Suffix of how to order (@) U2: M-5AU-2,U4: M-5AU-4-X83 U6: M-5AU-6-X83,02: KJH02-M5 ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3A-T2-A5 ZP3A-T2-B5 ZP3A-T2-A10-B5 ZP3A-T2-A10-04 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material. Note 2) @ in the table indicates the vacuum inlet.
Suffix of how to order (@) U2: M-5AU-2,U4: M-5AU-4-X83 U6: M-5AU-6-X83,02: KJH02-M5 ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3(04/06/08) UM: ZP3(04/06/08) B: ZP3A-T2-A5 ZP3A-T2-B5 ZP3A-T2-A10-B5 ZP3A-T2-A10-04 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material. Note 2) @ in the table indicates the vacuum inlet.
Dimensions H1 (Hexagon width across flats) Applicable tubing O.D. d H2 (Hexagon width across flats) L4 L3 L5 D1 L2 M M L1 Metric Size Inch Size L5 L5 L4 Max. L4 Max. Panel-cut dimensions Panel-cut dimensions L1 L2 L3 M d D1 H1 H2 L1 L2 L3 M D1 d H1 H2 Model Model Min. Max. Min. Max.
R C R C (44) G1/2 E A H 2-P Port size B (S) E G1/2 2-M Thread depth N D A H B 2-P Port size 2-M Thread depth N D L L K K N.O.
D AMR + + MADE IN JAPAN ITV MADE IN JAPAN SMC SMC IC VBA Model Port size A B C D E G H I VE K L M N P Q R AV2000-02-G AV2000-02-GS AV2000-02-D AV2000-02-DZ AV2000-02-Y AV2000-02-YZ AV3000-03-G AV3000-03-GS AV3000-03-D AV3000-03-DZ AV3000-03-Y AV3000-03-YZ AV4000-04-G AV4000-04-GS AV4000-04-D AV4000-04-DZ AV4000-04-Y AV4000-04-YZ AV5000-G AV5000-GS AV5000-D AV5000-DZ AV5000-Y AV5000-YZ M4
Terminal number Dimensions Applicable fittings size d 4 Model A L D KQ2P-04 16 32 6 6 KQ2P-06 18 35 8 8 KQ2P-08 20.5 39 10 10 KQ2P-10 22 43 12 Connector Assembly for Flat Ribbon Cables Cable length (L) 1.5 m 3 m 5 m Note AXT100-FC20-1 Assembly part no.
-03 AMD150-03 1.5 0.2 HAA7-06 HAW2-04 AT6C-04 AFF2B-03 IDF2D-1 AM150-03 AMD150-03 2.2 0.3 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF2B-03 IDF3DAM150-03 AMD250-03 3.7 0.5 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF4B-03 IDF4DAM250-03 AMD250-03 5.5 0.7 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF4B-04 IDF6DAM250-04 AMD350-04 7.5 1.0 HAA15-10 HAW22-14 AT11C-06 AFF8B-04 IDF8DAM350-04 AMD350-04 11 1.5 HAA15-10 HAW22-14 AT11C-06 AFF8B-06 IDF11CAM350
Without sub-plate D M5 Without sub-plate B M5 1 8 Base mounted style Without sub-plate 1 8 1 4 2 Without sub-plate 1 4 3 8 1 2 4 JIS Symbol M5 01 02 02 03 04 04 06 10 10 12 14 20 A M5 1 8 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 3 Body ported style 5 1 1 1 1 4 7 1 4 1 1 2 1 9 2 2 1.15-2 E-P HYREG Series VY1 Standard Specifications 02 03 04 0 1 VY140 02 03 04 0 1 VY150 04 06 10 0 1 VY170 0 1 10 12 01 02
L5 (1) L5 (1) L4 Mass (g) Mass (g) Panel-cut dimensions Panel-cut dimensions H1 H2 d D1 D1 L1 L2 L3 M d H1 L1 L2 L3 M H2 Model Model Max. Min. Max. 34.4 Min.
mounting D U Symbol A, B P , EA, EB D side mounting SY Passage Porting specifications (A, B) EA, EB P 03 04 M Mixed 3 8 Symbol 1 2 1 2 SV 1 2 Side Bottom D side For bottom ported: Rc 3/8 only.
D U D side mounting U side mounting Port size 2 2 stations Symbol 04 06 M A, B P, R1, R2 Rc 1/2 Rc 3/4 Mixed 10 10 stations Rc 3/4 Note 1) Max. 10 stations.
Note 3) Bowl assembly for AL30 to AL60 comes with a bowl guard (steel band material). 52 AL10 to 60 Dimensions AL10 AL20 L D Bracket (option) G F Port size K M A Port size C B R C J H OUT OUT IN OUT OUT IN B R P Min. clearance for maintenance Min. clearance for maintenance A AL50, 60 AL30, 40 L D D L Port size Bracket (option) Bracket (option) G F G F Port size M K M K E J C B R C B R H J
Note 3) Bowl assembly for AL30 to AL60 comes with a bowl guard (steel band material). 14-2-63 64 Series AL10 to 60 Dimensions AL10 AL20 L D Bracket (Option) G F Port size K M A Port size C B R C J H OUT OUT IN OUT OUT IN B R P Min. clearance for maintenance Min. clearance for maintenance A AL50/60 AL30/40 L D D L Port size Bracket (Option) Bracket (Option) G F G F Port size M Courtesy of
S type: White color L type: Black color (Mounting hole) B C D E F G H Model A 3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 ZH18DS-03-03-03 ZH18DL-03-03-03 ZH20DS-03-04-04 ZH20DL-03-04-04 Rc 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 20.95 20.95 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 151.1 60.95 47.7 19 3.5 24 26.75 151.1 60.95 47.7 19 3.5 24 26.75 I J K L M N O Model 3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 Rc1 2 Rc1 2 ZH18DS-03-03-03 ZH18DL-03-03-03 ZH20DS-03-04-04 ZH20DL
with M5 thread Flow direction: Right to left With element service indicator Size 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 01 02 03 04 06 10 14 20 2B, 150 4B, 250 8B, 350 11B, 450 22B, 550 37B, 650 75B, 850 Rc NPT G 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 Nil J M R T Nil B C D Option Accessory Size Bore size RT T R JR JRT MR J MRT JT MT M 03 06 04 01 02 20 14 Size 10 2B, 150 4B, 250 8B, 350 11B, 450 22B, 550 37B
size A, B P , EA, EB Connector mounting direction Symbol 03 04 3 8 1 2 1 2 Symbol Applicable base With connector M Mixed D Nil 01T, 10, 40 D side mounting None For bottom ported: Rc 3/8 only.
D 01F VV5FS5 1 06 04 Thread type Stations Series VFS5000 Manifold Port size Nil N Rc NPT NPTF G 02 2 stations Symbol 04 06 A, B P, R1, R2 T Plug-in type with D-sub connector 1 2 08 Rc Rc Rc M Mixed 8 stations U side F 3 4 3 4 Max. 8 stations Option Connector mounting direction Symbol For bottom ported, Rc is only available. 1 2 Porting specifications (A, B) D side D side mounting U side
Note 3) Bowl assembly for AF30 to 60 models comes with a bowl guard (steel band material). 25 Air Filter AF10 to 60 Dimensions L AF10, 20 AF50, 60 A G D Bracket (accessory) L Bracket (accessory) F D M G K K F M J J B E E B OUT IN H C OUT IN H C Port size OUT OUT Port size o s Drain A P Min. clearance for maintenance 25 AF30, 40, 40-06 L Bracket (accessory) A D G F M K J 40 B E Drain Min.