Body Size: 20, Back Flow: w/o Backflow, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Options: BCE (B+C+E), Set Pressure: 0.05 to 0.85 MPa Setting, Bowl: 6 (Nylon Bowl), Bowl Guard: None, Drain Port: w/Drain Cock, Exhaust Mechanism: Relieving Type, Flow Direction: R (Flow Direction: Right to Left), Drain Cock w/Barb Fitting: None, Pressure Units: Z [Product: psi, °C; Pressure Gauge: psi (and MPa
Body Size: 20, Back Flow: w/o Backflow, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Options: BCE (B+C+E), Set Pressure: 0.05 to 0.85 MPa Setting, Bowl: 2 (Metal Bowl), Bowl Guard: None, Drain Port: w/Drain Cock, Exhaust Mechanism: Relieving Type, Flow Direction: Flow Direction: Left to Right, Drain Cock w/Barb Fitting: None, Pressure Units: Product: MPa, °C; Pressure Gauge: MPa
Body Size: 20, Backflow: w/o Backflow Function, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Mounting: B (w/Bracket), Set Pressure: 0.05 to 0.85 MPa, Exhaust Mechanism: Relieving Type, Flow Direction: Left to Right, Knob: Downward, Pressure Unit: Name Plate and Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units; MPa
Body Size: 20, Backflow: K (w/Backflow Function), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Mounting: B (w/Bracket), Set Pressure: 0.05 to 0.85 MPa, Exhaust Mechanism: Relieving Type, Flow Direction: Left to Right, Knob: Downward, Pressure Unit: Name Plate and Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units; MPa
Body Class: 1 (Class 1, Orifice ø2), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT), Material: B (Body: PPS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Body Class: 1 (Class 1, Orifice ø2), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: R, Rc, Material: B (Body: PPS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Model: LVH20 (Body Class 2, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Pilot Port Thread: N (NPT), Material: B (Body: PPS, Actuator Section: PP, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Series: 25A-PFM7, Flow Rate Range: 10 [0.2 to 10 (5) L/min], Port Size: 01 (Rc1/8), Piping Entry Direction: Straight, Output Specification: B (2 PNP Outputs), Unit Specification: Unit Switching Function, Operation Manual: With Instruction Manual, Calibration Certificate: None, Connector: W (Lead Wire w/Connector, 2 m; Rubber Cover for Connector, Silicon Rubber)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: LO (L Plug Connector, w/o Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: W3 (M8 Connector, w/Connector Cable, 1000mm), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: Rc, Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal, w/Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: W3 (M8 Connector, w/Connector Cable, 1000mm), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: T (NPTF), Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal, w/Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: LO (L Plug Connector, w/o Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: D (DIN Terminal, w/Connector), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: w/o Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Manual Override: D (Push-turn Locking, Slotted Type), A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT), Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: WO (M8 Connector, w/o Connector Cable), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: T (NPTF), Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 3 (3 Position, Closed Center), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: WO (M8 Connector, w/o Connector Cable), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: T (NPTF), Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position, Single), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: WO (M8 Connector, w/o Connector Cable), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: Rc, Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 3 (3 Position, Closed Center), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: WO (M8 Connector, w/o Connector Cable), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: Non-Locking Push Type, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: Rc, Bracket: F2 (w/Side Bracket)
Series: 5 (10-SY5000), Actuation: 3 (3 Position, Closed Center), Coil Specification: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: L [L Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire, (300mm)], Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: E (Push-turn Locking, Lever Type), A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8)