C 1. ##0016 ## 00 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 2. **No. 3.
Vibration resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each Impact resistance Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1s, Rise time 1ns Weight Note 3) 660 g Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 1/2, 3/4 3/8, 1/2 3/8 Note 1) The system accuracy when combined with PF2W2/3. Note 2) Output system can be selected during initial setting. Note 3) Without lead wire.
collector Switch output Note 4) Output Specifications Maximum load current: 80mA Internal voltage drop: 1.5V or less (with load current of 80mA) PNP open collector Output voltage: 1 to 5V Load impedance: 100k or more Analog output Lights up when ON, OUT1: Green, OUT2: None Indicator lights Lights up when On, OUT1: Green, OUT2: Red Lights up when ON, OUT1: Green, OUT2: Red Response time 1s
3flrin c8-se of (6so)sr=13.6ks 1s) a=1366=6.6s catculation formuta tor cr (o<1) 3ff9i,3?
3flrin c8-se of (6so)sr=13.6ks 1s) a=1366=6.6s catculation formuta tor cr (o<1) 3ff9i,3?
3flrin c8-se of (6so)sr=13.6ks 1s) a=1366=6.6 catculation formuta tor cr (o<1) 3ff9i,3?
Response Frequency 100Hz (10ms) Operating Temperature Range 0~500C (air should not be frozen) / 32~120F Temperature 25+-10 0C +-0.3% F.S. or less Characteristic* 0-500C /32~120F +-0.5% F.S. or less Repetition Accuracy +-0.2% F.S. or less Noise Resistance 500Vp-p pulse width 1s standing 1ns Withstand Voltage Between whole wires and case 1000VAC 50/60Hz for one minute Insulation Resistance
(Check leakag) 100 lloninntal lype Uacuum tntny: Without BufleU Wilh Ban[eil ]itting Specif ications l',.1.t':.,.l,',,,l,. : : : t : . : : . : : . ,t I , i I .. .1. q2-6 8:t) 04 . 06 Nylon tube, 04 . 06 Urethane tube olQ-s16 04 . 06 Nylon tube, a4. 66 Urethane tube szj-sgz 04. oO Nylon tube, @4. oO Urethane tube s40-o5O o6 Nylon tube, oG Urethane tube Vacuum entry Connection o2-o I M 5 x
(Check leakag) 100 lloninntal lype Uacuum tntny: Without BufleU Wilh Ban[eil ]itting Specif ications l',.1.t':.,.l,',,,l,. : : : t : . : : . : : . ,t I , i I .. .1. q2-6 8:t) 04 . 06 Nylon tube, 04 . 06 Urethane tube olQ-s16 04 . 06 Nylon tube, a4. 66 Urethane tube szj-sgz 04. oO Nylon tube, @4. oO Urethane tube s40-o5O o6 Nylon tube, oG Urethane tube Vacuum entry Connection o2-o I M 5 x
As the circulating fluid temperature is within the set range of "AS.06", "AS.06" alarm monitoring starts. Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts.
As the circulating fluid temperature is within the set range of "AS.06", "AS.06" alarm monitoring starts. Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts.
Applicable model 84 84 03 FGD-CV002-04 06 03 FGD-CV003-04 06 03 FGD-CV004-04 06 03 FGD-CV001-04 06 32 32 FGDT/F FGDT/F FGDC/E FGDC/E Note 1) Same as standard product except for cover assembly Note 2) 03, 04, and 06 indicate the relevant port sizes (Rc3/8, 1/2, 3/4).
type Wiring specifications D S Double wiring Single wiring Nil Rc G NPTF F T Port size Symbol 01 02 03 01B 02B Size 26 mm Port size Side ported 1/8" Side ported 1/4" Side ported 3/8" Bottom ported 1/8" Bottom ported 1/4" Size 18 mm 18 mm and 26 mm sizes mixed !
1s !nit,1he symbolis nr .Inpll b ocks cannot be moln1ed wrlhoul Slunrl .
E 03 05 07 09 't't 5132" 1l4', 5/16' 3t8" 1/2" 6mm 8mm H , T , U , X , N 1 3 06 08 t0 1 2 1 6 32 i10-32 UNF Thread 3 5 I l t N P r H ' L . W , r .
PA24 A-4] 3(_ _ _ 1) 0 1 2 0h _ x _ _ 0h x _ _ _ 0h PB03 TFBGN 6rad/s6rad/s 18000 0 [rad/s] 18000 PB04 FFC 100%0 100%1s 0 0 [%] 100 PB06 GD2 [Pr. PA08] 0.00100.00 7.00 [] 0.00 300.00 Pr. PA08 _ _ _ 0(21()) _ _ _ 1(1) _ _ _ 2(2) _ _ _ 3() _ _ _ 4(22) PB07 PG1 [Pr. PA08] 15.0 1.0 [rad/s] 2000.0 Pr.
Voltage Number of output points 06 10 D D-6 A 24 to 48 VDC 6 output points 12 VDC 10 output points 85 to 220 VAC Specifications 06 10 VXFC D 06 10 VXFC A 06 10 VXFC D-6 85 to 220 VAC 24 to 48 VDC Model Input voltage 12 VDC Output voltage Same as input voltage 0.01 to 0.99 sec ON Time setting 0 to 299 sec OFF p2% Time accuracy Number of outputs 6 to 10 points 0 to 50oC (No condensation allowed
3 fl0.91 o.12 (10.7) 0.31 a.s, Mlmelers In Pargnlheseg A I c D E F o H 1.75 (44.4) 1.25 (31.7t 0.gi e5.3) 1.11 {28.9) 0.75 (1s.1)0.6t1 (16.
X lmproved flow characteristics I Built-in gauges ftlodel (mm) New otd AC1000 I Easier assembly AC10 ac20 AC2000 AC2500 I lmproved ozone resistance 1 4 ac25 1 4 AC30 AC3000 1 4 4940 AC40-06 AC4000 AC4000 06 1 8 1 8 ac50 ACs000 1 8 ACss00 1 8 AC60 AC6000 1 8 I Larger bowl capacities I lmproved lubricator adlustment r 4 * , ' r | r e t & E t I l E \ A I t t l l t l t t L _ J t I \J f Better
/521 20A (Port size 06) 40A (Port size 14) p16 p10 PF3W711/511-;06 p9 p8 p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 p0 p14 (at 100 L /min) p12 Accuracy [% F.S.]