MHW2-20D MHW2-25D MHW2-32D MHW2-40D MHW2-50D MHW2-20D MHW2-25D MHW2-32D MHW2-40D MHW2-50D M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x 1 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x 1 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.5 4.3 7.4 7.4 17.7 37.2 2.9 5.9 5.9 17.7 37.2 10 12 12 16 20 7 10 10 15 20 Model Applicable bolts Max. tightening torque (Nm) Max. screw-in depth (Lmm) MHW2-20D MHW2-25D MHW2-32D MHW2-40D MHW2-50D M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x
Description Material MHY2-10D MHY2-16D MHY2-20D MHY2-25D !7 !8 !
J)3-40DA MHSH(J)3-40DB M50.8 3.2 10 MHSH(J)3-50DA MHSH(J)3-50DB M61 7.3 12 MHSH(J)3-63DA MHSH(J)3-63DB M81.25 18 16 MHSH(J)3-80DA MHSH(J)3-80DB M81.25 18 16 10 MHSJ3MHSH(J)3 MHS2 Nm MHSJ3-16D MHSH3-16D M30.5 0.88 Nm MHSJ3-20D MHSH3-20D M30.5 0.88 MHS2-16D M30.5 0.88 20D M30.5 0.88 MHSJ3-25D MHSH3-25D M30.5 0.88 25D M30.5 0.88 MHSJ3-32D MHSH(J)3-32D M40.7 2.1 32D M40.7 2.1 40D M50.8 4.3 MHSJ3
CQSWB125D 10D 15D 20D 25D 30D CQSWB165D 10D 15D 20D 25D 30D CQSWB205D 10D 15D 20D CQSWB2025D 30D 35D 40D 45D 50D CQSWB255D 10D 15D 20D 25D 30D 35D 40D 45D 50D 6.5 10 6.5 7 10 Note) Appropriate plain washer must be used for through-hole mounting.
Finger Opening/Closing Speed Adjustment Example of Using SMCs Speed Controller 1) Stroke end when fingers are opened Clearance Clearance The speed can be adjusted with the built-in speed controller in the following series: MHC2-10D to 25D, MHK2-12D to 25D and MHKL2-12D to 25D. Use the table below as a guide for adjusting the speed.
-25D -25D -25D -30D -30D -30D 10.5 -30D -35D -35D -35D 12.5 17 7 -35D -40D -40D -40D -40D -45D -45D -45D -45D -50D -50D -50D -50D -75D -75D -75D CDLQB25-5D -100D -100D -100D M10 x 125l x 130l x 135l x 140l x 145l x 150l x 155l x 160l x 165l x 190l x 215l -10D CDLQB40-10D CDLQB63-10D CDLQB100-10D -15D -15D -15D -15D -20D -20D -20D -20D -25D -25D -25D -25D 8.5 -30D -30D -30D -30D -35D -35D
CLJ2 CLQB: Without Auto Switch CLM2 Cylinder model Cylinder model Cylinder model Cylinder model Mounting bolt size CLQB20-5D -10D -15D -20D -25D -30D -35D -40D -45D -50D CLQB25-5D -10D -15D -20D -25D -30D -35D -40D -45D -50D Mounting bolt size Mounting bolt size CLQB50-10D -15D -20D -25D -30D -35D -40D -45D -50D -75D -100D CLQB63-10D -15D -20D -25D -30D -35D -40D -45D -50D -75D -100D Mounting
-25D -25D -25D -30D -30D -30D 10.5 -30D -35D -35D -35D 12.5 17 7 -35D -40D -40D -40D -40D -45D -45D -45D -45D -50D -50D -50D -50D -75D -75D -75D CDLQB25-5D -100D -100D -100D M10 x 125l x 130l x 135l x 140l x 145l x 150l x 155l x 160l x 165l x 190l x 215l -10D CDLQB40-10D CDLQB63-10D CDLQB100-10D -15D -15D -15D -15D -20D -20D -20D -20D -25D -25D -25D -25D 8.5 -30D -30D -30D -30D -35D -35D
-20D -20D x 110l x 135l -25D -25D -25D -25D x 115l x 140l 8.5 -30D -30D -30D -30D x 120l x 145l -35D -35D -35D -35D x 125l x 150l 16.5 15.5 8.5 -40D -40D -40D -40D x 130l x 155l -45D -45D -45D -45D x 135l x 160l -50D -50D -50D -50D x 140l x 165l -75D -75D -75D x 165l x 190l -100D -100D -100D x 190l x 215l 9-10-11 11 Series CLQ Construction: 20 to 32 i o ! I FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS ON THIS PRODUCT, CONTACT OFFICE. 1.239 PRECISION AIR CHUCK SERIES MHS D I M E N S I O N S MHS3-16D, 20D, 25D Part No AA AB B CB DC DO EC EO FX FY FZ G I J K NA NB O MHS3-16D 35 32 30 11 15 17 5 7 12.5 11 3 25 4 10 4 8 5h9 -0.03~0 2 MHS3-20D 38 35 36 13 18 20 6 8 14.5 13 3 27 5 12 5 10 6h9 -0.03-0 2.5 MHS3-25D 40 37 42 15 21 24 7 10
37 42 15 21 24 7 10 17 14.5 5 28 5 14 6 12 6h9 -0.03-0 3 Part No P Q R SA SB SC TB UA UB VA VB WA MHS3-16D M3x0.5 6 25 3.4 6.5 8 5 M3x0.5 4.5 2H9 0~0.025 2 17H9 0~0.043 MHS3-20D M5x0.8 7 29 3.4 6.5 9.5 6 M3x0.5 6 2H9 0~0.025 2 21H9 0~0.052 MHS3-25D M5x0.8 8 34 4.5 8 10 6 M4x0.7 6 3H9 0~0.025 3 26H9 0~0.052 Part No XA XB MHS3-16D 2H9 0~0.025 2 MHS3-20D 2H9 0~0.025 2 MHS3-25D 3H9 0~0.025 3
(M) 25D (M) 30D (M) 7 30D (M) 35D (M) 15.5 35D (M) 40D (M) 40D (M) 45D (M) 45D (M) 50D (M) 50D (M) 75D (M) M5 x 70l x 75l x 80l x 85l x 90l x 95l x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 140l CH QB32 5D (M) 100D (M) M10 x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 120l x 125l x 130l x 135l x 140l x 165l x 190l CHQB80 10D (M) 10D (M) 15D (M) 15D (M) 20D (M) 20D (M) 25D (M) 25D (M) 30D (M) 30D (M) 7 35D (M) 35D (M)
(M) x 95L 95 x 135L 135 -50D (M) -75D (M) x 100L 100 x 160L 160 CHQ CHmQB32-5D (M) -100D (M) CHmQB80-10D (M) M5 x 70L 70 x 185L 185 -10D (M) M10 x 100L x 75L 75 100 CHKm -15D (M) -15D (M) x 80L 80 105 x 105L -20D (M) -20D (M) x 85L 85 110 x 110L CHN -25D (M) -25D (M) x 90L 90 115 x 115L -30D (M) -30D (M) x 95L 95 120 x 120L CHM 7 -35D (M) -35D (M) x 100L 100 14.5 125 x 125L CHSm -40D (M)
95 x 135L 135 -50D (M) -75D (M) x 100L 100 x 160L 160 DCHQB32-5D (M) -100D (M) CHQB80-10D (M) CQ-M5 x 70L 70 x 185L 185 -10D (M) CQ-M10 x 100L x 75L 75 100 -15D (M) -15D (M) x 80L 80 105 x 105L -20D (M) -20D (M) x 85L 85 110 x 110L -25D (M) -25D (M) x 90L 90 115 x 115L -30D (M) -30D (M) x 95L 95 120 x 120L 7 -35D (M) -35D (M) x 100L 100 14.5 125 x 125L -40D (M) -40D (M) x 105L 105 130 x
{21} MHY2-20D M5x0.8 4.3{44} MHY2-25D M6x1 7.3{74} 1. 2. 1. 2. 9 3. 3. 4.
screw-in depth L(mm) Model Applicable bolt MHM-16D M6x1 5.2 11.5 MHM-25D M8x1.25 12.5 12.4 MHM-32D M10x1.5 24.5 13.5 MHM-50D M12x1.75 42 16 3) Axial mounting (Body tapped) Tightening torque (Nm) Max. screw-in depth L(mm) Model Applicable bolt MHM-16D M3x0.5 0.63 6 MHM-25D M4x0.7 1.5 8 MHM-32D M5x0.8 3 10 MHM-50D M6x1 5.2 12 4.
(PAT.PEND) Over length L(mm) Gripping moment Weight (g) Bore size (mm) Model (Nm) L MHW2-20D 68 300 20 0.30 MHW2-25D 510 25 0.73 78 905 MHW2-32D 32 93.5 1.61 2135 MHW2-40D 117.5 40 3.70 5100 Auto switch mounting at 4 locations MHW2-50D 154 50 8.27 At the pressure of 0.5 MPa MHZ Two finger types available.
MHKL2-20D External holding force MHK2-25D MHK2-25D MHKL2-16D MHKL2-16D MHKL2-20D MHKL2-20D MHKL2-25D MHKL2-25D 60 Pressure 0.6MPa Holding force (N) 50 0.5MPa 41 40 0.4MPa Guidelines on model selection Guidelines on model selection according to work weight according to work weight 30 Work weight: 0.17 kg Work weight: 0.17 kg 0.3MPa 20 Although the condition differs according to the coefficient
MHL2-10D MHL2-16D MHL2-20D MHL2-25D MHL2-32D MHL2-40D 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5 Auto Switch Mounting Bracket: Part No. 0.6 0.5 Auto switch part no.
(Nm) L(mm) MHM-16D M6x1 5.2 11.5 MHM-25D M8x1.25 12.5 12.4 MHM-32D M10x1.5 24.5 13.5 MHM-50D M12x1.75 42 16 3.