Function: 3 (3 Position Closed Center), Piping: 3 (Body Ported), Exhaust: 3 (Common), Low Wattage: None, Pressure Specification: K (High-pressure, 1MPa), Coil Specification: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 300mm), Light/Surge Suppressor: Z (With light/surge voltage suppressor), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 3 (Body Ported, Manifold), Option: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 3 (Body Ported, Manifold), Option: U (For Large Flow), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: V (Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 2 (Body Ported, Single Unit), Option: W (For Large Flow, Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 2 (Body Ported, Single Unit), Option: U (For Large Flow), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor)
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: U (For Large Flow), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: V (Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor)
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: W (For Large Flow, Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor)
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: W (For Large Flow, Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 5 (Base Mounted), Option: U (For Large Flow), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor)
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 2 (Body Ported, Single Unit), Option: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 2 (Body Ported, Single Unit), Option: V (Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: M (M Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Series: 3 (VQZ300), Composite Symbol: 1 (Metal Seal N.C.), Function: Standard (0.35W DC, AC), Coil Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, IP65 Compliant: None, 1: 1
Series: 3 (VQZ300), Composite Symbol: 3 (Rubber Seal N.C.), Function: Standard (0.35W DC, AC), Coil Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, IP65 Compliant: None, 1: 1
Series: 2 (VQZ200), Composite Symbol: 1 (Metal Seal N.C.), Function: Standard (0.35W DC, AC), Coil Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, IP65 Compliant: None, 1: 1
Series: 2 (VQZ200), Composite Symbol: 1 (Metal Seal N.C.), Function: Standard (0.35W DC, AC), Coil Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, IP65 Compliant: None, 1: 1, Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate Rc1/8)
Series: 2 (VQZ200), Composite Symbol: 1 (Metal Seal N.C.), Function: Standard (0.35W DC, AC), Coil Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Lead Wire: M (M Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, IP65 Compliant: None, 1: 1, Port Size: 02T (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate NPTF1/4)