Body Size: 100 (M5 Basis), Applicable Tubing: 03 (5/32")
This is a legacy product, and replaced byAS1311F-M5-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byXTO-674-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byAFM30-03-A
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-4D1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byAL40-03-A
This is a legacy product, and replaced byAS3201-03-F08S
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-1DZ1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-3D1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-3DZ1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-5D1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-5DZ1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5120-5G1-03
This is a legacy product, and replaced byVF5220-3DZ1-03
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 03 (Rcø3, NPT1/8), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: N (Body: PFA, Actuator Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 07 (1/4), Port B OUT: 03 (NPT1/8), Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Size: 3, Set Pressure: 2 (1.5 to 116 psi [0.01 to 0.8 MPa]), Exhaust Direction: 2 (Rear Exhaust), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Option: GH (Round Type Pressure Gauge + w/Hexagon Panel Nut, for Panel Mount), Semi-standard: Z (Name Plate & Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units: psi)
Body Size: 25, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Option: Standard, Attachment: V (3-Port Valve for Residual Pressure Release; Mounting: AF+AR+V), Semi-Standard 1: 2 (Metal Bowl), Semi-Standard 2: Z (Name Plate, Caution Plate for Bowl, & Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units: psi, °F)
Body Size: 30, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Option: Standard, Attachment: V (3-Port Valve for Residual Pressure Release; Mounting: AF+AR+V), Semi-Standard 1: 2J (2 + J), Semi-Standard 2: Z (Name Plate, Caution Plate for Bowl, & Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units: psi, °F)
Body Size: 30, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Option: Standard, Attachment: V1 (3-Port Valve for Residual Pressure Release; Mounting: V+AF+AR), Semi-Standard 1: 2 (Metal Bowl), Semi-Standard 2: Z (Name Plate, Caution Plate for Bowl, & Pressure Gauge in Imperial Units: psi, °F)