Part number Cable length [mm] ZS-37-L 300 ZS-37-M 500 ZS-37-N 1000 ZS-37-P 2000 ZS-37-C 5000 Optional Accessories Precautions Plug in and pull out the connector vertically without tilting to one side.
Designation Description Colour SF System fault Red BF Bus fault Red A combination of Link LED and Act LED Connection via PROFINET on BUS IN, and Data exchange on BUS IN Green Orange L/A1 A combination of Link LED and Act LED Connection via PROFINET on BUS OUT, and Data exchange on BUS OUT Green Orange L/A2 PWR Supply for the logic Green Red PWR(V) Supply for the valves Green Yellow Red Fig
Green ON BUS IN side: Link Green OFF BUS IN side: No Link L/A1 Yellow flashing BUS IN side: Activity Yellow OFF BUS IN side: No Activity Green ON BUS OUT side: Link Green OFF BUS OUT side: No Link L/A2 Yellow flashing BUS OUT side: Activity Yellow OFF BUS OUT side: No Activity PWR Green ON SI unit operating voltage is supplied OFF SI unit operating voltage is not supplied Green ON Load voltage
VK300-37-2-01 VK300-37-2-02 VK300-37-2-07 VK300-37-4-51 VK300-37-4-06 VK300-37-3-05 VK300-37-3-53 Rated voltage 100VAC 200VAC 240VAC 6VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC Rating symbol A1 A2 A3 LW06 LW2 LD4 LD8 DIN terminal Circuit diagram for connector with light The bushing may be damaged if the tightening torque of 0.8Nm is exceeded.
LED indicators 1 The LED indicators 1 are arranged on the SI Unit as shown in the illustration below Designation Description Colour SF System fault Red BF Bus fault Red US1 Supply for the logic/sensors Green US2 Supply for the valves/loads Green L/A1 A combination of Link LED and Act LED.
LED 1 LED 1 LED SF BF US1 / US2 / Link LED Act LED Link()1(XF1)PROFINET(Ethernet) Act()1(XF1) L/A1 * / Link LED Act LED Link()2(XF2)PROFINET(Ethernet) Act()2(XF2) L/A2 * / FO1 ** 1(XF1) FO2 ** 2(XF2) *: Link LED Act LED **. EX245-FPS1 Fig. 10-4 EX245-FPS1/2/3 LED 1 61 No.EX##-OMY0006CN
: D Manual override (Non-locking) 2-Rc 1/8 1(P) port Applicable cable O.D. 4 to 6.5 MAX.10 71.5 78.5 71 Indicator light (Type DZ only) 67.5 59 32 17 2 2-4.5 (Mounting hole) P mPm P 19 35 Pg.7 2-Rc 1/8 1(P) port A A A 11 20 26 49 300 (lead wire length) 1 P = 19 13.5 L2 5.5 L1 47.5 11 5 n-Rc 1/8, M5 x 0.8 2(A) port 19 35 n-Rc 1/8 3(R) port 47.5 11 R R P = 19 19 L Dimension n: Stations n L
Static Load
Danger: Maintenance Switch ON At normal output Switch OFF M3x5 L M3x5 L M3x5 L Time [s] How to reset the product after a power cut or forcible de-energizing The setting of the product will be retained as it was before a power cut or de-energizing.
(With L and + disconnected) (With L and + shorted) Lighted Lighted Shaded Shaded Indicator light (red) Indicator light (red) Light on Light on Light off Light off Timing chart ON ON Output transistor Output transistor OFF OFF Operating Operating Load 1 (relay) Load 1 (relay) Return Return H H Load 2 Load 2 L L 15
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: T (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: M5 (Female Thread, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: A1 (Bracket A, Vertical Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: T (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output), Unit Specification: P (Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi), Piping Specification: 01 (R 1/8), Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: A1 (Bracket A, Vertical Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: V (PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output), Unit Specification: M (SI Unit Only), Piping Specification: 01 (R 1/8), Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: A1 (Bracket A, Vertical Mounting)
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: Female Thread, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: Bracket A, Vertical Mounting, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Initial value psi, Piping Specification: R 1/8, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: Bracket A, Vertical Mounting, Operation Manual: -
Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: PNP Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Current Output, Unit Specification: SI Unit Only, Piping Specification: R 1/8, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: Bracket A, Vertical Mounting, Operation Manual: -
Series VT Not Available In The USA BACKGROUND Many current pneumatic solenoid valves are a c t u a l l y o f s o l e n o i d p i l o t c o n s t r u c t i o n . T h e s o l e n o i d d o e s n o t o p e r a t e d i r e c t l y u p o n t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t w i t h i n t h e v a l v e . W h a t t h e solenoid does is open a very small pilot valve.
M a n i f o l d m o u n t e d v e r s i o n s o f t h e V YH y r e g a r e a v a i l a b l e .
CO2 0.2 to 5 L/min 0.5 to 12.5 L/min 1 to 25 L/min 2 to 50 L/min Dry air, N2, Ar 0.2 to 10.5 L/min 1 0.5 to 26.3 L/min 1 to 52.5 L/min 2 to 105 L/min 2 Display flow range Instantaneous CO2 0.2 to 5.2 L/min 0.5 to 13.1 L/min 1 to 26.2 L/min 2 to 52 L/min flow Dry air, N2, Ar 0 to 10.5 L/min 1 0 to 26.3 L/min 0 to 52.5 L/min 0 to 105 L/min 2 Set flow range CO2 0 to 5.2 L/min 0 to 13.1 L/min
R L B 01 1 Nil F G Rc 1 8 ... ...