P Reduced setting efforts P Reduced chance of set-value input error Cop Copy Copy Master Unit 1 Slave Unit 2 Unit 10 3-step setting -step setting 3-step setting 1 2 3 Push Push Push Push Push Push Adjust to set-value with buttons. Finish setting Added vacuum range. P Rated pressure range: 0.0 to 101.0 kPa 0 101 kPa Expanded pressure range for positive-pressure type to the vacuum range.
Output voltage (Rated pressure range) Linearity Output impedance Note 2) Voltage output 1% F .S. Approx. 1 k Analog output 2.4 to 20 mA 2.5% F.S. 4 to 20 mA 2.5% F.S. Output current (Rated pressure range) Linearity Note 3) 1% F .S.
ZS-22-A H O W T O O R D E R P O S I T I V E P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ISE4 H O W T O O R D E R V A C U U M P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ZSE4 PANEL MOUNTING KIT ZS-22-A ZSE4B ISE4 B O P E R AT I N G P R E S S U R E O P T I O N S -0.1 ~ 1MPa L -10 ~ 100KPa Non-Backlit (Standard) B Backlit LCD O P T I O N S P I P I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Non-Backlit (Standard
AV Regulating pressure range AU Ambient and operating temperature range Weight AF Model AR Port size Model IR IN OUT ARJ310-01 ARJ310-N01 ARJ310F-01-04 ARJ310F-01-06 ARJ310F-N01-03 ARJ310F-N01-07 R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 VEX NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 NPT 1/8 4 One-touch fitting AMR R 1/8, M5 x 0.8 6 One-touch fitting NPT 1/8, M5 x 0.8 5/32" One-touch fitting ITV 1/4" One-touch fitting JIS Symbol
SU P. PRESS. 1. 0 M Pa O U TPU T PRESS. 0. 0050. 2 M Pa M AD E I N J APAN So G No.
-J Dimensions PFM7-(N)01/(N)02/F01 -59No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7-(N)01L/(N)02L/F01L -60No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7S-(N)01/(N)02/F01 -61No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7S-(N)01L/(N)02L/F01L -62No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7-F02 -63No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7-F02L -64No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7S-F02 -65No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7S-F02L -66No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7-C4/C6/C8/N7 -67No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7-C4L/C6L/C8L/N7L -68No.PF-OMJ0006-J PFM7S-C4/C6/C8/N7
Steel) 4w 1P300.1P3100 DIMENSIONS MODEL 1P300 (Lever Type) l t I I I J J O
Steel) IP300 . 1P3100 DIMENS'ONS MODEL 1P300 (Lever Type) tu O O r o r n N ^ " n o r7a <6,69) (LEVER TYPE) MODEL 1P3100 (Rotary Type) O N / (2) t/4 t,tPt J o o iJ5 [8 so]]NVOLUTE SPL]NE 5HA:T 4 9 2 1 [ 1 2 s 0 0 ] r r81 lJ oool oo zzo fr ool r 1 3 T H P U H O I E S \ \ o o L O O N 0 945 I 24 001 2 7ss [7r oo] N O World Wide Ag{C Support...
Steel) IP300 . 1P3100 DIMENS'ONS MODEL 1P300 (Lever Type) tu O O r o r n N ^ " n o r7a <6,69) (LEVER TYPE) MODEL 1P3100 (Rotary Type) O N / (2) t/4 t,tPt J o o iJ5 [8 so]]NVOLUTE SPL]NE 5HA:T 4 9 2 1 [ 1 2 s 0 0 ] r r81 lJ oool oo zzo fr ool r 1 3 T H P U H O I E S \ \ o o L O O N 0 945 I 24 001 2 7ss [7r oo] N O World Wide Ag{C Support...
M AX.SUP.PRESS. 1.0 M Pa OUTPUT PRESS. 0.0050.2 M Pa M ADE I N J APAN G So No. o S o1 T P2 U Q3 V R4 W Z12 -6- 5 (1) 1/4 1214 (2) (3) (4) -7-7- (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 2 3 (1) (2) 3 (3) 1 3 1 (4) P.5 0 (5) 0 -8- (1) (2) (3) 21Nm (4) (ONOFF (5) 79Nm (6) (7) (1) (AF ) AMAFM (2) 1( 2 1.5 (1) -9- 6. (1) 1 1.5 (2) , (3) a. b. c.
AS121FM-U10/32-01 AS121FM-U10/32-03 AS121FM-U10/32-05 AS121FM-U10/32-07 AS221FM-N01-01 AS221FM-N01-03 AS221FM-N01-05 AS221FM-N01-07 AS221FM-N01-09 AS221FM-N02-03 AS221FM-N02-05 AS221FM-N02-07 AS221FM-N02-09 AS221FM-N02-11 1/8" 8.4 12.7 22.1 12.3 17.3 5/32" 9.3 7 9.6 28.8 30.1 25.1 8 33.8 10-32 UNF 16.5 26.1 21.3 11.4 3/16" 11.7 13.5 23.1 18.3 12 1/4" 16 1/8" 27.5 20.4 9.3 12.7 5/32" 17 13.4
Model no. of NPT thread is AN101N01 and AN110-N01. Note 2) It indicates the inlet pressure for solenoid valve. Note 3) It can operate in temperatures between 10 to 150C if there is no risk of the moisture in the air freezing. VEX Refer to page 5-10-13 for Precautions on these products.
-01 12.7 20.4 27.5 4 9.3 1/8" 16 20.4 27.5 17 9.3 12.7 AS221FG-01-06 AS221FG-N01-03 13.5 20.4 13.4 27.5 6 11.6 5/32" 14.2 13.4 27.1 30.2 35.2 12 32.1 NPT 1/8 R 1/8 17 AS221FG-01-08 AS221FG-N01-05 23.1 12.7 30.2 19 18.5 35.2 25.3 32.1 30.2 32.4 8 15.2 3/16" 11.4 27.1 16.5 14.2 AS221FG-01-10 AS221FG-N01-07 23.9 31 21 21 32.1 14.1 39.2 10 18.5 1/4" 13.2 17 19 AS221FG-02-04 AS221FG-N01-09 14.1
G36-4-N01 1 0.2MPa setting Z Imperial unit Name plate psi Pressure gauge MPa / psi G36-P10-N01-X30 NPT Imperial unit Name plate psi Pressure gauge MPa / psi 0.2MPa setting G36-P4-N01-X30 1Z G G36-10-01 G36-4-01 1 0.2MPa setting Rc G36-10-01-L Round type pressure gauge (with colour zone) G36-4-01-L 1 0.2MPa setting NPT G36-10-N01-L G36-4-N01-L 1 0.2MPa setting G G36-10-01-L
(N specifications) AS4200-04 How to Order 01 S AS 2 2 0 0 AS3200-03 Body size AS2200-02 1 2 3 4 M3, M5 standard AS1200-M5 AS2200-01 Made to Order Refer to page 523 for details. 1 8 1 4 , standard standard standard 8 3 2 1 Lock nut option Type J Hexagon lock nut Round lock nut Nil AS1200-M3 Direct cylinder elbow type 2 Option AS1400-M3 Direct cylinder flat elbow type 4 Nil None With seal S
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: S (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N01 (NPT 1/8), Lead Wire: J (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire)
Output Specification: S (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N01 (NPT 1/8), Lead Wire: J (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire)
Output Specification: S (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N01 (NPT 1/8), Lead Wire: J (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire), Bracket: None, Operation Manual: T (w/o Operation Manual, Calibration Certificate)
Output Specification: S (NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: N01 (NPT 1/8), Lead Wire: J (Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire), Bracket: A2 (Bracket B, Horizontal Mounting)