(Page 64) 2001 0x07D1 0 R Process data Conversion formula Intercept b F32 N 2002 0x07D2 0 R Peak value U16 0 N 2003 0x07D3 0 R Bottom value U16 0 N information Diagnostic Number of pressurizing errors U16 0 N 0 ~ 1000 2004 0X07D4 0 R 1: "R" means Read and "W" means Write. 2: Refer to the table below for the symbol.
Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.
Option 1 Piping specification Nil No option 02 Rc1/4 S Lead wire (5 m) with M12 straight connector N02 NPT1/4 F02 G1/4 (ISO1179) L Lead wire (5 m) with M12 right angle connector Output specification Unit specification 27 2 settings NPN open collector 2 outputs Nil With unit conversion function 1 M Fixed SI unit 2 NPN open collector 1 output 43 1 setting + P Pressure unit: psi (initial value
The pressure in the pilot chamber e increases and operates on the upper surface of the diaphragm r. As a result, the air supply valve t linked to the diaphragm r opens, and a portion of the supply pressure becomes output pressure. This output pressure feeds back to the control circuit i via the pressure sensor u.
(Page 11) 0x000C (12) 0 R/W Device Access Locks N 0x0010 (16) 0 R Vendor Name N SMC Corporation 0x0011 (17) 0 R Vendor Text N www.smcworld.com 0x0012 (18) 0 R Product Name N AMS-ITV 0x0013 (19) 0 R Product ID N AMS-IL 0x0014 (20) 0 R Product Text N AMS-ITV 0x0015 (21) 0 R Serial Number N "x" *3 0x0016 (22) 0 R Hardware Revision N HW-Vx.y *4 0x0017 (23) 0 R Software Revision N FW-Vx.y *4 "
l~1 "fd" , ,01 R(PT)1IB M5 X 0.8 With One-touch fillings R{PT)1/4 Rc(PT)lIB 03 'I R(PT)318 02 Rc(PT)1/8 R(PT)1/2 Rc{PT)1/4 04 R(PT)lf4 F02 G(PF)118 f03 R(PT)3/8 G(PF)lIB F04 R(PT)112 G(PF)li4 NOI NPT1/8 lO-32UNF N02 NPTl14 NPT1/8 NPT3/8 N03 NPT1/8 NPT1/2 NPTli4 1'04 Needle Valve/Flow Rate Characteristics ASP330F ASP430F 400 6 'E o,7,08,OY; E 06 12 ~300 200 3 'E ( 0 4 % r !
Rc(PT) 3/8 03 P P Connection Rc(PT) 1/2 04 P Bracket B p p Accessories 178 Bracket C p p Connection NPT1/4 N02 p p qAF3000 wAFM3000 eITV2000 Connection NPT3/8 N03 p p Connection NPT1/2 N04 p Connection G(PF) 1/4 F02 p p REGULATOR Connection G(PF) 3/8 F03 ITV3000 p p Connection G(PF) 1/2 F04 p Approx. 243 Modular Connection Part Numbers Approx. 172 ITV20ll ITV30ll Description AF3000 AF4000
(Page 14) 0x0010 (16) 0 R Vendor Name N SMC Corporation 0x0011 (17) 0 R Vendor Text N www.smcworld.com 0x0012 (18) 0 R Product Name N ITV-IL 0x0013 (19) 0 R Product ID N ITV-IL 0x0014 (20) 0 R Product Text N IO-Link/Electro Pneumatic Regulator 0x0015 (21) 0 R Serial Number N "x" *3 0x0016 (22) 0 R Hardware Revision N HW-Vx.y *4 0x0017 (23) 0 R Software Revision N FW-Vx.y *4 0x0018 (24) 0
Please use them as guidelines. +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.070 0 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.070 0 8 10 10 14 9 11 13 16 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 142.5 150.5 8 10 10 14 9 11 13 16 159 169 CD-MU03 171 181 CD-MU04 205.5 221.5 CD-MU05 Single clevis (Double clevis bracket) Double clevis (Single clevis bracket) DX -01 -03 CX -02 -04 DY+0.4 +0.2 R (CJ) R (DJ) CDH10 DDH10 2-DT 2-CT DZ
2 @6 t @4 w @8 r !1 @5 @3 @2 e !6 A A C B M(D)LUB25 y !9 i o !5 @0 Extension locking w q Section A-A !
2 @6 t @4 w @8 r !1 @5 @3 @2 e !6 A A C B M(D)LUB25 y !9 i o !5 @0 Extension locking w q Section A-A !
1 ARM Diaphragm (B) e w r y Exhaust Bleed w ARP Diaphragm (C) SUP(1) OUT(2) SUP(1) OUT(2) OUT(2) SUP(1) Exhaust Valve IR u !0 !0 !2 t r !
output PNP open collector 1 output NPN open collector 1 output + Analog voltage output NPN open collector 1 output + Analog current output Symbol A B C D ARM ARP Accessory (Pressure gauge) Pressure Switch Specifications Nil None IR1000 series: G33--01 IR2000 series: G43--01 IR-A Set pressure range (MPa) 0.1 to 1 G Resolution of setting and display (MPa) 0.001 IR IR 12 to 24 VDC10%, Ripple (p-p
and Japanese NPT1/4 (M5 female threaded) N02 Option 1 G1/4 (M5 female threaded) Rc1/8 URJ1/4 TSJ1/4 Note) Fixed unit ISE80H: MPa Others : MPa, kPa With unit display switching function Fixed SI unit Note) F02 Nil C01 A2 B2 M P Initial value psi Option 2 Bottom ported R1/4 (M5 female threaded) None Nil 02L With bracket NPT1/4 (M5 female threaded) N02L A C01L A2L B2L Rc1/8 ZS-24-A ZS-35-A URJ1
ITV2-OM00109-C P R O D U C T N A M E E/P Regulator (16points preset input type) MODEL/ Series/ Product Number ITV1000/2000/3000/2090-52* Series (Switch output: NPN output) ITV1000/2000/3000/2090-53* Series (Switch output: PNP output) Install and operate the product only after reading the Operation Manual carefully and understanding its contents.
PFMB7201 : If the error cannot be reset after the above measures are taken, then please contact SMC. [ inP] External input 3 [F20] [r AC] Accumulated flow external reset G1/4 21 mm PFMB7501 Mounting screws Screw is prepared by customer.
DIN rail is not suitable for port size F02 (G1/4). Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved DIN rail mounting screw
G1/4(ISO1179) L M12 (5m) 1 27 2 NPN 2 M SI 2 43 NPN 1 1 PNP 1 P psi() 1 65 PNP 1 1 2MPa 67 2 PNP 2 ZS-31-A A M12 (5 m) ZS-31-B S M12 (5 m) ZS-31-C L -8No.PS-OMH0002CN-D LCD () SET UP DOWN 4 24 ()OUT1ON LCD 4 UPON/OFF DOWNON/OFF SET -27-67 (-27-67 OUT2()) -9No.PS-OMH0002CN-D 7 7 "8"7 "-"()7 D Digit () 1 digit=0.01 MPa 0.01 MPa 0.01,0.02,,0.99,1.00 F 01[MPa] F.S.=1-0=
C08 C10 C12 02 N02 F02 C04 C06 C08 02 N02 F02 C08 C10 C12 02 N02 F02 C04 C06 C08 02 N02 F02 IN port size IN port size Construction The construction and materials are the same as the standard product. Refer to Construction on page 323. The symbol stands for unavailable combination. The symbol stands for unavailable combination.