SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
Dimensions/Construction (13) 44 (23) (5000) (3000) (500) t r y Component Parts e u No.
A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port
Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E(Option)Model Port size A B C D E--Bracket dimensions----INA-11-4041 4, 3 8, 1 28017015
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
SMC's E-MY2 series e-rodless actuators require no programming, and have both the operational ability of an air cylinder, and the speed controllability of an electric actuator. The series consists of the E-MY2B (basic), E-MY2C (cam follower guide), E-MY2H (linear guide, single axis), and the E-MY2HT (linear guide, double axis) styles.
Sw itch Fan M otor IDFB3E-11-A Air Outlet Air Inlet Cooler Drain Outlet Drain Separator Capillary Tube Capacity Control Valve Pressure Switch Condensor Fan Motor Compressor Evaporation Thernareter 6-5 Compressed Air and Refrigerant IDFB Series 6 6 IDX-OM-W019 Air Dryer 6 References IDFB4E to 11E-11-A H eat E xchanger A ir Inlet A ir O utlet E vaporation Therm om eter C apacity C ontrol V
16 59 63 End lock mechanism dimensions MGPL (ball bushing)/A, DB, E dimensions (mm) (mm) E A HN (Max.)
8363C.A5 & @l w Gommd DA8 ,n e), s63 121t2) 00 {3 1/8), 0100 (a) HailTyp DA5 O D-46 o : Available, X: Nol avilad NCDRAIBW3o-O-A7 Re e d Sw ilc h Spe c ific atio ns [od6l I}472 D{72H tra?t. BATTI D Tdl sr80 , &ttdr &r51 tr56 trt6,w D-lft Rday, Seqlericer lC CircLiil Applc.ton Rlay, Sequenc6r tc Cir!
D-F7BV D-F7BAL, D-J79W D.A72,D-A72H B i r w n l 8 t u w n (Black) D.F7PW D-E80A D-E73A (Black) o Reed swil.h o e Beed swltch Brue :Ei*" lblack) ked) D.A76H. D-E75A (+) E | 'FesisLort Black ;fi-+4--lrl" (-) o Series NCX2 6.14 10.14 Aub sr.
With valve Without valve ZL1 Lead wire length 1.2mm 12 Nozzle diameter 0.5m 2.9m Nil L Digital vacuum pressure switch specifications Exhaust specifications Built-in silencer Port exhaust Nil P For E (ZSE4) EB (ZSE4B) 25 26 65 27 26 67 Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9)m NPN output Analog output PNP output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9)m Exhaust port thread specification (port exhaust only) Lead wire
View port View port G1/2 499 FHIA Series Construction/Seal List Differential pressure indicator Differential pressure indication switch w O-ring Blanking cap Wave washer q O-ring Hexagon socket head cap screw Cover Case OUT Relief valve Differential pressure indication switch e O-ring Element r Base seal Applicable model Set contents Replacement parts Description Part no. e O-ring FHIAN Two