Stations 3 8 1 2 Port size Rc , Composed of basic unit (VER 000-A, VS7-8-FG-S-3N) Refer to Best Pneumatics Vol. 2 for details about solenoid valve. 4 2 F.R.L.
(Third station of manifold where 1 piece of VS7-8-FG-D-3M is added to the basic unit of VER2000-A and VS7-8-FG-S-3N.) Dimensions IC PVQ VEF VEP DXT334-X72-04R-04U VER Mounting section (For M8) L side VEA VY2 VBA VBAT U side D side AP100 1 2 2 x Rc Exhaust port R side Rc 1/2 supply port (L side) 2 x Rc 1/2, Output port 709
M3 male -M3 male M-3N P. 92 M5 M5 M-5ALHN-6 P. 91 Bulkhead union M-5E 6/4 P.90 Panel mount connection. M5 female -M5 female Plug Barb elbow(H) For soft nylon tube. Body rotates at 360 around the stud axis. 3.18/2.18 M-5ALHU-3 To plug unused M3 port.
Main materials Material Body Brass + Electroless nickel plating (Nipple M-3N, M-5N: Stainless steel 303) Gasket Nylon 66; GF30%, Stainless steel 304; NBR (PVC for M3) * Body of M-5E, M-5ER, M-5M is not surface-treated. Electroless nickel plate treated is available as option -X2. 11 4.
Applicable crimp terminal Caution Type E, T: 1.25-3, 1.25-3S, 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S (Round shape or Y shape crimp terminal cannot be used for Type D.) DIN terminal block type (VFR410) Male pin terminal of DIN terminal block of solenoid valves are wired as shown below. Connect to corresponding terminal on the connector. The following markings are on the terminal block.
Type T: 4.5 to 7 mm Type E: 2.3 to 2.8 mm Type D: 6 to 8 mm Applicable crimp terminal Type E/T: 1.25-3, 1.25-3S 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S Round or Y shaped crimped terminals can be not used for type D.
Applicable terminal 1.25-3S, 1.25Y-3, 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3.5 0 1 Proper tightening torque Plug lead: Grommet type Make connections to each corresponding wire. 0.8 to 1.2 Mounting screw (M3) Lead wire color Lead wire color SOL.A SOL.A () Black () Black COM COM (+) Red (+) Red SOL.B SOL.B () White () White Single solenoid Double solenoid Single solenoid Double solenoid Changing the One-touch Fittings
Recommended terminals NVFR 2000, 3000: 1.25-3, 1.25-35, '1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S (1.25mm centers) (spade type, size 4, 22-16 AWG). . NVFR4000: 1.25-3.5M. 1.25Y-31. 1.25Y-3M. .
Applicable crimped terminal: 1.25-3S, 1.25Y-3, 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3.5 Name plate: VVQ5000-N-T Drip-proof plug assembly (for G3/4): AXT100-B06A Proper tightening torque Nm 0.7 to 1.2 Electrical Wiring Specifications (IP67 compatible) Specified Layout Standard wiring Polarity Terminal no. Mixed wiring of single and double wiring can be specified on the manifold specification sheet.
Compatible crimp terminals: 1.25-3S, 1.25Y-3, 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3.5 . There is no polarity (+, ).
Applicable crimped terminal: 1.25-3S,1.25Y-3,1.25Y-3N,1.25Y-3.5 Name plate: VVQ5000-N-T Drip-proof plug assembly (for G 3/4): AXT100-B06A Proper tightening torque (Nm) 0.7 to 1.2 Electrical Wiring Specifications (IP67 compatible) Special Wiring Specifications (Option) Standard wiring Terminal no. Polarity Mixed single and double wiring are available as an option.
Ltd., Housing : VHR-3N JST Mfg. Co. Ltd., Contact : BVH-21T-P1.1 JST Mfg. Co. Ltd., 1 OUTA Motor output A (blue line) 2 OUTB Motor output B (red line) 2 DC(+) Power input (+24V) 3 DC(-) Power ground (0V) 1 FG Frame ground Pin No. Terminal Function Pin No. Terminal Function CN1 Power supply terminal CN3 Motor output terminal D o 5.
Recommended terminals NVFR 2000, 3000: 1.25-3, 1.25-35, '1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S (1.25mm centers) (spade type, size 4, 22-16 AWG). . NVFR4000: 1.25-3.5M. 1.25Y-31. 1.25Y-3M. .
VHR-3N: J.S.T. Mfg Co., Ltd.) VHR-4N: J.S.T. Mfg Co., Ltd.) VHR-2N: J.S.T. Mfg Co., Ltd.) BVH-21T-P1.1: J.S.T. Mfg Co., Ltd.) Caution Do not apply repetitive bending or pulling stress to the cable. Wiring with repetitive bending or pullling stress to the cable will likely cause the cable to break.
Applicable crimp terminal (fork tongue type): 1.25-3S, 1.25Y -3 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y -3.5 Proper tightening torque (Nm) 0.7 to 1.2 Electrical Wiring Specifications (Conforms to IP67) Special Wiring Specifications (Option) Standard wiring Terminal no. Polarity Mixed single and double wiring are available as options.
LED 10.1 LED LED PWR CN2STAT CN2SWON OFF ON ON OFF BUS IF STAT ALM MS TM) (DeviceNet NS TM) (DeviceNet 10.2IFLED PWR BUS STAT ALM CN2 STAT (LEC) CN2SW (LEC) IF (LEC) IF 28 - 11. 11.1 (ID112) (LEC)IO (ID18) (LEC) (ID18) (LEC) 11.2 (LEC)IO (LEC)ID1INData n+0,n+1OUTData n+0,n+1(LEC) IO IO(LEC) 11.3 (LEC) IO ON IOON IONo IO(LEC) (LEC) 124(5) 29 - (ID=1) OUT Data n+20 OUT Data n+3n
REG. (2) (1) Type D: 6 to 8 mm Applicable crimp terminal For lower hamber setting For upper hamber setting Type E/T: 1.25-3, 1.25-3S 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S (Round or Y shaped crimped terminals can not be used for type D.)
Note 2) The sub-plate is double wired even for the VQ(4,5)10(0,1) Applicable terminal:1.25-3s,1.25Y-3,1.25Y-3N,1.25Y-3.5 Installation and Removal of Light Cover Installation/Removal of light cover (VQ5000) Removal To remove the pilot cover pull it straight off. If it is pulled off at an angle, the pilot valve may be damaged or the protective O-ring may be scratched.
0 CG3 @2@3N@4@514B Locking at rod end JMB MB MB MB1 CA2 Manual release locking type: L CS1 CS2 Component Parts Component Parts No.
Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor With DIN terminal block With terminal block With indicator light 24 VDC or less Single AC and 100 VDC With indicator light Single 1 1 2 Applicable terminal: 1.25-3, 1.25-3S, 1.25Y-3N, 1.25Y-3S. But in the case of with DIN terminal block, it is not a terminal structure.