D-A90(V) OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT() Blue Weight (g) D-A93(V) Model D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V LED Brown OUT (+) Brown 41 Lead wire length (m) 0.5 6 6 6 6 8 8 Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Resistor 3 30 30 30 30 41 Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions (mm) OUT () Blue Blue D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 2 2.8 4.5 2.7 D-A96(V) DC (+) Brown 4 LED
Spring return Spring extend Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l X 55 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l
Mounting bolt M3 X 25l X 30l M3 X 25l X 30l M5 X 25l X 30l M5 X 30l X 35l Model C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 CQSB125S 10S CQSB165S 10S CQSB205S 10S CQSB25-5S 10S 6.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 Single acting/Spring extend Mounting bolt M3 X 25l X 30l M3 X 25l X 30l M5 X 25l X 30l M5 X 30l X 35l Model C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 CQSB125T 10T CQSB165T 10T CQSB205T 10T CQSB255T 10T 6.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 Note) The
Auto Switch Internal Circuits D-A90V Auto Switch Weights Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 OUT () Brown Reed switch (g) D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V Model OUT () Blue Lead wire length 0.5m 6 6 6 6 8 8 Lead wire length 3m 30 30 30 30 41 41 D-A93V Auto Switch Dimensions LED Brown OUT (+) Brown D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode
D-A90V OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT ( ) Blue (g) Weight D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V Model 8 8 Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 LED Brown (Red) OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 41 41 Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+
30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+) Brown LED Indicator light D-A90 without indicator light (+) M2.5 x 4l Slotted set screw Resistor Load Reed switch DC power supply Reverse current prevention diode OUT Black () DC () Blue Most sensitive position Note 1) Operating load is an induction load.
D-A90V OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT ( ) Blue (g) Weight D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V Model 8 8 Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 LED Brown (Red) OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 41 41 Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+
D-A90(V) Contact protection box OUT () Brown Reed switch CD-P11 OUT () Blue CD-P12 Unit: g Mass D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V Model D-A93(V) Lead wire length (m) 0.5 6 6 6 6 8 8 LED diode Brown OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box 3 30 30 30 30 41 41 Resistor Dimensions Reed switch Unit: mm Zener diode CD-P11 D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 CD-P12 OUT () Blue Blue 2 2.8 4.5 2.7 4 D-A96(V) 22 (
D-A90V OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT ( ) Blue (g) Weight D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V Model 8 8 Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 LED Brown (Red) OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 41 41 Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+
Auto Switch Internal Circuit D-A90(V) Contact protection box OUT () Brown Reed switch Unit: g Weight CD-P11 OUT () Blue CD-P12 D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V Auto switch model Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 8 8 D-A93(V) Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 41 41 LED diode Brown OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box Resistor Unit: mm Dimensions Reed switch Zener diode CD-P11 D-A90/D-A93
Load weight Allowable moment MY2H/m3 MY2H/M3 MY2H/M1 MY2H/M2 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 Load weight kg Moment Nm Moment Nm Moment Nm MY2H40 MY2H40 MY2H40 MY2H40 10 10 10 10 MY2H25 MY2H25 MY2H25 MY2H25 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 MY2H16 2 2 2 2 0.2 MY2H16 MY2H16 MY2H16 1 1 1 100 200 300 400500 1000 1500 1 100 200 300400 500 1000 1500 100 200 300 400500 1000 1500 100
Auto Switch Internal Circuit D-A90, A90V Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 OUT () Brown Reed switch Unit: OZ, ( ): g Weight to OUT () Blue D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V Model 0.21 ( 6) 0.21 ( 6) 0.21 ( 6) 0.21 ( 6) 0.28 ( 8) 0.28 ( 8) Lead wire length 30 in (0.5 m) D-A93, A93V Lead wire length 118 in (3 m) 1.06 (30) 1.06 (30) 1.06 (30) 1.06 (30) 1.45 (41) 1.45 (41) Brown (+) Contact
30 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 32 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 40 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
30 25 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 32 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 40 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 60 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
Mass m X-axis Y-axis Z-axis 20 Z W 20 mm 30 mm 50 mm 2 kg 50 Y 30 3.
Model C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 Mounting bolt M3 x 25l x 30l M3 x 25l x 30l M5 x 25l x 30l M5 x 30l x 35l CQSB12-5S -10S CQSB16-5S -10S CQSB20-5S -10S CQSB25-5S -10S Example) Bolt M3 x 25l 4 pcs. 6.5 Single acting, Spring return Single acting, Spring extend 6.5 Mounting bolt 6.5 Mounting bolt 8.5 Single Acting, Spring Extend Model C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 Mounting bolt M3 x 25l x 30l
D-A90V OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT ( ) Blue (g) Weight D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V Model 8 8 Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 LED Brown (Red) OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 41 41 Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+
D-A90, A90V Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 OUT () Brown Reed switch OUT () Blue Unit: OZ, ( ): g Weight D-A90(V) 0.21( 6) 1.06(30) D-A93(V) 0.21( 6) 1.06(30) D-A96(V) 0.28( 8) 1.45(41) Model Lead wire length 30 in(0.5 m) Lead wire length 118 in(3 m) D-A93, A93V Brown (+) Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 LED OUT (+) Brown Dimensions Reed switch Resistor Unit: in ( ): mm Zener diode
Weight (g) Model D-A90 6 30 D-A90V 6 30 D-A93 6 11 30 47 D-A93V 6 30 47 D-A96 8 41 D-A96V 8 41 0.5 m (Nil) 1 m (M) 3 m (L) 5 m (Z) Lead wire length Dimensions (mm) D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 D-A90V/D-A93V/D-A96V 2 2.8 4.5 2.7 Slotted set screw M2.5 x 4 L 4 24.5 (22) 22 2 6 Slotted set screw M2.5 x 4 L D-A90 without indicator light Indicator light 2.7 D-A90V without indicator light Indicator
Bearing Style: M (Slide Bearing), Bore Size: 32mm, Port Thread: Bore 6-25: M Thread; Bore 32: Rc, Piping: Standard Porting, Stroke: 30mm