cable (5 m) Without cable Note 2) Note 2) Note 2) Note 2) 2 to 16 stations With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) F kit F kit P kit J kit P kit J kit G kit 2 to 24 2 to 24 2 to 16 stations stations stations Note 1) Besides the above, F/P kit with different number of pins
cable (5 m) Without cable Note 2) Note 2) Note 2) Note 2) 2 to 16 stations With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) F kit F kit P kit J kit P kit J kit G kit 2 to 24 2 to 24 2 to 16 stations stations stations Note 1) Besides the above, F/P kit with different number of pins
) 52.8 26.9 A 4 A 4 BUS OUT (91.3) E X 78.9 76.9 76.7 P 1 P 1 8.7 (69.7) 73.2 1 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 BUS IN 56.6 P 3/5 E 3/5 E PWR B 2 2 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 (For DIN rail mounting) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] [X: External pilot port] 7.5 11.8 Applicable tube O.D.: 4, 5/32" [Communication connector D-sub] BUS OUT BUS 1 P P 1 B 2 B 2 2 2 BUS IN 3/5 E E 3/5 PWR PWR A 4 4 A 4 4 Note
Applicable fluid 1 Model Air Water Oil Steam Medium vacuum For Air For Air VX2 0 Page 5 2 For Medium vacuum For Medium vacuum VX2 4 Page 10 2 For Water For Water VX2 2 Page 14 2 2 For Oil For Oil VX2 3 Page 16 Can be used with heated water. 2 2 2 For Steam For Steam VX2 5 Page 18 1 For details, refer to pages 45 and 46. 2 Refer to the individual specifications for each fluid.
2) Note 2) Be sure to use a regenerative absorption unit (LC7R-K1A) with this controller (with brake).
2 !0 !8 @1 !6 t o @2 @5 !3 Component Parts No. Description Material Note 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No.
2 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 21 11 9 8 6 3 9 3 3 22 23 25 26 27 28 23 7 5 2 2 5 2 5 35 36 20 12 10 15 16 17 18 19 13 15 10 16 17 4 4 4 34 24 14 2B 1B 2A 3A 1A 3B Main Board PCB2 2/2 1/2 23 22 25 26 27 22 37 38 39 40 32 20 20 21 10 12 13 15 16 15 16 18 24 24 11 14 3 9 8 6 2 7 7 2 5 (CN8) 4 4 1 1 1 5 1 21 11 3 9 8 6 1 23 2 22 25 26 27 1 22 2 2 7 7 6 2 7 5 (CN5) 1 37 2 38 4 39 3 40 32 3 20 2 20
1-5 1.7 Waste Disposal . 1-6 1.7.1 Disposal of refrigerant and compressor oil . 1-6 1.7.2 Disposal of product . 1-6 1.8 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) . 1-7 Chapter 2 Name and Function of Parts . 2-1 2.1 Model Number of Product . 2-1 2.1.1 HRR010-A-10. 2-1 2.1.2 HRR010-W-10. 2-2 2.1.3 HRR010-A-20. 2-3 2.1.4 HRR010-W-20. 2-4 2.2 Name and Function of Parts . 2-5 2.2.1 HRR010-A-10/20. 2-5
) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) 1 10 75 80 90 Different surfaces 20 55 75 80 90 Same surface 20 + 35 (n 2) 75 + 35 (n 2) 80 + 35 (n 2) 90 + 35 (n 2) Different surfaces D-A44C (n = 2, 3, 4) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) O 55 + 50 (n 2) 75 + 50 (n 2) 80 + 50 (n 2) 90 + 50 (n 2) Same surface (n = 2, 3, 4) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) 1 10 75 80 90 2 (Different
(Including nut, screw, (spacer)) Applicable bore size (mm) 12 BQ-1 BQ-1 Cylinder series 40 BQ-2 BMU1-025 80 BQ-2 32 BQ-2 BMU1-025 50 BQ-2 BMU1-025 100 BQ-2 25 BQ-1 BMU1-025 140 BQ-2 160 BQ-2 125 BQ-2 BQ-1 20 63 BQ-2 BMU1-025 16 BQ-1 CDQ2 MDU RSDQ MK, MK2 CE1 CXT BQ-1 BQ-2 BQ-1 BQ-2 BQ-2 BQ-2 [Mounting screws set made of stainless steel] The set of stainless steel mounting screws (with nuts
2-2 Names of the parts (This drawing shows HRS090-A-20.)
Diagnostics type 2 Table 9-7 Overview of Diagnostics type 2 Byte Description 0 General diagnostics 1 1 Valve diagnostics 1 2 General diagnostics 2 3 Valve diagnostics 2
2 @7 #2 r @8 u o y t @1 @2 @5 @4 @3 CY1HT32 @6 Material Note Parts list Material Note Parts list Qty. 1 2 1 2 2 1 5 5 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Qty. 2 2 2 2 1 4 2(4) 2 4 2 2 4(2) 1 2 4 2 Description Body Plate Cylinder tube Piston Piston nut Shaft Piston side yoke External slider side yoke Magnet A Magnet B External slider tube Spacer Space ring Slide
Stations Stations Scale: 37% [With external pilot] 2n2-One-touch fitting (A, B ports) Applicable tube O.D.: 4 6 13.3 (Pitch) P= 10.5 13.3 24 24 16.2 17.8 16.2 17 36.7 34 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 R 3 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 R 3 B 2 PE X A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 P 1 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 P 1 A 4 2-One-touch fitting 2-One-touch fitting (P, R ports) Applicable tube O.D.: 8 (X, PE ports) Applicable tube O.D.: 6 2n1-M5
2 !1 w #3 !6 @4 @5 @2 @1 r #0 #4 #2 o !5 @8 @3 REBHT32 @6 Parts list Parts list No. Description Material Note No.
(Including nut, screw, (spacer)) Applicable bore size (mm) 12 BQ-1 BQ-1 Cylinder series 40 BQ-2 BMU1-025 80 BQ-2 32 BQ-2 BMU1-025 50 BQ-2 BMU1-025 100 BQ-2 25 BQ-1 BMU1-025 140 BQ-2 160 BQ-2 125 BQ-2 BQ-1 20 63 BQ-2 BMU1-025 16 BQ-1 CDQ2 MDU RSDQ MK, MK2 CE1 CXT BQ-1 BQ-2 BQ-1 BQ-2 BQ-2 BQ-2 [Mounting screws set made of stainless steel] The set of stainless steel mounting screws (with nuts
) Note) 45.7 (35.8) 81.5 2 2 Note) Range within which the fingers can move when it returns to origin.
5.5 through 2-9.5 counterbore with depth 5.3 2-M4 x 0.7 with depth 6 64 25 62 23 11.5 50 28 6 12 12 30 10 M6 x 1.0 x 18.5 53 CXS20 2-M5 x 0.8 2-6.9 through 2-11 counterbore with depth 6.3 2-M5 x 0.8 with depth 7.5 80 30 78 28 14 60 35 6 12 12 30 12 M6 x 1.0 x 18.5 64 CXS25 2-M6 x 1.0 2-6.9 through 2-11 counterbore with depth 6.3 2-M5 x 0.8 with depth 8 98 38 96 36 18 75 44 8 16 14 30 16 M8
No.EX##-OMY0006CN SI / / EX245-FPS1 EX245-FPS2 EX245-FPS3 / / EX245-DX1 / / EX245-DY1 EX245-FPS1/2/3 Firmware version (FW) : 2.1.X(X 0 ) Hardware version (HW) : 03 FW : FW : watch dog : PROFINET FW 2. 1.