A76H 5V A96 A96V IC V V A72H A73H A72 A73 200V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Grommet Yes Reed switch Solid state switch V 100V 12V A93 A90 A93V A90V Relay PLC 2 wire A80H A80 A73C A80C A79W F7NV IC No Yes No Yes 5V,12V 100V 24V 24V 12V V V V V Connector IC 5V,12V Diagnostic indication (2 color) Grommet F79 IC 5V,12V 3 wire (NPN) 3 wire
Auto switch model Lead wire length (m) 0.5 (Nil) 3 (L) 5 (Z) Load voltage Indicator light Applicable load Perpendicular In-line Special function Type Electrical entry Wiring (Output) AC DC 100 V A90 A90V 5 V, 12 V 100 V or less IC circuit No Relay PLC 24 V Reed switch Solid state switch 2-wire A93 A93V 12 V Grommet Yes A96 A96V IC circuit 5 V 3-wire (NPN equiv.)
Type Special function Perpendicular In-line 0.5 (Nil) 5 (Z) 1 (M) 3 (L) M9NV M9PV M9BV M9NWV M9PWV M9BWV M9N M9P M9B M9NW M9PW M9BW 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire IC circuit 5 V, 12 V Reed switch Solid state switch 12 V Relay, PLC Grommet 24 V IC circuit 5 V, 12 V Diagnostic indication (2-color indication) 12 V 3-wire (NPN equivalent) IC circuit A96V
A96V A96 IC circuit 5 V Yes A72 A93V A90V A73C A80C A79W A72H A93 A90 Grommet 12 V 200 V 100 V RZQ IC circuit IC circuit 5 V, 12 V 12 V 100 V or less No Relay, PLC 2-wire 24V Yes No Connector 5 V, 12 V 24 V or less DGrommet Yes Diagnostic indication (2-color indication) Auto switches marked with a "" symbol are produced upon receipt of order.
NPN) Grommet 24 V A96V A96 5 V IC circuit A93V A90V A93 A90 Relay, PLC IC circuit 100 V 2-wire 12 V No 100V or less Water resistant type auto switches can be mounted on the above models, but in such case SMC cannot guarantee water resistance. Consult with SMC regarding water resistant types with the above model numbers.
$n &1 OPTIONAI TEFMINAIILOC( nel: AXT 622 5rl Moontlng Scr.rc Inclu&d (2'ls 4r8) 13 DIRECTIO}IAL AIR VALVE INTERFACE REGULATORS S TOP V A LV E & DCS OLE NO SERIES NVS 4,14 Intertace Regulalors Opratlon: OE|lEAAL C-ylnclff pur is contlolld by rn adjustned knob loctld on fia .gl.llalor block, Sl6ct tha rcquircd prcs. surc and push tlla knob unlil il locks.
A96 A96V A96 V V IC circuit Reed auto switch Yes 200 V A72 A72H V V Grommet 100 V A93V*2 A93 A93V*2 A93 V V V V No 100 V or less A90V A90 A90V A90 V V IC circuit Relay, PLC 24 V 12 V 2-wire Yes C73C A73C V V V V Connector No 24 V or less C80C A80C V V V V IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) Grommet Yes A79W V V *1 Water resistant type auto switches can
D-A90(V) AC DC AC DC 100V or less 20mA AC DC 24V or less 50mA Maximum load current Contact protection box OUT () Brown [Red] Reed switch Reed switch Reed switch Contact protection circuit Internal voltage drop CD-P11 OUT ( ) Blue [Black] CD-P12 D-A93, A93V, D-A96, A96V (with indicator light) D-A93(V) D-A93 In-line D-A93V Perpendicular D-A96 In-line D-A96V Perpendicular Relay, PLC IC circuit
Cautions for use in an interlock circuit 1) Switches with an indicator light (Except D-A96, A96V) If auto switches are connected in series as shown below, take note that there will be a large voltage drop because of internal resistance in the light emitting diodes. (Refer to internal voltage drop in the auto switch specifications.)
(With indicator light) D-A90, D-A90V Relay, PLC D-A96, D-A96V IC circuit Auto switch model Precautions Caution Applicable load 24 VDC 100 VDC 4 to 8 VDC Load voltage Do not fix the auto switch with screws other than the existing screw installed on the auto switch body.
Indicator light Lead wire length (m) Applicable load 0.5 (Nil) 3 (L) 5 (Z) Auto switch model Special function Type Load voltage AC DC Wiring (Output) Electrical entry Pre-wire connector In-line Perpendicular Reed switch 3-wire (NPN equivalent) IC circuit A96 A96V 5 V Grommet Yes 2-wire 24 V A93 12 V 100 V Relay, PLC A93V 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) M9N M9NV IC circuit 5 V, 12 V M9PV
3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire 3-wire (NPN equivalent) M9N M9P M9B M9NW M9PW M9BW M9NA1 M9NV M9PV M9BV M9NWV M9PWV M9BWV M9NAV1 Solid state auto switch Reed auto switch 5 V, 12 V 12 V IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) Relay, PLC IC circuit 5 V, 12 V 12 V Yes Yes No Grommet 24 V IC circuit 5 V, 12 V Water resistant (2-color indicator) M9PAV1 M9PA1 M9BAV1 M9BA1 12 V A96V
M9NAV1 3-wire (NPN) M9N M9P M9B M9NW M9PW M9BW M9NA1 5 V, 12 V IC circuit Reed auto switch Solid state auto switch 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire 12 V 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) IC circuit Relay PLC 24 V 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire Yes Grommet 12 V 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V 12 V Water resistant (2-color indicator) IC circuit M9PAV1 M9PA1 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire M9BAV1 M9BA1 A96V
entry Indicator light Special function Perpendicular entry In-line entry 0.5 (Nil) 5 (Z) 1 (M) 3 (L) M9N M9P M9B M9NW M9PW M9BW M9NV M9PV M9BV M9NWV M9PWV M9BWV 3-wire(NPN) Solid state switch Reed switch IC circuit 5V,12V 3-wire(PNP) 2-wire 12V Relay, PLC Yes 24V Grommet Diagnostic indication 2-color indication 3-wire(NPN) IC circuit 5V,12V 3-wire(PNP) 2-wire 12V 3-wire IC circuit A96 A96V
Indicator light Lead wire length (m) Applicable load 0.5 (Nil) 3 (L) 5 (Z) Auto switch model Special function Type Load voltage AC DC Wiring (Output) Electrical entry Pre-wire connector In-line Perpendicular Reed switch 3-wire (NPN equivalent) IC circuit A96 A96V 5 V Grommet Yes 2-wire 24 V A93 12 V 100 V Relay, PLC A93V 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) M9N M9NV IC circuit 5 V, 12 V M9PV
Load voltage Wiring (Output) Special function Type Electrical entry Electrical entry Indicator Applicable load 3 (L) AC DC Perpendicular In-line A90V A90 Without 100V or less IC circuit 5V, 12V 24V 2-wire A93V A93 Reed switch 100V 12V Grommet With 3-wire (equivalent to NPN) 5V A96V A96 IC circuit F9NV F9N 3-wire (NPN) Relay PLC F9PV F9P 3-wire (PNP) F9BV F9B 2-wire Solid state switch
IC circuit Solid state switch Reed switch 5 V A96V A96 Yes Grommet IC circuit Relay, PLC A90V A93V M9NV M9PV M9BV F9NWV F9PWV F9BWV A90 A93 M9N M9P M9B F9NW F9PW F9BW F9BA 100 V 5 V, 12 V 12 V No 2-wire 24 V Yes 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 24 V 5 V, 12 V IC circuit Grommet 12 V Relay, PLC Yes IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color display) 5 V, 12 V Grommet
M9NWV M9PWV M9BWV M9NAV M9PAV M9BAV 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 5V, 12V 12V 5V, 12V 12V Diagnostic indication (2-color indication) IC circuit Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Relay, PLC 2-wire 24V 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) IC circuit Water resistant (2-color indication) Grommet 2-wire With diagnostic output (2-color indication) F79F IC circuit 4-wire 5V,12V 3-wire (NPN equivalent) IC circuit A96V
) 2-wire 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire 3-wire (NPN) 3-wire (PNP) 2-wire IC circuit 5 V,12 V Solid state auto switch Reed auto switch 12 V IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) 5 V,12 V Relay, PLC Grommet Yes 24 V 12 V 5 V,12 V Water-resistant (2-color indicator) IC circuit 12 V Magnetic field resistant (2-color indicator) 2-wire (Non-polar) 3-wire (NPN equivalent) A96V