (16 points) compatible R1 EX140-SCS1 OMRON Corporation: CompoBus/S (8 points) compatible R2 EX140-SCS2 Mistubishi Electric Corporation: CC-Link compatible V EX140-SMJ1 Type SR1/SR2 OMRON Corporation CompoBus/S compatible Type SV Mitsubishi Electric Corporation CC-Link compatible
For subsonic range Where P1 + 0.1013 = (1 to 2) (P2 + 0.1013) Formula based on Cv factor Q = 197.8Cv P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h Formula based on effective area Q = 11.0S P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h [650] (133) 0.2 [646] (120) 0.1 S = 2.8mm S = 5.9mm S = 9.2mm S = 11.7mm S = 6.3mm S = 9.7mm S = 14.4mm S = 10.8mm S = 15.3mm S = 24.8mm Flow rate Q kg/h VCS212 VCS213 VCS214 VCS215 VCS 13 VCS314 VCS315
Box type (Built-in silencer) B S 07 ZH 06 06 Body ported type (Without silencer) D S 07 ZH 01 01 01 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com EXH. port size Note) Nozzle diameter Symbol Size Style One-touch One-touch One-touch One-touch One-touch Screw-in Screw-in
X Olhr specificalions are lhe same as lor $andard lype. r.rc"rel raiGtin=sl IFFFEI--IF]@]xes There is no stick-slip phenomenon at a low-speed drive of 10-50mm/s, (0.2 2 in/s), and all strokes drive at a constant speed smoothly.
piLl lanp lighls wh6n hlo swilches a turned ON Eran0e P$s!
(Total Travel) From free position to total travel position I f t h e s e v a l v e s a r e u s e d f o r g u a r d i n g o r s a f e t y i n t e r l o c k s y s t e m s , i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d application should be as per BS5304: 1988.
Rotary Actuator Vane Type CRB2 Series Size: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 RoHS How to Order B S E 20 180 S Z CRB2 u Z L M9B CDRB2 B W 20 180 S With auto switch q r e !1 i o !
I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS ON THIS
If only connecting size 1 end plates to manifold. (2) AXT502-4-2 must be ordered separately. 4 S Series VS R8 Rubber Seal HOW TO ORDER MANIFOLD ASSEMBLIES FOR (4-PIN EURO CONNECTOR) PLUG-IN VALVE BASES VV8 1 5 03S W 03 D T X6 4-PIN EURO CONNECTOR X6 X13 X17 X53 * For wiring options, please refer to page 13 for more information.
EX9-ACY02-S -35No.EX-OMZ0018 (4)Cable with communication/power connector on one side Part number : EX500-AP0 1 0S Connector specification S Straight A Angle Cable length (L) 1 1000 mm 5 5000 mm EX500-AP0*0-S EX500-AP0*0-A Item Specification Pin No.
increment (0 to 60 s) 7 R/W Delay time OFF U16 0 Y 0 ~ 6000 Setting of OUT1 delay time at OFF 0.01 s increment (0 to 60 s) -98No.PS-OMW0009-C 4 How to use Product individual parameters (continued) Index Sub Access 1 Items Data type 2 Initial value Data storage 3 Set value Remarks index dec hex Output mode U8 1 Y 0: HYS 1: Wind Setting of OUT1 output mode 1 R/W 1250 0X04E2 0: Normal output
U P S E T MODE DOWN UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value. t y u i SET button ( button) Use to select the function. y DOWN button ( button) Use to change the mode or decrease the set value.
CRJ U 05 90 E F9B S With external stopper Number of auto switches Nil S 2 pcs. 1 pc.
s' i20mh) w'Bool CPA1TN ROD BOOT with Boof BORE B D E J K MM P s dTDeB TT TX TY TZ H z zz h zl 1 3 4 (351 2 7 6 2.O5 152\ o.79 1.57 0 3 9 i10l 067 117\ M8x1.25 0.28 (7\ M16x1.5 1 1 4 (30) 3.54 i90l o 5e 8;tjj (15 3,'* 1 . 1 4 (30) g 7 (95t 2.99 5.31 t135) 2.24 (581 (1031 6.06 (1541 2.05 (521 11.2) 260 (66) s T o 1 1 1 1 6 3 8 1.38 l35l 3 3 5 (85) 2.52 (64) 0.79 (2Ol 1.57 0.39 0.67 t17l 0
Free-mount Without Auto Switch Unit 20 90 S M SUA With Auto Switch Unit 20 90 S D SUA L R73 M Number of auto switches 1 pc. 2 pcs. S With auto switch unit Nil Nominal size (torque) For 1 piece, a right hand auto switch is installed.
X Olhr specificalions are lhe same as lor $andard lype. r.rc"rel raiGtin=sl IFFFEI--IF]@]xes There is no stick-slip phenomenon at a low-speed drive of 10-50mm/s, (0.2 2 in/s), and all strokes drive at a constant speed smoothly.
piLl lanp lighls wh6n hlo swilches a turned ON Eran0e P$s!
For subsonic range Where P1 + 0.1013 = (1 to 2) (P2 + 0.1013) Formula based on Cv factor Q = 197.8Cv P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h Formula based on effective area Q = 11.0S P (P2 + 0.1013) kg/h [650] (133) 0.2 [646] (120) 0.1 S = 2.8mm S = 5.9mm S = 9.2mm S = 11.7mm S = 6.3mm S = 9.7mm S = 14.4mm S = 10.8mm S = 15.3mm S = 24.8mm Flow rate Q kg/h VCS212 VCS213 VCS214 VCS215 VCS 13 VCS314 VCS315