q IN OUT IN OUT e y y e r u r u Drain Drain Component Parts No.
-20D MHS2-25D G 25 27 28 FZ 3 3 5 FY 11 13 14.5 FX 12.5 14.5 17 CB 11 13 15 EC 10 12 14 EO 14 16 20 NB 5h9 6h9 6h9 DC 30 36 42 NA 8 10 12 DO 34 40 48 K 4 5 6 B 30 36 42 Q 6 7 8 J 10 12 14 AA 35 38 40 AB 32 35 37 O 2 2.5 3 P M3 x 0.5 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 0 -0.030 0 -0.030 0 -0.030 Model MHS2-16D MHS2-20D MHS2-25D VA 2H9 2H9 3H9 TB 5 6 6 SC 8 9.5 10 RB 16 18 22 RA 18 24 26 WA VB 2 2 3 XA 2H9 2H9
B C E G H K MM NN 5 st 10 st F 15 st R 5 st 10 st S 15 st W Q 5 st 10 st Z Bore size (mm) 6 10 15 A 15 st M3 x 0.5 3.5 3 8.5 9 41.5 26.5 34.5 19.5 27.5 12.5 3 6 32.5 13.9 25.5 12 18.5 7 M10 x 1.0 9 M4 x 0.7 3.5 5 12 46 28 39 21 32.5 14.5 4 6 34 22 27 19 20.5 10 M15 x 1.5 13 12 M5 x 0.8 4.2 6 14 50 29 43.5 22.5 37.5 16.5 5 7 36 31 29.5 27 23.5 12 M22 x 1.5 20 19 6-2-16
B C E G H K MM NN 5 st 10 st F 15 st R 5 st 10 st S 15 st W Q 5 st 10 st Z Bore size (mm) 6 10 15 A 15 st M3 x 0.5 3.5 3 8.5 9 41.5 26.5 34.5 19.5 27.5 12.5 3 6 32.5 13.9 25.5 12 18.5 7 M10 x 1.0 9 M4 x 0.7 3.5 5 12 46 28 39 21 32.5 14.5 4 6 34 22 27 19 20.5 10 M15 x 1.5 13 12 M5 x 0.8 4.2 6 14 50 29 43.5 22.5 37.5 16.5 5 7 36 31 29.5 27 23.5 12 M22 x 1.5 20 19 6-2-16
Normally open Normally closed Model Grommet Electrical entry Conduit Conduit terminal Bracket H F E D C B f M L K J A e 57 62 67 b 39 45.5 49.5 Q 39 39 41.5 Q 23 23 25.5 N 61 (68) 69 (76) 79 (89) d 47 52 57 a 34 51 58 N 69 (76) 77 (84) 87 (97) N 61 69 79 c 65 78 86 Q R 57 74 81 VXP2142 , 30 30 35 20 20 23 34 43 47 29 37 43 28 35 40 3 8 8 63 80 90 59 59 62 104 (116) 118 (136) 133 (150) 26
0.1 x mcos + msin P 0.1 x m + m P D 1.6 x D 5.0 x D 5.0 x m m mv P Pv m mv P Pv Determination of allowable load mass & pressure Inclined operation (Refer to page 29) 1 Review of operating conditions Determination of load factor () = Load mass (m) Maximum allowable load (m max) + Static moment (M) Allowable static moment (Mmax)+ Dynamic moment (ME) Allowable dynamic moment (MEmax
P O Flow Characteristics/Operating Principles P O, O Construction Detail .. PO Dimensions P O Installation PO Power Amp.: Series VEA Model / S pec ific ations . . . . P O H o w t o O r d e r . . . . . . . . . P @ Dimensions/ Handling Instructions . . . . . P@, @, @ External Connections P@, @ Features and Functions P@ Sample Applications . . .
P O Flow Characteristics/Operating Principles P O, O Construction Detail .. PO Dimensions P O Installation PO Power Amp.: Series VEA Model / Spe c i f i c a t i o n s . . . . . P O H o w t o O r d e r . . . . . . . . . P @ Dimensions/ Handling Instructions . . . . . P@, @, @ External Connections P@, @ Features and Functions P@ Sample Applications . . .
A P A 37 37 Q Q C C Pressure gauge mounting bore 1/8 4-R R 4-R 36.8 E 36.8 E R P P D D + + MADE IN JAPAN MADE IN JAPAN Model Port size A B C D E G H I K L M N P Q R AV2000-02-G AV2000-02-GS AV2000-02-D AV2000-02-DZ AV2000-02-Y AV2000-02-YZ AV3000-03-G AV3000-03-GS AV3000-03-D AV3000-03-DZ AV3000-03-Y AV3000-03-YZ AV4000-04-G AV4000-04-GS AV4000-04-D AV4000-04-DZ AV4000-04-Y AV4000-04-YZ AV5000
Q1 = M L2 = L2 + (3 x P) 3. L1 + (3 x P) L2 + (3 x P) 4. L2 = Q2 = M L1 = 5. Q2 = M 6.
Q1 = M L2 = L2 + (3 x P) 3. L1 + (3 x P) L2 + (3 x P) 4. L2 = Q2 = M Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com L1 = 5. Q2 = M 6.
Connection port on 2 sides Port Port (Nominal size) Auto switch Series Variations 10 15 20 30 MHR2 P. 491 2-finger type to MDHR2 P. 503 Rotary actuated air gripper MHR3 P. 504 3-finger type to P. 511 MDHR3 MHR2 11222-finger type Refer to the Pneumatic Clean Series catalog.
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com Buffer mounting (Male thread) Buffer mounting (Male thread) Mounting Male thread Female thread Female thread Vacuum entry port Female thread Common Female thread Female thread Female thread P. 13-11-91 to 92 P. 13-11-86 to 88 P. 13-11-86 to 88 P. 13-11
KQ2C Caps P Plugs Q Cartridge KR Fitting Boot . . . . . . . .6 .7 .7 .7 P .8 .8 .9 .9 o 't0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Spucial [nnlhunilions Page 14 IIU lrlylon lltliltg Page 15 Bmss Phe tittittg$ pase N i p p l e s . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Cdinlinars -. -14 Bushings Aalaolers 1 8 '18 1 q Ts6s .20 .20 Pftr^q 21 SAE 45" Flares . -..22-23 .24 General Assembly..,.. lmoortant Oo's and Dont's Chemical
| '-F:# l--;:r;;P-1 ir@:-] / : I il.rdn.tnl '\ !
through Q R E GB GA 4-NN MM D CB CA C K J JA E H A' A 2-P through KA B 4-T counterbore Width across flats L S + Stroke Z + Stroke (mm) Port size Bore size (mm) GA H J JA A B A' C CA CB D E GB 20 25 32 29 32.5 35 19 23 27 16 20 24 12 15 19 26 32 40 42 50 62 20 25 31 22 25 31 9 10 11 27 22.5 25 14 18 22 12 15.5 19.5 8 10 12 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 Bore size (mm) NN T S Z K KA L MM P Q R Standard
| '-F:# l--;:r;;P-1 ir@:-] / : I il.rdn.tnl '\ !
B Counterbore depth C T Y 0 -0.1 L Cylinder tube outer circumference: TC WP Hard chrome plated + special treatment X F GW 4 x LD GP D QW PW 2 x P (Piping port) 4 x 3.2 2 x 4 x MM Thread depth M W K Z + Stroke Q + Stroke WP G G 4 x 6.5 12-CY3R6 (mm) A 7 9 10.5 9 8.5 10.5 10 14 15 F 5.5 6.5 8 9 8.5 10.5 13 17 18 HC 18 25 31 38 43 54 66 84 96 HP 10.5 14 17 24 23.5 29 36 45 51 K 7 9 14 11 15
2 x JC DD Depth from bottom (not including JD) JE D (Plugged with a hexagon socket set screw when front ports are used) Effective depth FB DE 2 x JU FD BC FA AW H Q Effective depth 1.2 (UU) SD BH AY BK JD BG AX 2 x P SF AV Front port (Plugged with a hexagon socket set screw when side ports are used) AU BB (Max.