SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "VVX332-06-1"

1 !7 !7 !4 !1 !6 !6 !8 !8 AS w q w q ASP @0 e @0 e ASN @1 !0 !9 !6 !7 @1 !0 !9 !6 !7 AQ i ASV ASQ530F-02 type ASQ630F-03 type ASQ530F-02 type ASQ630F-03 type y !5 !3 y u AK !5 !7 !7 ASS !4 !1 !2 !4 !1 !8 !8 ASR !6 !6 ASF t q t q @0 r @0 r @1 !0 !9 !6 !7 @1 !0 !9 !6 !7 Component Parts Note Material Note Description Description Material No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 No. !4 !5 !6 !7 !

13.1 13.1 10 Uni thread 3 8 KAH06-U03 17.5 11.5 16 1 8 1 4 KAH08-U01 KAH08-U02 25 21.5 20.5 15.5 11 27 14 14 8 18.5 18.0 18.0 3 8 KAH08-U03 17 19.5 13.5 33 1 8 KAH10-U01 28 23 17 1 4 3 8 KAH10-U02 KAH10-U03 22 18 17 10 17 21 29.5 29.5 24 14 1 2 KAH10-U04 22 14 28 22 16 22 1 4 3 8 KAH12-U02 KAH12-U03 24.5 19.5 30.5 25.5 19 12 19 22 46.1 46.1 1 2 KAH12-U04 24.5 16.5 22 28 Reference dimensions

-U02 10 13.1 13.1 3 8 KAH06-U03 17.5 11.5 16 1 8 1 4 25 21.5 20.5 15.5 KAH08-U01 KAH08-U02 11 27 14 14 8 18.5 18.0 18.0 3 8 19.5 13.5 KAH08-U03 17 33 1 8 KAH10-U01 28 23 17 1 4 3 8 22 18 17 KAH10-U02 KAH10-U03 17 10 21 29.5 29.5 24 14 1 2 KAH10-U04 22 14 28 22 16 22 1 4 3 8 30.5 25.5 24.5 19.5 KAH12-U02 KAH12-U03 19 19 12 22 46.1 46.1 1 2 KAH12-U04 24.5 16.5 22 28 Reference

AC220V 220V DXT170-176-2-04 (+) () AC240V 240V DXT170-176-2-07 NO.2 (-) DC6V 6VD DXT170-176-3-51 AC DC12V 12VD DXT170-176-3-06 NO.1 DC24V 24VD DXT170-176-3-05 DC48V 48VD DXT170-176-3-53 () NO.2 DC AC DC NO.1 (+) NO.2 (-) 9 No.VEX-OMY0001 VEX3 VEX3 50,70,90 DIN DIN 1) DIN DIN () 2) 3) 4) No. 1 2 1) DIN + 2) 1) 0.5Nm15% 2) 68mm 3) Y 68 () 1) () AC100V AC200V 2)

NVEP NVEF 3 1 r T 1 0 3 4 0 T I tffi IFTC I B"dt nowj I Rate rype I I Ports Port Size Code Max. Etfective Orifice (mm2) NPTF (Base mount type) 1 1 3 02=1h 03 = 3/s I .t 1 30 Q2=1/t 03=9e O4=1/z 1 45 03 =3/8 04=1/z 06=aa (Base mount type) 1 2 02=lL 03 = 3/s 8 4.5 4 ?.

Grase No.1 Multinoc Grease No.2 Grease No.1 Grase No.2 Gemico Grease MP-1 Gemico Grease MP-2 Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Gemico Grease MH-1 Gemico Greass MH-2 Nols 1) The Erse nam No. shows the const$ency Series NCY2S Slider Type: Dimensions A _ ---+!

Grase No.1 Multinoc Grease No.2 Grease No.1 Grase No.2 Gemico Grease MP-1 Gemico Grease MP-2 Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Gemico Grease MH-1 Gemico Greass MH-2 Nols 1) The Erse nam No. shows the const$ency Series NCY2S Slider Type: Dimensions A _ ---+!

NVEP NVEF 3 1 r T 1 0 3 4 0 T I tffi IFTC I B"dt nowj I Rate rype I I Ports Port Size Code Max. Etfective Orifice (mm2) NPTF (Base mount type) 1 1 3 02=1h 03 = 3/s I .t 1 30 Q2=1/t 03=9e O4=1/z 1 45 03 =3/8 04=1/z 06=aa (Base mount type) 1 2 02=lL 03 = 3/s 8 4.5 4 ?.

Grase No.1 Multinoc Grease No.2 Grease No.1 Grase No.2 Gemico Grease MP-1 Gemico Grease MP-2 Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Gemico Grease MH-1 Gemico Greass MH-2 Nols 1) The Erse nam No. shows the const$ency Series NCY2S Slider Type: Dimensions A _ ---+!

Flow Direction Symbols on Body How to Order Meter-out type Meter-in type Indication symbol 2 1 01 06 2 AS 1 F E S K Hexagonal lock nut Body size 2 3 4 1/8, 1/4 standard 3/8 standard 1/2 standard With seal Symbol Applicable tubing O.D.

Location and size A, B port 02 Side 1/4 03 Side 3/8 04 Side 1/2 06 Side 3/4 10 Side 1 02B Bottom 1/4 03B Bottom 3/8 04B Bottom 1/2 Size of P, EA, EB port 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 06 3/4 10 1 Option No option TBU With terminal box SU With SI unit W Splash proof DISTRIBUTED BY: NATIONAL AND WORLDWIDE SERVICE NETWORK FOR A BRANCH OFFICE NEAR YOU, CALL United States Branch Offices Oceania SMC Corporation

Type Metric size Inch size Elbow Universal 2 3 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 01 23 3.2 4 6 8 10 12 03 05 07 09 11 13 04 06 08 10 12 Control type Meter-out Meter-in 0 1 Use 1/8" tube.

(g) 120 1 1 0 100 90 80 l|AN20002 U1 35 (1.9) .04 (17) NAN3OO-N03 % 60 (3.3) .06 t25) NANtrco+to4 90 (5.0) .08 (35) 60 NAN50(rN0,6 3A 160 (8.8) .36 (165) NAN6OO.NI O 1 27O llsl .46 e25) NAN700+i12 1]4 444 Q4l 1 .87 (4901 Supply pressure: 7l PSI Distance from silencer: NAN200-500-) 31t NAN6O0-7OO+ 6.5fi MN800_900 ,10f1 NANSOO-N,'4 1\h 590 (33) 2.21 (580) NANgOO-N2O 2 960 (53) 3.13 (820) Construction

series 02 03 04 06 10 12 14 20 Caution L (2) Note 1) AS800 is available as special.

4 37 114 11 7.5 8 27 50 10 262 3/8 43 116 11 10 9 30 63 10 280 3/8 47 120 11 12 10 37 80 13 312 1/2 57 132 11 16 13 40 100 13 340 1/2 66 140 12 20 16 47 125 15 340 1/2 77 140 12 20 16 55 160 20 375 3/4 94 159 12 24 20 60 109 Tie-rod Type Low Pressure Hydraulic Cylinder Double Acting/Double Rod Series CHAW Front flange type: CHAWF Width across flats G 4-FD 4-J 2-Rc P T T V V Cushion adjustment