8 #9 $0 $1 $2 Scraper 2 Piston seal 2 MY2B16-PS MY2B25-PS MY2B40-PS Cushion seal MY2B16-PS MY2B25-PS MY2B40-PS 2 Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Seal kit includes !8, #9, $0, $1 and $2. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g). When !4 and !5 are shipped as single units, a grease pack (20 g) is included.
Contents Bore size (mm) CS1N125A-PS CS1N140A-PS CS1N160A-PS 125 140 160 CS1N125A-PS CS1N140A-PS CS1N160A-PS $6 47 $8 $9 50 Wiper ring NBR Set of left nos. $6, $8, $9, %3, %4, %7 Cushion seal NBR Rod seal NBR Since the lock section for Series CNS is normally replaced as a unit, kits are for the cylinder section only. These can be ordered using the order number for each bore size.
Contents Aluminum alloy Stainless steel Aluminum alloy Stainless steel Synthetic resin Synthetic resin Stainless steel, NBR Stainless steel Aluminum alloy Brass Synthetic resin Stainless steel Polyurethane Polyurethane 6 8 12 16 20 25 MXQ 6-PS MXQ 8-PS MXQ12-PS MXQ16-PS MXQ20-PS MXQ25-PS Set of nos. above to (1 set) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Seal kit includes these seals to
MHL2-16 MHL20-PS MHL2-20 MHL25-PS MHL2-25 MHL32-PS MHL2-32 MHL40-PS Main parts Description MHL10-PS @6@7@8@9#0 MHL2-D <10>!
Contents Model CX2N10-PS CX2N15-PS CX2N25-PS CX2N10 CX2N15 CX2N25 CX2N10-PS CX2N15-PS CX2N25-PS @0 @1 22 @3 Rod seal Set of left nos. @0, @1, @3 22 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Piston seal NBR Piston gasket Seal kit includes @0, @1, @3. Order the seal kit, based on each bore size. (The piston gasket @2 is not replaceable.)
CS2-125A-PS CS2-140A-PS CS2-160A-PS Contents Description Material Note No. CS2-125A-PS CS2-140A-PS CS2-160A-PS 125 140 160 !6 !7 !8 19 @0 21 Rod seal NBR Component part numbers: !6, !7, !8, @0. Cushion seal Urethane 19 and 21 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit. Piston seal NBR Seal kit includes a grease pack (40 g).
Contents Bore size (mm) CK1A40-PS CK1A50-PS CK1A63-PS 40 50 63 CK1A40-PS CK1A50-PS CK1A63-PS @0 @1 @2 Note) The seal kit does not come with a grease pack, so please order it separately. Grease pack part no.: GR-S-010 (compatible with all sizes) Rod seal Set of left nos. @0, @1, @2 Piston seal NBR Tube gasket 187
Contents Bore size (mm) CS1Q125A-PS CS1Q140A-PS CS1Q160A-PS !8 19 @0 @1 @2 @3 24 @5 26 125 140 160 CS1Q125A-PS CS1Q140A-PS CS1Q160A-PS Wiper ring Component part numbers: !8, @0, @1, @2, @3, @5. Cushion seal Rod seal Since the seal kit does not include a grease pack, please arrange with the part numbers listed below only the grease pack separately.
CS2W125A-PS CS2W140A-PS CS2W160A-PS Contents Description Material Note No. CS2W125A-PS CS2W140A-PS CS2W160A-PS 125 140 160 !4 !5 !6 17 !8 19 Rod seal NBR Component part numbers: !4, !5, !6, !8. Cushion seal Urethane 17 and 19 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit. Piston seal NBR Seal kit includes a grease pack (40 g).
Contents Bore size (mm) MB32-PS MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS MB80-PS 32 40 50 63 80 100 MB32PS MB40PS MB50PS MB63PS MB80PS MB100PS !4 !5 !6 17 !8 Cushion seal Urethane Rod seal NBR 17 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Set of left nos. !4, !5, !6, !8. Piston seal NBR Cushion valve seal NBR MB100-PS Cylinder tube gasket NBR Seal kit includes !4 to !6, !8.
Contents Bore size (mm) MBK32-PS MBK40-PS MBK50-PS MBK63-PS MBK80-PS 32 40 50 63 80 100 MBK32PS MBK40PS MBK50PS MBK63PS MBK80PS MBK100PS !8 !9 @0 21 @2 Cushion seal Urethane Rod seal NBR 21 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @2. Piston seal NBR Cushion valve seal NBR MBK100-PS Cylinder tube gasket NBR Seal kit includes !
Contents Bore size (mm) MBW32-PS MBW40-PS MBW50-PS MBW63-PS MBW80-PS 32 40 50 63 80 100 MBW32PS MBW40PS MBW50PS MBW63PS MBW80PS MBW100PS !2 !3 !4 15 !6 Cushion seal Urethane Rod seal NBR 15 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Set of left nos. !2, !3, !4, !6. Piston seal NBR Cushion valve seal NBR MBW100-PS Cylinder tube gasket NBR Seal kit includes !2 to !
Contents Bore size (mm) MBK32-PS MBK40-PS MBK50-PS MBK63-PS MBK80-PS 32 40 50 63 80 100 MBK32PS MBK40PS MBK50PS MBK63PS MBK80PS MBK100PS !8 !9 @0 21 @2 Cushion seal Urethane Rod seal NBR 21 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @2.
Contents Bore size (mm) MXY6-PS MXY8-PS 6 8 12 MXY6-PS MXY8-PS MXY12-PS !0 !1 @2 @6 Wear ring A Resin A set of two of !0, !1, @2 and @6 each Wear ring B Resin MXY12-PS Cylinder scraper NBR As for MXY12, only one piston seal 26 is included. Piston seal NBR Replacement Parts: Grease Pack Grease pack part no. GR-S-010 (10 g) GR-S-020 (20 g) 124
9 #0 #1 #2 #5 Special resin MYH32-15BK2903B MYH40-15BK2904B 2 MYH25-15BK2902B Scraper NBR 2 Piston seal NBR 2 Cushion seal NBR MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS 2 MY1H25-PS MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS MY1H25-PS Tube gasket NBR 2 O-ring NBR 2 Seal kit includes !9, #0, #1, #2 and #5. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g). When !5 and !
9 @0 #4 Cushion boss gasket MYB25-16GA5900 MYB32-16GA5901 MYB40-16GA5902 NBR 2 Scraper NBR 2 Piston seal NBR 2 MY1B25-PS MY1B32-PS MY1B40-PS MY1B25-PS MY1B32-PS MY1B40-PS Cushion seal NBR 2 Tube gasket NBR 2 O-ring NBR 2 Seal kit includes !7, !8, !9, @0 and #4. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g). When !4 and !
Contents Bore size (mm) REBR15-PS REBR25-PS REBR32-PS 15 25 32 REBR15-PS REBR25-PS REBR32-PS !9 @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 26 Cylinder tube gasket NBR Set of left nos. !9, @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, #0 Wear ring A Special resin Wear ring B Special resin Note) Cushion seal @4 may be difficult to be replaced. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g).
Contents Bore size (mm) CV3K40-PS CV3K50-PS CV3K63-PS 40 50 63 CV3K40-PS CV3K50-PS CV3K63-PS @3 @4 25 @6 @7 28 @9 #0 Piston seal Set of left nos. @3, @4, @6, @7, @9, #0 Rod seal Cushion seal 25 and 28 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit. Seal kit includes @3, @4, @6, @7, @9, #0. Order the seal kit, based on each bore size.
Contents Bore size (mm) CVS1K40-PS CVS1K50-PS CVS1K63-PS 40 50 63 CVS1K40-PS CVS1K50-PS CVS1K63-PS @7 @8 29 #0 #1 32 #3 34 Piston seal Set of left nos. @7, @8, #0, #1, #3, #6 Rod seal Cushion seal Seal kit includes @7, @8, #0, #1, #3, #6. Order the seal kit, based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (40, 50: 10 g, 63 or more: 20 g).
Contents Bore size (mm) CA2K40-PS CA2K50-PS CA2K63-PS 40 50 63 CA2K40-PS CA2K50-PS CA2K63-PS !8 !9 @0 21 @2 Cushion seal Urethane Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @2. Rod seal NBR 21 is a non-replaceable part, so it is not included in the seal kit. Piston seal NBR Seal kit includes !8, !9, @0 and @2. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Do not disassemble the trunnion style.