SMC Corporation of America
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Search Results "ZK2P00J5CLA-07-B"

Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 07 (1/4), Pilot Port Thread Type: M5x0.8 (or Rc 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 1 (w/Flow Rate Adjustment)

Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 07 (1/4), Pilot Port Thread Type: M5x0.8 (or Rc 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 9 (High Back Pressure with Indicator)

Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 3 Stations, Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4), Accessory: C (w/o Pressure Gauge, 3 Port Valve Common SUP Block L Side + Pressure Switch), Option: None, Unit: Z [Name Plate, Gauge & Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (PSI)]

Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 1 Station, Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4), Accessory: J (Pressure Gauge, Common SUP Block L Side), Option: 1 (0.35MPa), Unit: ZA [Digital Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (MPa)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: P (PNP Open Collector)

Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 5 Stations, Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4), Accessory: J (Pressure Gauge, Common SUP Block L Side), Option: 1 (0.35MPa), Unit: ZA [Digital Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (MPa)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: P (PNP Open Collector)

Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 8 Stations, Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4), Accessory: J (Pressure Gauge, Common SUP Block L Side), Option: None, Unit: ZA [Digital Pressure Switch w/Unit Switching Function (MPa)], Digital Pressure Switch Output Specifications: N (NPN Open Collector)

Stations: 07 Stations, Port Size: w/ø1/4" One-touch Fitting, SI Unit: EtherNet/IPâ„¢, 2 Port, End Plate: 3 [Power Supply w/7/8" Connector (Max. Supplied Current 8 A)], SI Unit Common: -COM, I/O Unit Stations: None, Option 1: None, DIN Rail Length: None, Option 2: S+T

Stations: 07 Stations, Port Size: w/ø6 One-touch Fitting, SI Unit: EtherNet/IP, End Plate: 2 [Power Supply w/M12 Connector (Max. supplied Current 2 A)], SI Unit Common: -COM, I/O Unit Stations: None, Option 1: None, DIN Rail Length: None, Option 2: Built-in Silencer, Direct Exhaust

Stations: 07 Stations, Port Size: w/ø6 One-touch Fitting, SI Unit: PROFINET, End Plate: 3 [Power Supply w/7/8" Connector (Max. Supplied Current 8 A)], SI Unit Common: -COM, I/O Unit Stations: None, Option 1: None, DIN Rail Length: None, Option 2: Built-in Silencer, Direct Exhaust

Body Class: 2 (Orifice Dia. ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32"), Pilot Port Thread Type: Rc 1/8, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: F (Body: PFA; End Plate: PVDF; Diaphragm: PTFE; Seal, Buffer: FKM), Option: 1 (w/Flow Rate Adjustment)

Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Type)

: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Type)

], Vacuum, V Port: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Type)

], Vacuum, V Port: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: E (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Long Lock Nut Type)

: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Type)

: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: J (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Round Lock Nut Type)

Vacuum, V Port: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: E (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Long Lock Nut Type)

06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: J (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Round Lock Nut Type)

: 06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Screwdriver Operation Type)

06 [ø6 One-touch Fitting (Metric)], Bracket: B [With One Bracket for Mounting a Single Unit (Mounting Screw is Attached)], Individual Release Pressure Supply: w/o Option, Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment: J (Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment Needle Round Lock Nut Type)