Series SX3000/5000 Base Mounted Manifold Stacking Type DIN Rail Mounted Individual Wiring 45 Type How to Order Manifold How to Order Valve Manifold Assembly Ordering example 45 SS5X 3 Series Valve stations Single solenoid (24 VDC) 02 2 stations 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 SX3140-5G Double solenoid (24 VDC) SX3240-5G 20 20 stations Blanking plate assembly SX3000-75-1A SUP/EXH block assembly mounting
60, 4 station manifold base part number) SY3260-5G-C6 2 sets (double solenoid part number) SY3160-5G-M5 ... 2 sets (single solenoid part number) Enter the part numbers of valves and options to be mounted under the manifold base part number, in order, starting from station No. 1 as shown in the drawing.
Example: SS3YJ3-20-03.1 set (Manifold base) SYJ312-5LZ-M3.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-1A.1 set (Blanking plate assembly) SS3YJ3-42R-03-C4 .1 set (Manifold base) SYJ314R-5G.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-2A. 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
(Manifold base) SYJ5120-5G-M5 2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) SS5YJ5-43-03-C4 1 pc. (Manifold base) SYJ5140-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5240-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-020 (20g) GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-020 (20g) GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-010 (10g), GR-S-020 (20g) (1 pack each) Order one finger assembly and pinion assembly per unit. For piston assembly and rack, order 2 pieces per unit. For rod cover assembly, order 4 pieces per unit.
(Manifold base) SYJ314R-5G .2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ300-10-2A .1 pc.
(Manifold base) SYJ5120-5G-M5 2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blank plate ass'y) PSS5YJ5-43-03-C4 1 pc. (Manifold base) SYJ5140-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5240-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc.
Free 3oc,/5G (8.3-2oooNz) Dust Solenoid Specifications Electrical Allowable voltage Coil insulation Power Apparent power suppressor Indicator light 'Consult laclory for others. o Cons truc t ion,/ Pa r ts L ist N\r232 O,/N.O. l{l|et10,,/N.c. Spare Parts Part number pxr170 c-QQ!)
Fluid /cm2) position Free lm gact/vibration resistance 1sc,i 5G (45 100OHz) Enclosure Dust Solenoid Specifications Options crommet (G) (H) Plug connector(L) (M) 0rr170-3418 NVz1120 4 For R port of valve body NAN120-M5 Noise reduction: 18 dB or more 1 1 Ov 6a/Bo Hz, 220V 5o/ao Hz . . . : t t i t i v1ry?
Example: SS3YJ3-20-03.1 set (Manifold base) SYJ312-5LZ-M3.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-1A.1 set (Blanking plate assembly) SS3YJ3-42R-03-C4 .1 set (Manifold base) SYJ314R-5G.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-2A. 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
(Manifold base) SYJ5120-5G-M5 2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) SS5YJ5-43-03-C4 1 pc. (Manifold base) SYJ5140-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5240-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
Example: SS3YJ3-20-03.1 set (Manifold base) SYJ312-5LZ-M3.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-1A.1 set (Blanking plate assembly) SS3YJ3-42R-03-C4 .1 set (Manifold base) SYJ314R-5G.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-2A. 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
Fluid /cm2) position Free lm gact/vibration resistance 1sc,i 5G (45 100OHz) Enclosure Dust Solenoid Specifications Options crommet (G) (H) Plug connector(L) (M) 0rr170-3418 NVz1120 4 For R port of valve body NAN120-M5 Noise reduction: 18 dB or more 1 1 Ov 6a/Bo Hz, 220V 5o/ao Hz . . . : t t i t i v1ry?
Free 3oc,/5G (8.3-2oooNz) Dust Solenoid Specifications Electrical Allowable voltage Coil insulation Power Apparent power suppressor Indicator light 'Consult laclory for others. o Cons truc t ion,/ Pa r ts L ist N\r232 O,/N.O. l{l|et10,,/N.c. Spare Parts Part number pxr170 c-QQ!)
Modular mounting type 2-port solenoid valve JSXM21-AN301R-5G-U-F 1 pc.
Example 10-SS5YJ3-S41-03-C4 1 set (Manifold base) 10-SS5YJ3-20-03 1 set (Manifold base) 10-SYJ3123-5G-M3 2 sets (Valve) 10-SYJ3143-5LZ 2 sets (Valve) SYJ3000-21-1A 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) SYJ3000-21-2A 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly. Prefix it to the part nos. of the solenoid valve, etc.
(Manifold base) 10-SYJ7123-5G-01 2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ7000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) 10-SS5YJ7-41-03-01 1 pc. (Manifold base) 10-SYJ7143-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) 10-SYJ7243-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ7000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
(Example) 10-SS3YJ3-20-03 . 1 set (manifold base) 10-SS3YJ3-42-03-C4 . 1 set (manifold base) SYJ300-10-7A . 1 set (blanking plate assembly) 10-SYJ312M-5LZ-M3 . 2 sets (valve) 10-SYJ314M-5G . 2 sets (valve) SYJ300-10-7A . 1 set (blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
S070 is extremely lightweight (5g for valve single unit type) and operation noise is 38dB(A) or less. It is easy to increase or decrease the number of stations (stacking base).
S070 is extremely lightweight (5g for valve single unit type) and operation noise is 38dB(A) or less. It is easy to increase or decrease the number of stations (stacking base).